RTI Connext Modern C++ API Version 7.2.0
Infrastructure Module

Defines the abstract classes and the interfaces that are refined by the other modules. Contains common definitions such as return codes, status values, and QoS policies. More...


 Clock Selection
 APIs related to clock selection.
 Conditions and WaitSets
 dds::core::cond::Condition and dds::core::cond::WaitSet.
 Time Support
 Time and duration types.
 Safe Enumeration
 Describes the safe_enum class.
 Status Kinds
 Kinds of communication status.
 Supporting Types and Constants
 Miscellaneous, general-purpose types and constants.
 Builtin Qos Profiles
 <<extension>> QoS libraries and profiles that are automatically built into RTI Connext.
 QoS Policies
 Quality of Service (QoS) policies.


class  dds::core::Entity
 <<reference-type>> This is the abstract base class for all the DDS objects that support QoS policies, a listener and a status condition. More...
class  rti::core::Cookie
 Unique identifier for a written data sample in the form of a sequence of bytes. More...
class  rti::core::Guid
 <<extension>> <<value-type>> Class for GUID (Global Unique Identifier) representation
class  rti::core::QosPrintFormat
 <<extension>> <<value-type>> A collection of attributes used to configure how QoS will be formatted when converted to strings. More...
class  rti::core::SampleFlag
 <<extension>> A set of flags that can be associated with a sample. More...
class  rti::core::SampleIdentity
 <<extension>> <<value-type>> A SampleIdentity defines a pair (Virtual Writer Guid, SequenceNumber) that uniquely identifies a sample within a DDS domain and a Topic. More...
class  rti::core::SequenceNumber
 <<extension>> <<value-type>> A class representing the DDS 64-bit Sequence Number More...

Detailed Description

Defines the abstract classes and the interfaces that are refined by the other modules. Contains common definitions such as return codes, status values, and QoS policies.

"DCPS Infrastructure package"

See also