54.2.4 Customizing the Handling of Generated Log Messages

By default, the log messages generated by Connext are sent to the standard output. You can redirect the log messages to a file by using the set_output_file() operation,

To further customize the management of the generated log messages, you can use the Logger’s set_output_device() operation to install a user-defined logging device. The logging device must implement an interface with two operations: write() and close().

Connext will call the write() operation to write a new log message to the input device. The log message provides the text and the verbosity corresponding to the message.

Connext will call the close() operation when the logging device is uninstalled.

Note: It is not safe to make any calls to the Connext core library including calls to DDS_DomainParticipant_get_current_time() from any of the logging device operations.

For additional details on user-defined logging devices, see the API Reference HTML documentation (under Modules, RTI Connext API Reference, Configuration Utilities).