4.2 LBED Properties

Table 4.1 LBED Configuration Properties for Connext describes the name/value pairs (properties) that you can use to configure the LBED plugin. They should be configured at the DomainParticipant level.

Table 4.1 LBED Configuration Properties for Connext

Property Name

Property Value and Description


Required only when the plugin is enabled using the LBED Properties (see 3.4.2 Using the LBED Plugin Properties).

String indicating the prefix name of the plugin that will be loaded by Connext.

Set the value to dds.discovery.endpoint.<string>, where <string> can be any string you want, as long as you use the same string consistently for all the properties in this table. Our example uses lbediscovery:



Required only when the plugin is enabled using the LBED Properties (see 3.4.2 Using the LBED Plugin Properties).

The name of the dynamic library that contains the LBED plugin implementation. This library must be in the path during run time for use by Connext.

Set the value to rtilbedisc.




Required only when the plugin is enabled using the LBED Properties (see 3.4.2 Using the LBED Plugin Properties).

The name of the function that will be called by Connext to create an instance of the LBED plugin.

Set the value to DDS_LBEDiscoveryPlugin_create.





The absolute or relative path to the file that contains the DDS-XML static definition of the endpoints that must be discovered.



Use this property only if:

  • You want to use a separate file to specify the DDS-XML static definition of the endpoints instead of using the USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml of your application. See 3.5.2 Using a Separate XML File.
  • You ran into the known issue “LBED is not able to automatically load the USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml if the utilized API uses a QosProvider and the file is not placed in default locations”. See 4.4 Known Issues for further information.



The verbosity for the plugin, for debugging purposes.

  • -1: Silent
  • 0: Exceptions only (default)
  • 1: Warnings
  • 2 and up: Debug



Note: the LBED logging verbosity is per application. The last DomainParticipant using LBED and explicitly setting this property will apply that setting to all the DomainParticipants using LBED within the application. If not explicitly set, the verbosity will be left unchanged. Therefore, if no DomainParticipant has configured the LBED verbosity, it will be left to the default value.



By default, property names given in the PropertyQoSPolicy are validated to avoid using incorrect or unknown names (for example, due to a typo). This property configures the validation of the property names associated with the plugin:

  • VALIDATION_ACTION_EXCEPTION: validate the properties. Upon failure, log errors and fail.
  • VALIDATION_ACTION_SKIP: skip validation.
  • VALIDATION_ACTION_WARNING: validate the properties. Upon failure, log warnings and do not fail.

If this property is not set, the plugin property validation behavior will be the same as that of the DomainParticipant, which by default is VALIDATION_ACTION_EXCEPTION. See Property Validation, in the RTI Connext Core Libraries User's Manual.