.. include:: ../../../vars.rst .. _section-administration-view-physical: Physical View ============= .. figure:: ../../../_static/administration/physicalView.png :alt: Physical view :name: Physical view :align: center :figWidth: 100% ======== Overview ======== The physical tree presents a hierarchical view of your distributed system. It shows a list of hosts, and the services and processes running on each host. For each host that is running |CONNEXT| processes, |AC| will display these processes, either by their name or process ID. The process name is identified by the name of the first DomainParticipant, which can be set with the "DomainParticipantQos.participant_name.name" QoS value. See the *Core Libraries and Utilities User's Manual* or the API Reference HTML documentation for more details on how to set this. .. |ICON_ERROR| image:: ../../../_static/administration/branding/icons/error.png .. |ICON_WARNING| image:: ../../../_static/administration/branding/icons/warning.png .. |ICON_PHYSICAL_VIEW_TOOLBAR| image:: ../../../_static/administration/physicalView_toolbar.png .. |ICON_EXPAND_ALL| image:: ../../../_static/administration/branding/icons/tree_expand_all.gif .. |ICON_COLLAPSE_ALL| image:: ../../../_static/administration/branding/icons/tree_collapse_all.gif .. |ICON_TREE_CLEANUP| image:: ../../../_static/administration/branding/icons/tree_cleanup.gif .. |ICON_EXPAND_VIEW_MENU| image:: ../../../_static/administration/viewmenu.png The rows in this view indicate health with error |ICON_ERROR| and warning |ICON_WARNING| badges. You can filter the tree by typing in the text box (which says "type filter text" when it is empty). ======= Toolbar ======= The toolbar |ICON_PHYSICAL_VIEW_TOOLBAR| in this view contains controls to: * |ICON_EXPAND_ALL| Expand all tree nodes. * |ICON_COLLAPSE_ALL| Collapse all tree nodes. * |ICON_TREE_CLEANUP| Remove entities that are no longer present. * |ICON_EXPAND_VIEW_MENU| Expand the view menu, which contains items for filtering (see next section). * Minimize and maximize the view. ============ Filter Menus ============ The filter menus allow filtering by health state or by health reason. .. figure:: ../../../_static/administration/physicalView_filter_by_health_menu.png :alt: Physical view filter by health menu :name: Physical view filter by health menu :align: center :figWidth: 100% .. figure:: ../../../_static/administration/physicalView_filter_by_reason_menu.png :alt: Physical view filter by reason :name: Physical view filter by reason :align: center :figWidth: 100%