Known Issues with Serialization and Deserialization --------------------------------------------------- .. _KI_CORE-13594: Some parameters cannot be received multiple times within same SPDP sample ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `OMG Real-Time Publish-Subscribe (RTPS) specification, version 2.5 `__ allows in general that "The ParameterList may contain multiple Parameters with the same value for the parameterId." *RTI* |CONNEXTDDS_ITALIC|, however, does not support receiving the following parameterId values multiple times within the same Simple Participant Discovery Protocol (SPDP) discovery sample: - PID_USER_DATA - PID_PROPERTY_LIST - PID_ENTITY_NAME - PID_ROLE_NAME - PID_PARTITION - PID_DOMAIN_TAG - PID_IDENTITY_TOKEN - PID_PERMISSIONS_TOKEN - PID_TRANSPORT_INFO_LIST [RTI Issue ID CORE-13680]