14.3. What’s New in 7.2.0

14.3.1. Support for dynamic certificate renewal

A running Routing Service instance can use the new authentication.identity_certificate_file_poll_period.millisec property in RTI Security Plugins to renew its identity certificate without the need to restart the service. The authentication.identity_certificate_file_poll_period.millisec property must have a value greater than zero for the participant to periodically poll its identity certificate file for changes.

For more information, see the Configuration section in this manual and the Advanced Authentication Concepts section in the Security Plugins User’s Manual.

14.3.2. Support for dynamic certificate revocation

A running Routing Service instance can use the authentication.crl and the new authentication.crl_file_poll_period.millisec properties in RTI Security Plugins to specify certificate revocations without the need to restart the service. The authentication.crl_file_poll_period.millisec property must have a value greater than zero for the DomainParticipant to periodically poll the provided CRL file for changes.

For more information, see Support for RTI Security Plugins in this manual and Advanced Authentication Concepts in the RTI Security Plugins User’s Manual.

14.3.3. Support for Monitoring Library 2.0

RTI Routing Service now supports enabling the new RTI Monitoring Library 2.0 to send monitoring information and metrics about the DDS entities it creates.

To enable Monitoring Library 2.0 when using the Routing Service application, include the following code in the appropriate XML profile:

<qos_profile name="RoutingServiceProfile" is_default_participant_factory_profile="yes">
         <application_name>Routing Service</application_name>

When using Routing Service as a library, Monitoring Library 2.0 can be enabled programmatically using the RTI_Monitoring_enable_with_property and RTI_Monitoring_disable methods.

14.3.4. Third-party software changes

The following third-party software used by Routing Service has been upgraded:

Table 14.1 Third-Party Software Changes

Third-Party Software

Previous Version

Current Version







For information on third-party software used by Connext products, see the “3rdPartySoftware” documents in your installation: <NDDSHOME>/doc/manuals/connext_dds_professional/release_notes_3rdparty.