.. include:: /../getting_started/vars.rst .. _section-telemetry-logs: Logs ==== *Observability Framework* stores the log messages generated by |Connext| applications and stores them in a third-party backend for analysis. Log messages generated before *Observability Library* is enabled are not stored. Each log message is divided into three parts to facilitate analysis, as illustrated in :numref:`FigureLogMessage`. .. figure:: ../static/log-message-format.png :figwidth: 90 % :alt: Log Message Format :name: FigureLogMessage :align: center Log Message Format This release only supports MIDDLEWARE as a Syslog Facility. Future releases will also provide support for SECURITY, SERVICE, and USER. Syslog Level can have the following values: EMERGENCY, ERROR, WARNING, INFORMATIONAL, or DEBUG. The mapping between |Connext| Log Levels and Syslog Levels is as follows: .. list-table:: Log Level Mapping :name: TableLogLevelMapping :widths: 40 20 40 :header-rows: 1 * - NDDS_Config_LogLevel - Syslog Level - Minimum Syslog Verbosity that lets the message pass through * - NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL_ERROR - EMERGENCY - ERROR * - NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR - ERROR - ERROR * - NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING - WARNING - WARNING * - NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL_STATUS_LOCAL - INFORMATIONAL - INFORMATIONAL * - NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL_STATUS_REMOTE - INFORMATIONAL - INFORMATIONAL * - NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG - DEBUG - DEBUG .. note:: In the current release, it is not possible to filter only emergency (NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL_ERROR) log messages from *Observability Dashboards*. The Activity Context provides context for the log message associated with it. The information provided by the activity context includes a sequence of activities and resources to which the activities apply. Comparing the Activity Context to traces and spans in OpenTelemetry, you can think of the activity context as a trace and the individual activities within the activity context as spans within the trace. For additional information on the Activity Context, see :link_connext_dds_pro_um_up_one:`Format of Logged Messages <#users_manual/Format_of_Logged_Messages.htm#Activity>` in the *RTI Connext Core Libraries User's Manual*. The Activity Context is available by default in all log messages generated by a |Connext| application. However, you can disable this information by using the APIs in the C language binding: see :link_connext_dds_api_c_up_one:`NDDS_Config_Logger_set_print_format ` and :link_connext_dds_api_c_up_one:`NDDS_Config_Logger_set_print_format_by_log_level `. The same APIs are available in other language bindings.