RTI Connext Java API Version 7.2.0

<<extension>> Exception codes. More...


class  BAD_PARAM
 Exception thrown when a parameter passed to a call is considered illegal. More...
 The exception BadKind is thrown when an inappropriate operation is invoked on a TypeCode object. More...
class  BadKind
 The exception BadKind is thrown when an inappropriate operation is invoked on a TypeCode object. More...
class  BadMemberId
 The specified com.rti.dds.typecode.TypeCode member ID is invalid. More...
class  BadMemberName
 The specified com.rti.dds.typecode.TypeCode member name is invalid. More...
class  Bounds
 A user exception thrown when a parameter is not within the legal bounds. More...
class  NO_MEMORY
 Exception thrown when there is not enough memory for a dynamic memory allocation. More...
class  SystemException
 System exception. More...
class  UserException
 User exception. More...

Detailed Description

<<extension>> Exception codes.

These exceptions are used for error handling by the Type Code Support API.