.. include:: ../vars.rst .. _chapter-openssl-engines: *************************** Support for OpenSSL Engines *************************** .. note:: This chapter does *NOT* apply if you are using |OpenSSL_TM| version 3.0.0 or above. The |SP| do not support the |OpenSSL| Provider API (see https://www.openssl.org/docs/man3.0/man7/provider.html). |OpenSSL| engines allow you to define custom implementations for cryptographic operations. When you load an engine, |OpenSSL| will call the cryptographic functions defined by the engine instead of its default builtin functions. The |SP| support the option of using an |OpenSSL| engine, enabling you to use optimized cryptographic libraries, add support for custom hardware acceleration, etc. .. note:: When set, the :property:`openssl_engine` property defines the |OpenSSL| engine to be used. If you create a |DP| that sets this property to a non-NULL value and there are no other |DPs| using the |SP| that are currently running in the application, then this value will be the value for all subsequent |DPs| in the application. Setting this property to a different value for subsequent |DPs| will not be effective and will be silently ignored. .. admonition:: Disclaimer :class: attention |CONNEXT| is only tested with the |OpenSSL| builtin engine. Modifying or Configuring |OpenSSL| engines may result in deviations from tested scenarios. Support for custom |OpenSSL| configurations may require a support contract with RTI Professional Services. Properties for Configuring OpenSSL Engines ========================================== :numref:`Properties for Configuring OpenSSL Engines` lists the properties that you can set to configure |OpenSSL| engines. These properties are configured through the |DP|'s PROPERTY QosPolicy (see :ref:`p2_core/elements_dds_secure_system:QoS Properties`). .. list-table:: Properties for Configuring OpenSSL Engines :name: Properties for Configuring OpenSSL Engines :widths: 40 60 :header-rows: 1 :class: longtable * - Property Name (prefix with :property:`com.rti.serv.secure.`) [#fPrefix]_ - Property Value Description * - :property:`openssl_engine` - :required:`Optional` One or more dynamic libraries, each implementing an |OpenSSL| engine. If this property value is not set, the |SP| will use native |OpenSSL| code with its default engine. Otherwise, you must set this value to the filename, excluding the :file:`lib` prefix and the file extension, of the dynamic libraries that implement the engines. These libraries and the dependent libraries must be in at least one of the following: * Your library search path (pointed to by the environment variable ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` on Linux systems, ``DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH`` on macOS systems, or ``PATH`` on Windows systems). * The path pointed to by the environment variable ``OPENSSL_ENGINES``. * The standard |OpenSSL| engines directory (only if ``OPENSSL_ENGINES`` is not set) When specifying multiple libraries, they must be separated by a semicolon (e.g., ``engine1;engine2``). Failure to load any of the engines will result in failure to create the |DP|. Each engine may implement a different set of security functions. For example, one engine may implement certificate management, while another engine may implement cryptographic operations such as encryption, HMAC, and Diffie-Hellman. For any security functions needed by the security plugins but not implemented by any of the engines, their builtin |OpenSSL| implementations will be invoked. Note: The value of this property for the first |DP| of the application will be the value for all other |DPs| in the application. Setting this property to a different value for subsequent |DPs| will not be effective and will be silently ignored. :type:`String`. Default: not set, meaning that the |OpenSSL| builtin engine will be used. * - :property:`authentication.keyform` - :required:`Optional` The format of the private key specified by :property:`dds.sec.auth.private_key` (see :numref:`DDS Security Properties for Configuring Authentication`). The value of this property can be one of the following: * :value:`pem`: The |OpenSSL| engine will use the |PrivateKey| loaded by the |SP| with the :property:`dds.sec.auth.private_key` property. In this case, the |PrivateKey| is in PEM format and will be loaded as a file or a string, depending on its :value:`file:` or :value:`data:,` prefix. * :value:`engine`: The |OpenSSL| engine will be responsible for loading and/or using the |PrivateKey|. This is useful to interface keys located in a trusted storage, such as a crypto chip, or when the key is an array of bytes that the engine loads using the function ``ENGINE_load_private_key()``. :type:`Enum`: :value:`pem`, :value:`engine` Default: :value:`pem` .. [#fPrefix] Assuming you used :value:`com.rti.serv.secure` as the alias to load the plugin. If not, change the prefix to match the string used with :property:`com.rti.serv.load_plugins`, followed by the :value:`.` character. Advanced Concepts ================= Support for Engine Control Commands ----------------------------------- You may use properties to invoke a sequence of ``ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string()`` function calls (see :link_external_openssl_docs:`Issuing control commands to an ENGINE from OpenSSL Documentation `). These properties are configured through the |DP|'s PROPERTY QosPolicy (see :link_connext_dds_pro_um:`PROPERTY QosPolicy (DDS Extension) in the Core Libraries User's Manual <#users_manual/PROPERTY_Qos.htm>`). The XML format of the properties in the QoS Profile is as follows, assuming that you used :value:`com.rti.serv.secure` as the alias to load the |SP| (see :numref:`Properties for Enabling Security`): .. code-block:: xml com.rti.serv.secure.openssl_engine [engineName] com.rti.serv.secure.openssl_engine.[engineName].[cmdName1] [arg1] com.rti.serv.secure.openssl_engine.[engineName].[cmdName2] [arg2] ... The above properties will result in the following code being called by the |SP| upon loading the engine: .. code-block:: c ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(engineIdentifiedBy[engineName], [cmdName1], [arg1], 0); ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(engineIdentifiedBy[engineName], [cmdName2], [arg2], 0);