.. include:: /../getting_started/vars.rst .. _section-General: General Compatibility 6.0.0 *************************** This section describes compatibility issues that affect the *Connext* 6 suite. It describes general, wire, and platform compatibility issues between *Connext* 6 and previous releases. Unless noted otherwise, the issues in this section do not apply to *RTI* |CONNEXT| *Micro*. .. attention:: For information on new and removed platforms and features in this release, see :link_connext_whats_new_600:`What's New in 6.0.0 <>`. See also individual products' :link_rti_community_doc_s:`Release Notes <600>`. .. _section-General-Wire: Wire Compatibility ================== .. _section-General-RTPS: RTPS Versions ------------- For information about the RTPS versions supported for each |CONNEXT| release, see :link_release_notes_710_comp:`Compatibility, in the RTI Connext DDS Core Libraries Release Notes (7.1.0) <>`. .. _section-General-GUID: New default GUID generation mode -------------------------------- Starting in 6.0.0, the default value of ``DDS::DomainParticipantQos::wire_protocol::rtps_auto_id_kind`` has changed from ``DDS_RTPS_AUTO_ID_FROM_IP`` (which caused the ``rtps_host_id`` to be the IP address by default) to ``DDS_RTPS_AUTO_ID_FROM_UUID`` (which causes the ``rtps_host_id``, ``rtps_app_id``, and ``rtps_instance_id`` to be a unique, randomly generated value). This change was done to comply with the latest RTPS specification and reduce the possibility of non-unique GUIDs due to process ID collision. As a result of this change, out-of-the-box, |DPs| within the same process no longer have a GUID that is ordered by creation time (via ``rtps_instance_id``). In other words, you can no longer expect that all |DPs| will be ordered sequentially within an application, since they are now using a random value to determine the GUID rather than a sequential (time-based) value. This new ordering may affect the usage of API functions that output a list of |DP| InstanceHandles, such as ``DDS::DomainParticipant::get_discovered_participants``. Furthermore, if you are using older versions of *RTI Administration Console* and *RTI Monitor* to display data from a *Connext* 6 application, these tools may display confusing information if system properties (those that start with “dds.sys_info”) are turned off. When you turn off system properties during discovery (to save on bandwidth and discovery time), older versions of *Admin Console* and *Monitor* figure out what those properties are by assuming that part of the GUID is the host IP address and process ID. (In some cases, *Admin Console* and *Monitor* can find the IP address through the locators, but if that information is not available, the tools will also assume that the random value is the IP address.) For more information on how your older version of *Admin Console* or *Monitor* handles host name and process ID, see the Help menu in *Admin Console* for your specific version or see the *RTI Monitor User's Manual* for your specific version. (All older versions of *Admin Console* will have this issue with *Connext* 6 data, out-of-the-box; not all older versions of *Monitor* will have this issue out-of-the-box.) If you want the default value to be ``DDS_RTPS_AUTO_ID_FROM_IP`` instead of ``DDS_RTPS_AUTO_ID_FROM_UUID``, like it was before, change it in the ``WIRE_PROTOCOL`` QosPolicy. (Remember that the old default value increases the possibility of non-unique GUIDs due to process ID collision.) Default shared memory locator has changed ----------------------------------------- See information about this change in :numref:`section-General-Transport`. .. _section-General-42e_alignment: 4.2e alignment option deprecated -------------------------------- If your |CONNEXT| application’s data type uses a ``double``, ``long long``, ``unsigned long long``, or ``long double``, it will not interoperate with applications built with *RTI Data Distribution Service* 4.2e or lower. In previous releases (5.3.1 or lower), you could use the ``-use42eAlignment`` command-line option when generating code with *RTI Code Generator*, in combination with the properties ``dds.data_writer.type_support.use_42e_alignment`` and ``dds.data_reader.type_support.use_42e_alignment``, to get backward compatibility. These options are no longer available in *Connext* 6. The option ``use_42e_compatible_alignment`` in ``DynamicDataTypeSerializationProperty_t`` is not available either. If you need interoperability between *Connext* 6 and 4.2e applications, contact RTI Support at support@rti.com. Changed wire representation of TypeObject ----------------------------------------- See information about this change in :numref:`section-General-wire_rep_typeobject`. TypeCode information is not sent by default --------------------------------------------- See information about this change in :numref:`section-General-typecode_notsent`. .. _section-General-Reliability: Reliability Protocol ==================== .. _section-core-timeout: Changes in behavior of write() operation with KEEP_LAST configuration --------------------------------------------------------------------- In previous releases, a race condition may have caused the write operation on a KEEP_LAST |DW| to return a timeout error when the send window was full and the blocking time expired (according to ``max_blocking_time`` in the Reliability QosPolicy). This race condition occurred only with small blocking times. A keep-last reliable |DW| will block if the send window is full, but it should not return a timeout error. In 6.0.0, this timeout problem has been fixed (see RTI Issue ID CORE-8845 in the "Other Fixes" section of the :link_release_notes_600:`Core Libraries Release Notes for 6.0.0<>`). If the blocking time expires, the new sample is added to its associated instance. If there are ``depth`` samples in the instance, the new sample replaces the oldest sample of the same instance, even if that sample is not fully acknowledged. For more details, see the :link_connext_write_usersman_601:`"write() behavior with KEEP_LAST and KEEP_ALL" section in the RTI Connext Core Libraries User's Manual Version 6.0.1<>`. .. _section-General-Type-System: Type System Compatibility ========================= .. _section-General-Extended-CDR: Migration to Extended CDR encoding version 2 (XCDR2) ---------------------------------------------------- Starting in 6.0.0, |CONNEXT| supports the Extended Common Data Representation (CDR) encoding version 2 (XCDR2), in addition to version 1 (XCDR). XCDR2 is supported in both |CONNEXT| and |CONNEXT| *Micro*. XCDR2 is more efficient on the wire than Extended CDR encoding version 1 (XCDR). For new applications, Extended CDR encoding 2 is the recommended data representation; however, if you need to keep compatibility and interoperability with old |CONNEXT| applications (5.3.1 and below), you may have to continue using Extended CDR encoding 1. You may use the new ``DataRepresentationQosPolicy`` in the ``DataWriterQos`` to configure which version of Extended CDR, version 1 or version 2, the |DW| will use to serialize its data. The same QosPolicy exists in the ``DataReaderQos`` to configure which version(s) the |DR| will accept from |DWs|. |DWs| can offer only one data representation, while |DRs| can request multiple data representations. The default value AUTO is translated into XCDR. |DRs| can be configured to receive data using both XCDR2 and XCDR. This way, a |DR| can still interoperate and receive data from old |CONNEXT| |DWs| using XCDR, while receiving data from new |DWs| using XCDR2. The opposite is not true. |DWs| can publish only one data representation. Therefore, if there is a requirement to receive data for a topic ‘T’ with old |CONNEXT| |DRs|, you will have to continue to publish data for topic ‘T’ with XCDR representation on the new |DWs| or use a bridge such as *RTI Routing Service* to translate between XCDR and XCDR2. For additional information, see the :link_connext_gsg_ext_types_600:`RTI Connext Core Libraries Getting Started Guide Addendum for Extensible Types <>`. .. _section-General-wire_rep_typeobject: Changed wire representation of TypeObject ----------------------------------------- In 6.0.0, |CONNEXT| enables *TypeObject* compression by default to reduce bandwidth usage when exchanging endpoint discovery data. Specifically, |CONNEXT| reduces the size needed to propagate a *TypeObject* as part of Simple Endpoint Discovery. With this feature, a compressed version of the serialized *TypeObject* (*TypeObjectLb*) is now sent as a Simple Endpoint Discovery parameter. See :link_connext_whats_new_600:`What's New in 6.0.0 <>` for details. As a result of this feature: * Previous versions of |CONNEXT| will not be able to receive *TypeObject* out-of-the-box from applications running *Connext* 6, since that *TypeObject* is now compressed. |br| * Therefore, out-of-the-box, type matching with |CONNEXT| 5.x applications and lower will be done using the registered type name and not the *TypeObject*. If the registered type names in the |DW| and |DR| are different, *Connext* 6 and higher applications will not communicate with |CONNEXT| 5.x and lower applications. |br| When *Connext* 6 applications detect this scenario, the following warning will be logged: .. code-block:: text DISCBuiltinTopicPublicationDataPlugin_deserialize:Received type information for a remote Participant that does not support TypeObject compression. TypeObject compression is currently enabled for the local participant, which may prevent communication between local and remote Participant if registered typenames are different. In order to avoid this issue, please set DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy's endpoint_type_object_lb_serialization_threshold to -1 to disable TypeObject compression. * Additionally, |CONNEXT| 5.x services and tools relying on type definitions require you to register the type through XML to properly work out-of-the-box with 6.x. For example, if *Routing Service* 5.x communicates with an out-of-the-box 6.x application, types will not be received through discovery. Therefore, you need to configure the types in the *Routing Service* configuration file (see the :link_router_route_types_600:`Route Types section in the Routing Service User's Manual <>`). Otherwise, *Routing Service* will not be able to create routes. If your system is affected by any of the above issues, you have a few options: * Don't send the compressed *TypeObject*. Set ``endpoint_type_object_lb_serialization_threshold`` in the *Connext* 6 application’s ``DISCOVERY_CONFIG`` QosPolicy to -1 for the |DP|. Setting this field to -1 sends the old *TypeObject* instead of *TypeObjectLb*. See the :link_discovery_config_usersman_600:`DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy table in the RTI Connext Core Libraries User's Manual <>`. |br| |br| If using XML configuration, you can use the following snippet within the ``participant_qos``: .. code-block:: xml -1 * If you experience only the type-matching issue but don't have old services or tools, make the registered type names equal. For information on how the type matching is done, see the :link_type_consistency_usersman_600:`"TypeConsistencyEnforcement QosPolicy" section in the RTI Connext Core Libraries User's Manual <>` or in the :link_connext_gsg_ext_types_600:`RTI Connext Core Libraries Getting Started Guide Addendum for Extensible Types <>`. |br| * If you experience the type issue only with old services or tools, update the service's or tool's configuration file to load the type definition from XML. .. _section-General-typecode_notsent: TypeCode information is not sent by default --------------------------------------------- Starting in 6.0.0, the default value for ``DDS_DomainParticipantQos::resource_limits:: type_code_max_serialized_length`` has changed to 0 (from 2048). This change disables sending *TypeCode* by default, in order to decrease Endpoint Discovery traffic. This change may affect compatibility with old |CONNEXT| (4.5f and below) applications whose functionality depended on discovering the type information from remote applications using *TypeCodes*. |CONNEXT| 4.5f and below did not support *TypeObjects* (the standard alternative to *TypeCode*) as a way to exchange type information; the only way to do that was through *TypeCodes*. This change may also affect compatibility with old versions of *RTI Routing Service* (4.5f and below) if you did not provide the type definitions to *Routing Service* using XML. In this case, some routes in the old *Routing Service* may stop forwarding data. If you have this problem with |CONNEXT| 4.5f and below, configure your *Connext* 6 application to send *TypeCodes* by setting ``DDS_DomainParticipantQos::resource_limits:: type_code_max_serialized_length`` to the old default value (2048) or a bigger value if your types need it. .. _section-General-Unbounded: Unbounded sequences and strings in XML type representation ---------------------------------------------------------- Previously, if a type defined in XML had its sequences or strings set to -1 in the attributes ``sequenceMaxLength`` or ``stringMaxLength``, the resulting sequence or string length was interpreted as being of a default bounded size rather than unbounded. The default size for sequences was 100 and for strings was 255. This problem has been resolved. The resulting length is now interpreted as unbounded in *Connext* 6. This change may lead to some unexpected memory growth when moving existing applications to *Connext* 6. If the strings and/or sequences are not supposed to be unbounded, set the maximum length to 100 for sequences and 255 for strings. If the strings or sequences are supposed to be unbounded, make sure that you limit the memory usage by using properties such as ``dds.data_writer.history.memory_manager.fast_pool.pool_buffer_max_size`` or the ```` tag in *RTI Routing Service*, *RTI Recording Service*, and *XML-Based Application Creation*. For additional information, see the :link_instanceman_usersman_600:`“DDS Sample-Data and Instance-Data Memory Management” chapter in the RTI Connext Core Libraries User’s Manual <>`. .. _section-General-wchar_wstring: wchar and wstring language binding changes ------------------------------------------ Starting in |CONNEXT| 6.0.0 (and |CONNEXT| *Micro* 3.0.0), for C, traditional C++, and Ada languages, the mapping of an IDL wchar has changed from a 4-byte integer to a 2-byte integer. ``DDS_Wchar`` is now mapped to ``DDS_UnsignedShort`` instead of ``DDS_UnsignedLong``. This change may lead to some compilation warnings when compiling old |CONNEXT| applications with libraries in *Connext* 6 (and |CONNEXT| *Micro* 3.0.0) and higher. If so, you will need to fix these compilation warnings. Wire interoperability with |CONNEXT| 5.x and lower (and |CONNEXT| *Micro* 2.4.x and lower) is not broken as long as you continue using the Extended CDR encoding version 1 data representation (see the :link_datarep_ext_types_600:`Data Representation chapter in the RTI Connext Core Libraries Getting Started Guide Addendum for Extensible Types <>`), because the wire representation of a wchar and wstring is still the same. .. |tc.ignore_mem| replace:: dds.type_consistency.ignore_member_names .. |tc.ignore_seq| replace:: dds.type_consistency.ignore_sequence_bounds Properties |tc.ignore_mem| and |tc.ignore_seq| have been deprecated ------------------------------------------------------------------- See information about this change in :numref:`section-Product-Core-Ignore_Properties`. .. _section-General-Transport: Transport Compatibility ======================= .. _section-General-shmem-locator: Default shared memory locator has changed ----------------------------------------- *Connext* 6 changes the way |CONNEXT| detects if two different |DPs| can communicate over shared memory. In previous releases, the compatibility detection was based on both |DPs| having the same shared memory locator. In this release, the compatibility detection is based on checking if it is possible to attach to a shared memory segment compatible with |CONNEXT|. See “Improved shared memory transport compatibility detection” in :link_connext_whats_new_600:`What's New in 6.0.0 <>` for more information. As a result of this change, *Connext* 6 applications will not communicate over shared memory with older |CONNEXT| applications. You will need to take the following action, depending on what release you’re communicating with. To communicate over shared memory with |CONNEXT| 5.3: * Configure the ``WIRE_PROTOCOL`` QoS: In |CONNEXT| 5.3 and |CONNEXT| 6, set the ``rtps_host_id`` field to ``DDS_RTPS_AUTO_ID`` in all the |DPs| running on the same host. In |CONNEXT| 6 |DPs|, set the ``rtps_auto_id_kind`` field to the same value used in the |CONNEXT| 5.3 application. If the |CONNEXT| 5.3 |DPs| are using an ``rtps_auto_id_kind`` field of ``DDS_RTPS_AUTO_ID_FROM_UUID``, it is also required to set the ``dds.transport.shmem.builtin.use_530_from_uuid_locator`` property to TRUE for all the |CONNEXT| 6 |DPs|. (By default, it is set to FALSE.) * If the ``rtps_host_id`` field cannot be set to ``DDS_RTPS_AUTO_ID`` due to system restrictions, set the ``dds.transport.shmem.builtin.host_id`` property to the same value for all the |DPs| running on the same host. (That is, each |DP| has to have the property set to the same value.) To communicate over shared memory with |CONNEXT| 5.2 or older versions: * Configure the ``WIRE_PROTOCOL`` QoS: In |CONNEXT| 5.2 or older versions, set the ``rtps_host_id`` field to ``DDS_RTPS_AUTO_ID`` in all the |DPs| running on the same host. In |CONNEXT| 6 |DPs|, set the ``rtps_auto_id_kind`` field to ``DDS_RTPS_AUTO_ID_FROM_IP``. * Another option, available only if the ``WIRE_PROTOCOL`` QoS’s ``rtps_host_id`` (in |CONNEXT| 5.2 or older) is set to a value different than ``DDS_RTPS_AUTO_ID``: define the ``dds.transport.shmem.builtin.host_id`` property in |CONNEXT| 6 |DPs| with the same value as ``rtps_host_id`` in the ``WIRE_PROTOCOL`` QoS of the older version. .. _section-General-vxworks: VxWorks shared-memory transport compatibility --------------------------------------------- Previously, applications could not communicate between kernel and RTP mode using the shared memory transport on 64-bit VxWorks® 6 systems. (This is not an issue for 64-bit VxWorks 7 systems.) This issue has been resolved in 6.0.0. As a result of this fix, applications built with older |CONNEXT| releases cannot communicate with applications built with this release if the communication uses shared memory on 64-bit VxWorks 6 systems and occurs between kernel and RTP mode. (This configuration is not a common use case.) .. _section-General-XML: XML Compatibility ================= .. _section-General-qos-comp: QoS Profile multiple inheritance -------------------------------- QoS Profile composition (also referred to as QoS Profile multiple inheritance) is an enhancement to the existing QoS Profile single inheritance mechanism, allowing a QoS Profile to be composed from multiple QoS Profiles. See the `QoS Profile Inheritance and Composition Guidance `_ article on the RTI Community Portal (or the section :link_connext_inherit_usersman_601:`"QoS Profile Inheritance and Composition" in the RTI Connext Core Libraries User's Manual Version 6.0.1 <>` if you are upgrading to 6.0.1 or above) for new recommendations in *Connext* 6. Following these recommendations is strongly encouraged to avoid unexpected results. XSD issues ---------- See XSD-related regressions in :numref:`section-xml-compatibility`. Other Compatibility Issues ========================== Behavior change when retrieving QoS using topic_name (when there are multiple matching QoSes) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you have multiple matching QoSes of the same type (e.g., ``datawriter_qos``), because either a ``topic_filter`` attribute is not provided or it is provided with “*”, the new behavior in *Connext* 6 is for |CONNEXT| to return the **first** matching QoS. Previously, |CONNEXT| returned the **last** matching QoS. For example, you could use a |CONNEXT| API that returns a QoS based on a specified ``topic_name`` value. In the C API, you could use a function like ``DDS::DomainParticipantFactory::get_datawriter_qos_from_profile_w_topic_name()`` to return a QoS based on a topic name. Consider the following XML snippet: .. code-block:: xml ... ... ... ... ... Say that the above is your XML file, and you specify the ``topic_name`` “MyTopic”. Neither A nor B matches “MyTopic”, so |CONNEXT| has to choose one of the other QoSes (C, D, or E). Since C, D, and E have no specified ``topic_filter``, any of them could be used as a matching candidate for “MyTopic”. Before 6.0.0, the API would have returned the “E” QoS, because E is the **last** matching QoS. This behavior has changed. Convention dictates that the **first** matching candidate should be used, not the last. Therefore, if there is no QoS that matches the ``topic_name``, |CONNEXT| now gets the **first** candidate QoS value with ``topic_filter`` unspecified—in this case, C instead of E. Now consider the following XML snippet: .. code-block:: xml ... ... ... ... ... Say that the above is your XML file, and you don’t specify a ``topic_name``. |CONNEXT| cannot find a QoS in this file with an unspecified ``topic_filter``; however, it can match with one of the “*” ``topic_filter`` attributes—but there are multiple such QoSes. Before 6.0.0, |CONNEXT| returned the “E” Qos (the **last** matching candidate value). Now, in 6.0.0 forward, |CONNEXT| returns the **first** candidate value, C. As a result of this change in *Connext* 6, you may see a different QoS returned than before, but only in cases where there are multiple matching QoSes to choose from. If you want the same behavior in *Connext* 6 as before, change the order of the QoSes in your XML file. For instance, in the above examples, switch the C ```` with the E ````.