Chapter 31 DataWriters
To create a DataWriter, you need a DomainParticipant and a Topic.
You need a DataWriter for each Topic that you want to publish. Once you have a DataWriter, you can use it to perform the operations listed in Table 31.1 DataWriter Operations. The most important operation is write(), described in 31.8 Writing Data. For more details on all operations, see the API Reference HTML documentation.
DataWriters are created by using operations on a DomainParticipant or a Publisher, as described in 31.1 Creating DataWriters. If you use the DomainParticipant’s operations, the DataWriter will belong to an implicit Publisher that is automatically created by the middleware. If you use a Publisher’s operations, the DataWriter will belong to that Publisher. So either way, the DataWriter belongs to a Publisher.
Note: Some operations cannot be used within a listener callback, see Restricted Operations in Listener Callbacks.
Working with ... |
Operation |
Description |
Reference |
DataWriters |
assert_liveliness |
Manually asserts the liveliness of the DataWriter. |
enable |
Enables the DataWriter. |
equals |
Compares two DataWriter’s QoS structures for equality. |
get_qos |
Gets the QoS. |
lookup_instance |
Gets a handle, given an instance. (Useful for keyed data types only.) |
set_qos |
Modifies the QoS. |
set_qos_with_profile |
Modifies the QoS based on a QoS profile. |
get_listener |
Gets the currently installed Listener. |
set_listener |
Replaces the Listener. |
FooDataWriter |
dispose |
States that the instance no longer exists. (Useful for keyed data types only.) |
dispose_w_timestamp |
Same as dispose, but allows the application to override the automatic source_timestamp. (Useful for keyed data types only.) |
flush |
Makes the batch available to be sent on the network. |
get_key_value |
Maps an instance_handle to the corresponding key. |
narrow |
A type-safe way to cast a pointer. This takes a DDSDataWriter pointer and ‘narrows’ it to a ‘FooDataWriter’ where ‘Foo’ is the related data type. |
register_instance |
States the intent of the DataWriter to write values of the data-instance that matches a specified key. Improves the performance of subsequent writes to the instance. (Useful for keyed data types only.) |
31.14.2 Registering Instances and 31.14.4 Unregistering Instances |
register_instance_w_ |
Like register_instance, but allows the application to override the automatic source_timestamp. (Useful for keyed data types only.) |
unregister_instance |
Reverses register_instance. Relinquishes the ownership of the instance. (Useful for keyed data types only.) |
unregister_instance_w_ |
Like unregister_instance, but allows the application to override the automatic source_timestamp. (Useful for keyed data types only.) |
write |
Writes a new value for a data-instance. |
write_w_timestamp |
Same as write, but allows the application to override the automatic source_timestamp. |
FooDataWriter |
write_w_params |
Same as write, but allows the application to specify parameters such as source timestamp and instance handle. |
dispose_w_params |
Same as dispose, but allows the application to specify parameters such as source timestamp and instance handle.. |
register_w_params |
Same as register, but allows the application to specify parameters such as source timestamp, instance handle. |
31.14.2 Registering Instances and 31.14.4 Unregistering Instances |
unregister_w_params |
Same as unregister, but allows the application to specify parameters such as source timestamp, and instance handle. |
Matched Subscriptions
get_matched_ |
Gets a list of subscriptions that have a matching Topic and compatible QoS. These are the subscriptions currently associated with the DataWriter. |
get_matched_ |
Gets information on a subscription with a matching Topic and compatible QoS. |
get_matched_ |
Gets a list of locators for subscriptions that have a matching Topic and compatible QoS. These are the subscriptions currently associated with the DataWriter. |
get_matched_ |
Gets information about the DomainParticipant of a matching subscription. |
31.16.2 Finding the Matching Subscription’s ParticipantBuiltinTopicData |
is_matched_subscription_active |
Enables you to query whether the matched DataReader (identified using the instance handle returned by get_matched_subscriptions) is active. get_matched_subscriptions returns all matching DataReaders, including those that are not active. This operation enables you to see which matching DataReaders are active. |
Status |
get_status_changes |
Gets a list of statuses that have changed since the last time the application read the status or the listeners were called. |
get_liveliness_lost_status |
Gets LIVELINESS_LOST status. |
get_offered_deadline_ |
get_offered_ |
get_publication_match_ |
Status |
get_reliable_writer_ |
get_reliable_reader_ |
get_datawriter_cache_ |
get_datawriter_protocol_status |
get_matched_ |
Gets DATA_WRITER_PROTOCOL status for this DataWriter, per matched subscription identified by the subscription_handle. |
get_matched_ |
Gets DATA_WRITER_PROTOCOL status for this DataWriter, per matched subscription as identified by a locator. |
Other |
get_publisher |
Gets the Publisher to which the DataWriter belongs. |
get_topic |
Get the Topic associated with the DataWriter. |
wait_for_ |
Blocks the calling thread until either all data written by the DataWriter is acknowledged by all matched Reliable DataReaders, or until the a specified timeout duration, max_wait, elapses. |