.. include:: ../../vars.rst .. _section-data-visualization-topic-data-tab: Topic Data Tab ============== The Topic Data Tab contains buttons to create and interact with a subscription to the associated Topic. It also displays the most recent update of each instance related to the Topic. If the Topic is not keyed, there will be only one row, which shows the latest data from the Topic. When in the Data Visualization perspective, the Topic Data tab will be automatically activated when a Topic View is opened. .. figure:: ../../_static/datavisualization/topic_data_tab2.png :alt: Topic Data Tab :name: Topic Data Tab :align: center :figWidth: 100% ======= Actions ======= .. |ICON_SUBSCRIPTION_PROPERTIES| image:: ../../_static/datavisualization/icons/subscription_properties.png .. |ICON_AUTO_WIDTH| image:: ../../_static/datavisualization/icons/autoWidth.png .. |ICON_CLEAN_UP| image:: ../../_static/datavisualization/icons/cleanup.gif .. |ICON_EXPORT_TO_FILE| image:: ../../_static/datavisualization/icons/exportToFile.png .. |ICON_KEY| image:: ../../_static/datavisualization/icons/key.png .. |ICON_MESSAGE_INFO| image:: ../../_static/datavisualization/message_info.gif * **Subscribe/Unsubscribe**: see :ref:`section-data-visualization-subscribe-unsubscribe-to-topic`. * **Pause/Resume Subscription**: Pause/Resume passing received data to the data visualization views. The last update for each instance is stored, so that when the subscription is resumed, the views will have the most recent information (such as whether the instance was disposed or unregistered while the subscription was paused). * **Select Fields**: Select the fields from the Topic to be displayed in the table. * |ICON_SUBSCRIPTION_PROPERTIES| **Subscription Properties**: Opens the subscription properties dialog. * |ICON_AUTO_WIDTH| **Auto adjust column size**: Resizes all table columns automatically corresponding to their current content. * |ICON_CLEAN_UP| **Clear Not-Alive Instances**: Removes all not-alive instances from the display. * |ICON_EXPORT_TO_FILE| **Export**: Opens a file dialog and exports the contents of the table to a comma-separated-value (CSV) file. ============== Instance Table ============== * **Filter text box**: Type in any text and the instance table will only show the rows that contains that text. Later-discovered instances will also be filtered with the filter text. * **Blue linked cell**: A cell with blue text is linked to the corresponding entity in the system. For example, clicking on *publication_handle* will open the Process View and highlight the specific DataWriter that wrote the data. ******** Icon Key ******** * |ICON_KEY| **Key field column**: The field participates in the key of this Topic. * |ICON_MESSAGE_INFO| **SampleInfo field**: The field originates from the SampleInfo (metadata) structure, not from the data itself.