.. include:: ../../../recorder.4.0/srcDoc/vars.rst .. _section-converter_usage: Usage ===== This section explains how to run |CONV| from a command line. In particular, it describes: - How to Start |CONV| (:numref:`section-starting-converter`). - |CONV| command-line parameters (:numref:`section-converter-command-line-parameters`). .. _section-starting-converter: Starting Converter ------------------ |CONV| runs as a separate application. The script to run the executable is in ``/bin``. (See :numref:`section-doc-paths` for the path to NDDSHOME.) .. code-block:: bash rticonverter [options] To start |CONV| with a default configuration, enter: .. code-block:: bash $NDDSHOME/bin/rticonverter *Converter* is pre-loaded with a builtin configuration that has default settings. See :numref:`section-builtin-config-converter`. .. note:: To run *Converter* on a *target* system (not your host development platform), you must first select the target architecture. To do so, either: * Set the environment variable ``CONNEXTDDS_ARCH`` to the name of the target architecture. (Do this for each command shell you will be using.) * Or set the variable ``connextdds_architecture`` in the file ``rticommon_config.[sh/bat]`` to the name of the target architecture. (The file is ``resource/scripts/rticommon_config.sh`` on Linux or macOS systems, ``resource/scripts/rticommon_config.bat`` on Windows systems.) If the ``CONNEXTDDS_ARCH`` environment variable is set, the architecture in this file will be ignored. .. _section-converter-command-line-parameters: Converter Command-Line Parameters --------------------------------- The following table describes all the command-line parameters available in |CONV|. To list the available parameters, run ``rticonverter -help``. All command-line parameters are optional; if specified, they override the values of any corresponding settings in the loaded XML configuration. See :numref:`section-convert-config-XML-tags` for the XML elements that can be overridden with command-line parameters. .. list-table:: Converter Command-Line Parameters :name: ConverterHelp :widths: 38 62 :header-rows: 1 :class: longtable * - Parameter - Description * - -cfgFile - Semicolon-separated list of configuration file paths. |br| **Default:** Unspecified * - -cfgName - Configuration name. This name is used to find a matching ```` tag in the configuration file. * - -D= - Defines a variable that can be used as an alternate replacement for XML environment variables, specified in the form $(VAR_NAME). |br| Note that definitions in the environment take precedence over these definitions. * - -help - Shows this help. * - -verbosity [:] - Controls what type of messages are logged. |br| is the verbosity level for the service logs and is the verbosity level for the DDS logs. Both can take any of the following values: - ``SILENT`` - ``ERROR`` - ``WARN`` - ``LOCAL`` - ``REMOTE`` - ``ALL`` **Default:** ``ERROR:ERROR`` * - -version - Prints the program version and exits. Working With Large Data ----------------------- The built-in SQLite plugin implementation available in |CONV| is prepared to handle any type size and storage format. However, when working with large data types and massive files (or filesets), |CONV| may take a while to prepare SQL statements to work with the data, resulting in a delay when starting the conversion process. Because of this delay, it is recommended that you index the user data tables for those large topics before running |CONV| on them. Indexing can massively improve |CONV|'s startup time for those topics. You can create the indexes offline, after Recording Service has finished recording all the data. Index the tables on the ``SampleInfo_reception_timestamp`` field. For example, imagine a table, ``VeryLargeTopic@0``, has been created by Recording Service; you can use the following index creation statement: .. code-block:: sql CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS [VeryLargeTopic@0_idx_rt] ON [VeryLargeTopic@0] (SampleInfo_reception_timestamp)