RTI TCP Transport Version 7.3.0
C Example of TCP Transport with PropertiesQosPolicy Configuration

TCP Transport example with PropertiesQosPolicy configuration. More...



Detailed Description

TCP Transport example with PropertiesQosPolicy configuration.

See README.txt for details.


C Hello World Example with TCP Transport
This example is a modified version of the helloWorld example that can
be generated using rtiddsgen with the -example command-line option.
The original example was modified to use the TCP transport instead of
the built-in transports (UDPv4 and shared memory).
This example uses the DDS properties to configure the application to
use the TCP Transport.
This example shows how to create an instance of the TCP transport
plugin and tell Connext DDS to use it as the only communication mechanism
between peers.
How to Compile
Make sure the environment variable NDDSHOME is defined before compiling
the example.
Linux and macOS systems
Before compiling, make sure that the desired version of compiler and linker
are in your PATH environment variable.
Then compile by typing:
make -f make/makefile_HelloWorld_<architecture>
Windows systems
Open the solution file for your architecture with Visual Studio. Build the
two projects, HelloWorld_publisher and HelloWorld_subscriber, with the
Win32 Release setting (or Win32 Debug settings if you prefer).
How to Run
1. In your library search path, you MUST have the location of
the transport plugin shared library, because the applications
will load the shared object dynamically when they start.
For Linux and macOS systems, you need to add the directory:
For Windows systems, you need to add the the directory:
to your PATH environment variable.
2. To test a WAN scenario, you need to know the public IP address
of each peer and have the firewall correctly configured.
Refer to the Connext DDS User's Manual for more details.
For a LAN scenario or to run the publisher and subscriber on the
same machine, see next section.
3. On one machine, run the publisher:
On Linux and macOS systems:
export NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS=tcpv4_wan://<subscriber_public_ip:port>
./objs/<arch>/HelloWorld_publisher -a <public_ip:port> -p <bind_port>
On Windows systems:
set NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS=tcpv4_wan://<subscriber_public_ip:port>
objs<arch>\HelloWorld_publisher.exe -a <public_ip:port> -p <bind_port>
Replace <subscriber_public_ip:port> with the public IP and port of
the remote peer that will run the subscriber.
Replace <public_ip:port> with your public IP and port that are
exposed to the outside network.
Replace <bind_port> with the port number on your local machine
to listen for incoming connections.
See the example below for a real scenario.
You can add the command-line option '-d <domain>' to specify a
domain ID (if unset, domain ID 0 is used).
4. On another machine, run the subscriber:
On Linux and macOS systems:
export NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS=tcpv4_wan://<publisher_public_ip:port>
./objs/<arch>/HelloWorld_subscriber -a <public_ip:port> -p <bind_port>
On Windows systems:
set NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS=tcpv4_wan://<publisher_public_ip:port>
objs<arch>\HelloWorld_subscriber.exe -a <public_ip:port> -p <bind_port>
Similarly, <publisher_public_ip:port> is the public IP and port of
the publisher.
As an example, consider the following configuration:
+-----+ | Router & |
| pub |------------| Firewall |
+-----+ | | public ip: +-------------+ fwd port: 5555
- The publisher application is running on the machine
- The publisher application is using as bind port: 7400
- The router has port forwarding configured as:
src port: 5555, destination:
- The public IP of this network is
+-----+ | Router & |
| sub |------------| Firewall |
+-----+ | | public ip: +-------------+ fwd port: 4444
- The subscriber application is running on the machine
- The subscriber application is using as bind port: 7400
- The router has port forwarding configured as:
src port: 4444, destination:
- The public IP of this network is
In this case, use the following commands to start the example:
On Linux and macOS systems:
export NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS=tcpv4_wan://
./objs/<arch>/HelloWorld_publisher -a -p 7400
On Windows systems:
set NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS=tcpv4_wan://
objs<arch>\HelloWorld_publisher -a -p 7400
On Linux and macOS systems:
export NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS=tcpv4_wan://
./objs/<arch>/HelloWorld_subscriber -a -p 7400
On Windows systems:
set NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS=tcpv4_wan://
objs<arch>\HelloWorld_subscriber -a -p 7400
You do not need to set the environment variable
NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS on both the publisher and subscriber; the
discovery protocol will take care of propagating the public location
to the other node as soon as communication is established, but keep
in mind that it may take a longer time for discovery to complete
this way.
You CAN use a symbolic name instead of a numeric IP address
when you specify the NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS value, but you MUST
use a numeric IP address when you specify the public IP address of
the network (the '-a' command-line option).
Running within a LAN
When running within a LAN, you do not need to
specify the '-a' parameter, because the transport will automatically
use all the available network interface for communication.
Also remember that the WAN and LAN have two different transport IDs,
so when you specify the locators, you need to use 'tcpv4_lan'
instead of 'tcpv4_wan.'
Even if the machines are within the same LAN, you can still use the
WAN transport ID, but you will need to specify the '-a' parameter.
Running on the same machine
When running on the same host, make sure you use different <bind_port>
for your publisher and subscriber applications.
For example, to run the publisher and subscriber on the same machine
using the LAN transport ID:
On Linux and macOS systems:
export NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS=tcpv4_lan://localhost:7401
./objs/<arch>/HelloWorld_publisher -p 7400
On Windows systems:
set NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS=tcpv4_lan://localhost:7401
objs<arch>\HelloWorld_publisher -p 7400
On Linux and macOS systems:
export NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS=tcpv4_lan://localhost:7400
./objs/<arch>/HelloWorld_subscriber -p 7401
On Windows systems:
set NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS=tcpv4_lan://localhost:7400
objs<arch>\HelloWorld_subscriber -p 7401
Running with TLS enabled
In order to use TCP transport with secure communication in Connext DDS,
you will need to install the optional packages, RTI TLS
support and the OpenSSL library.
In its simplest form, only two properties are required to enable TLS secure
communication between different peers:
tls.verify.ca_file - the certificate file
tls.identity.certificate_chain_file - the certificate chain file
The two parameters are both required to enable TLS.
In this example, you can set the two above parameters with the following two
command-line arguments:
--tls-cert <ca_cert>
--tls-chain <cert_chain>
When the two parameters are specified to valid files, the transport will
run using TLS enabled.
Example certificates for two peers are included in dds_security/cert/tls_rsa01.
The internal behavior of the transport plugin will be exactly the same
as the case with security disabled, except that all the sockets used rely on
OpenSSL for encryption.
1. If you use TLS, you must set the transport's class ID to one of the following
constants in your user application:
This example application automatically sets this class ID for you
based on the command line arguments.
2. Remember also that you MUST use the prefix 'tlsv4_lan://', or 'tlsv4_wan://'
instead of 'tcpv4_lan://' and 'tcpv4_wan://' when you define your initial
peer host.
One peer implementing secure connection can never talk with another peer
that uses the un-encrypted TCP connection.
3. In order to break the dependency between the TCP transport library and the
OpenSSL library, when TLS security is enabled:
- If you are linking dynamically, the transport will load the following
On Linux and macOS Systems: libnddstls.so (release version)
libnddstlsd.so (debug version)
On Windows: nddstls.dll (release version)
nddstlsd.dll (debug version)
The NDDSTLS library will then dynamically load OpenSSL during
its initialization.
PATH BEFORE STARTING YOUR APPLICATION (if your application enables
TLS). This requirement is not needed if your application does not
use TLS.
- If you are linking statically, you will need to make the following
manual modifications to the example:
1. Uncomment the USE_TLS define in src/HelloCommon.h.
2. Manually add the following libraries to the makefile/vcxproj file
On Linux and macOS systems:
$(NDDSHOME)/lib/<architecture>/libnddstlsz.a (or libnddstlszd.a for debug)
$(NDDSHOME)/third-party/openssl-<version>/<architecture>/<release or debug>/lib/libssl.a
$(NDDSHOME)/third-party/openssl-<version>/<architecture>/<release or debug>/lib/libcrypto.a
On Windows systems:
$(NDDSHOME)\lib\<architecture>\nddstlsz.lib (or nddstlszd.lib for debug)
$(NDDSHOME)\third-party\openssl-<version>\<architecture>\<static_release or static_debug>\lib\libssl.lib
$(NDDSHOME)\third-party\openssl-<version>\<architecture>\<static_release or static_debug>\lib\libcrypto.lib
crypt32.lib (Windows built-in library)
4. In symmetric communication scenarios, any Connext DDS
application can initiate TCP connections with other applications.
In asymmetric communication scenarios, TCP connections can be
initiated only by one Connext DDS instance. For
security reasons, any incoming connection from the other instance is
not allowed.
By running the example as stated above with TLS enabled, it is runing in
symmetric mode.
To run in asymmetric mode, leave the NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS unset on
the server side and don't provide the "-a" and "-p" command line
arguments on the client side (because the client side has no publicly
reachable address:port).