5.16. XML Configuration

5.16.1. [Critical] Potential segmentation fault when using XML application creation if the names of <domain_participant_library> and <domain_library> were the same

A bug in the XML parser meant that an application may have suffered a segmentation fault if it used XML application creation, and the XML tags <domain_participant_library> and <domain_library> had the same value for their name attribute. The segmentation fault would occur when creating a second participant from that XML file. This could have happened when using XML Application Creation directly or indirectly (for example, via RTI Connector).

This problem has been resolved. If an XML file that would have caused the crash is used, an error message is now produced and the DomainParticipant is not created. Using the same name for multiple XML objects is currently not supported.

[RTI Issue ID CORE-13692]

5.16.2. [Major] Micro Compatibility Builtin Profiles updated UDPv4 message_size_max so that samples larger than 8192 were not silently dropped by Micro applications

The Generic.ConnextMicroCompatibility, Generic.ConnextMicroCompatibility.2.4.9, and Generic.ConnextMicroCompatibility.2.4.3 builtin QoS profiles have been updated to use a UDPv4 message_size_max of 8192, because that is what Connext Micro 2.x versions use. By default, Connext Professional uses a larger UDPv4 message_size_max of 65507. If messages larger than 8192 were sent by Connext Professional, these messages would be dropped by the Connext Micro application. The new QoS profile values ensure that this will not happen.

[RTI Issue ID CORE-12749]

5.16.3. [Minor] XML parser did not parse scientific notation

The XML parser failed with an error message when parsing numeric literals expressed in scientific notation.

[RTI Issue ID CORE-10767]