Chapter 61 Topic Queries
TopicQueries allow a DataReader to query the sample cache of its matching DataWriters. You can create a TopicQuery with the DataReader's create_topic_query() API. When a DataReader creates a TopicQuery, DDS will propagate TopicQueries to other DomainParticipants and their DataWriters. When a DataWriter matching with the DataReader that created the TopicQuery receives it, it will send the cached samples that pass the TopicQuery's filter.
Only samples that fall within the writer_depth (in the 47.9 DURABILITY QosPolicy) for an instance are evaluated against the TopicQuery filter. While the DataWriter is waiting for acknowledgements from one or more DataReaders, there may temporarily be more than writer_depth samples per instance in the DataWriter's queue if the 47.12 HISTORY QosPolicy depth is set to a higher value than writer_depth. Those additional samples past writer_depth are not eligible to be sent in response to the TopicQuery.
To configure how to dispatch a TopicQuery, use the DataWriter's 47.24 TOPIC_QUERY_DISPATCH_QosPolicy (DDS Extension). By default, a DataWriter ignores TopicQueries unless they are explicitly enabled using this policy.
The delivery of TopicQuery samples occurs in a separate RTPS channel. This allows DataReaders to receive TopicQuery samples and live samples in parallel. This is a key difference with respect to the 47.9 DURABILITY QosPolicy, with which new non-volatile DataReaders first receive all historical data before they start receiving live data.
Late-joining DataWriters will also discover existing TopicQueries. To delete a TopicQuery you must use the DataReader's delete_topic_query().
After deleting a TopicQuery, new DataWriters will not discover it and existing DataWriters currently publishing cached samples may stop before delivering all of them.
By default, a TopicQuery queries the samples that were in the DataWriter's queue at the time the DataWriter received the TopicQuery. However, a TopicQuery can be created in “continuous” mode; in this case, a DataWriter will continue delivering samples that pass a continuous TopicQuery filter until the DataReader application explicitly deletes it.
The samples received in response to a TopicQuery are stored in the associated DataReader's cache. Any of the read/take operations can retrieve TopicQuery samples. The field DDS_SampleInfo::topic_query_guid associates each sample with its TopicQuery. If the read sample is not in response to a TopicQuery, this field will be DDS_GUID_UNKNOWN.
You can choose to read or take only TopicQuery samples, only live samples, or both. To support this, ReadConditions and QueryConditions provide the DataReader's create_querycondition_w_params() and create_readcondition_w_params() APIs.
Each TopicQuery is identified by a GUID that can be accessed using the TopicQuery's get_guid() method.
61.1 Reading TopicQuery Samples
Data samples that are received by a DataReader in response to a TopicQuery can be identified with two pieces of information from the corresponding DDS_SampleInfo to the sample. First, if the DDS_SampleInfo::topic_query_guid is not equal to DDS_GUID_UNKNOWN, then the sample is in response to the TopicQuery with that GUID. Second, if the sample is in response to a TopicQuery and the DDS_SampleInfo::flag DDS_INTERMEDIATE_TOPIC_QUERY_SAMPLE flag is set, then this is not the last sample in response to the TopicQuery for a DataWriter identified by DDS_SampleInfo::original_publication_virtual_guid. If that flag is not set, then there will be no more samples corresponding to that TopicQuery coming from the DataWriter.
61.2 Debugging Topic Queries
There are a number of ways in which to gain more insight into what is happening in an application that is creating Topic Queries.
61.2.1 The Built-in ServiceRequest DataReader
TopicQueries are communicated to publishing applications through a built-in ServiceRequest channel. The ServiceRequest channel is designed to be generic so that it can be used for many different purposes, one of which is TopicQueries.
When a DataReader creates a TopicQuery, a ServiceRequest message is sent containing the TopicQuery information. Just as there are built-in DataReaders for ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, and PublicationBuiltinTopicData, there is a fourth built-in DataReader for ServiceRequests. This built-in DataReader can be retrieved using the built-in Subscriber and its lookup_datareader(). The topic name is DDS_SERVICE_REQUEST_TOPIC_NAME. Installing a listener with the DataReaderListener's on_data_available callback() implemented will allow a publishing application to be notified whenever a TopicQuery has been received from a subscribing application.
The service_id of a ServiceRequest corresponding to a TopicQuery will be DDS_TOPIC_QUERY_SERVICE_REQUEST_ID and the instance_id will be equal to the GUID of the TopicQuery.
The request_body is a sequence of bytes containing more information about the TopicQuery. This information can be retrieved using the DDS_TopicQueryHelper_topic_query_data_from_service_request() function. The resulting TopicQueryData contains the TopicQuerySelection that the TopicQuery was created with, the GUID of the original DataReader that created the TopicQuery, and the topic name of that DataReader.
When TopicQueries are propagated through one or more instances of Routing Service, the last DataReader that issued the TopicQuery will be a Routing Service DataReader. The DDS_TopicQueryData::original_related_reader_guid, however, will be that of the first DataReader to have created the TopicQuery.
If you are seeing traffic from the ServiceRequest endpoints during system startup but are not using any of the features (such as TopicQueries) that rely on the ServiceRequest channel, you can disable the channel using the enabled_builtin_channels field in the 44.3 DISCOVERY_CONFIG QosPolicy (DDS Extension).
61.2.2 The on_service_request_accepted() DataWriter Listener Callback
It is possible that a ServiceRequest for a TopicQuery is received but is not immediately dispatched to a DataWriter. This can happen, for example, if a DataWriter was not matching with a DataReader at the time that the TopicQuery was received by the publishing application. The DDS_DataWriterListener's on_service_request_accepted() callback notifies a DataWriter when a ServiceRequest has been dispatched to that DataWriter. The DDS_ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus provides information about how many ServiceRequests have been accepted by the DataWriter since the last time that the status was read. The status also includes the DDS_ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus::last_request_handle, which is the InstanceHandle of the last ServiceRequest that was accepted. This instance handle can be used to read samples per instance from the built-in ServiceRequest DataReader and correlate which ServiceRequests have been dispatched to which DataWriters.
61.3 System Resource Considerations
61.3.1 Publishing Application
On the publishing side, the resource allocation associated with TopicQueries can be controlled using remote_topic_query_allocation (in the44.4 DOMAIN_PARTICIPANT_RESOURCE_LIMITS QosPolicy (DDS Extension) at the DomainParticipant level.
At the DataWriter level, you can control how many TopicQueries can be served in parallel by the DataWriter by setting the resource limit max_active_topic_queries in the 47.6 DATA_WRITER_RESOURCE_LIMITS QosPolicy (DDS Extension)).
61.3.2 Subscribing Application
On the DataReader side, each TopicQuery will get its own resources. These resources will not interfere with the resource limits associated with live data samples or other TopicQueries. For example, if max_samples (see 47.22 RESOURCE_LIMITS QosPolicy) is set to 10 and the DataReader creates one TopicQuery, then the DataReader will be able to store 10 samples for that TopicQuery and 10 samples for live data.
The maximum number of active TopicQueries that can be associated with a DataReader is configured using the resource limit max_topic_queries (see 48.2 DATA_READER_RESOURCE_LIMITS QosPolicy (DDS Extension)).