.. include:: vars.rst .. _section-whats-new-710: What's New in 7.1.0 =================== New Types View option enables adding, editing, and removing #include directives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. SYSD-1010 The Types View now includes an option to add, edit, and remove #include directives. In addition, |SD| displays the Data Types defined inside any #include directive when: - Expanding the element in the Structured panel. - Defining a Struct or Typedef. The elements defined inside the #include directive will appear in the suggestion list. New Routing Service XML configuration views ------------------------------------------- .. SYSD-917 The following new Routing Service configuration views have been added in |SD|. * **Routing Services**: Use this view to specify a library of Routing Service plugins. * **Plugin Libraries**: Use this view to assign default values to XML variables. New field to configure RTPS PSK Protection ------------------------------------------ .. SYSD-964 A new field, **RTPS Protection Preshared Key**, is available to configure the new RTPS PSK Protection. The field is located on the Cryptography tab when configuring security on the DomainParticipant QoS. New field to configure notification when a security certificate is about to expire ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. SYSD-1019 A new field, **Certificate Expiration Advance Notice**, is available in Security Global Settings. This field enables you to configure how far in advance, in seconds, you want to be notified about a security certificate that is about to expire. Copy directive (@copy) now available for C# and Python ------------------------------------------------------ .. SYSD-1059 The following C# and Python directives are now available in |SD|: * copyCs * copyCsDeclaration * copyPy * copyPyDeclaration The following C++ directives were removed from |SD|. XML files containing these deprecated directives will not load, and |SD| will throw the error message ``Error: Invalid directiveKind: copyCppcli``. * copyCppcli * copyCppcliDeclaration Support for the OBSERVABILITY_COLLECTOR_SERVICE_QOS kind category ----------------------------------------------------------------- .. SYSD-1074 |SD| now supports the OBSERVABILITY_COLLECTOR_SERVICE_QOS kind category. New fields to configure the Participant Factory QoS Monitoring Tag ------------------------------------------------------------------ .. SYSD-1082 A new set of fields enables you to configure the Monitoring Tag when defining a Participant Factory QoS. Third-party software upgrades ----------------------------- .. THIRDPARTY-49 The following third-party software used by |SD| has been upgraded: .. list-table:: Third-Party Software Changes :name: Table_ThirdPartyChanges710 :widths: 30 30 40 :header-rows: 1 * - Third-Party Software - Previous Version - Current Version * - Express - 4.17.2 - 4.18.2 * - body-parser - 1.19.1 - 1.20.1 These upgrades may fix potential vulnerabilities. See :ref:`section-whats-fixed-vuln-710`. For information on third-party software used by Connext products, see the "3rdPartySoftware" documents in your installation: /doc/manuals/connext_dds_professional/release_notes_3rdparty.