RTI Persistence Service Version 7.3.0
Multi-threading safety
Global RTI_PersistenceService_get_participant_qos (const struct RTI_PersistenceService *self, struct DDS_DomainParticipantQos *domain_participant_qos, const char *participant_name, RTI_PersistenceService_ParticipantKind participant_kind)
This method is thread safe as long as the RTI_PersistenceService instance is not deleted at the same time by calling RTI_PersistenceService_delete. Otherwise it is thread safe across calls to any other QoS related Library API methods.
Global RTI_PersistenceService_get_publisher_qos (const struct RTI_PersistenceService *self, struct DDS_PublisherQos *publisher_qos, const char *participant_name, const char *persistence_group_name)
This method is thread safe as long as the RTI_PersistenceService instance is not deleted at the same time by calling RTI_PersistenceService_delete. Otherwise it is thread safe across calls to any other QoS related Library API methods.
Global RTI_PersistenceService_get_subscriber_qos (const struct RTI_PersistenceService *self, struct DDS_SubscriberQos *subscriber_qos, const char *participant_name, const char *persistence_group_name)
This method is thread safe as long as the RTI_PersistenceService instance is not deleted at the same time by calling RTI_PersistenceService_delete. Otherwise it is thread safe across calls to any other QoS related Library API methods.
Global RTI_PersistenceService_set_participant_qos (struct RTI_PersistenceService *self, const char *participant_name, RTI_PersistenceService_ParticipantKind participant_kind, const struct DDS_DomainParticipantQos *domain_participant_qos)
This method is thread safe as long as the RTI_PersistenceService instance is not deleted at the same time by calling RTI_PersistenceService_delete. Otherwise it is thread safe across calls to any other QoS related Library API methods.
Global RTI_PersistenceService_set_publisher_qos (struct RTI_PersistenceService *self, const char *participant_name, const char *persistence_group_name, const struct DDS_PublisherQos *publisher_qos)
This method is thread safe as long as the RTI_PersistenceService instance is not deleted at the same time by calling RTI_PersistenceService_delete. Otherwise it is thread safe across calls to any other QoS related Library API methods.
Global RTI_PersistenceService_set_subscriber_qos (struct RTI_PersistenceService *self, const char *participant_name, const char *persistence_group_name, const struct DDS_SubscriberQos *subscriber_qos)
This method is thread safe as long as the RTI_PersistenceService instance is not deleted at the same time by calling RTI_PersistenceService_delete. Otherwise it is thread safe across calls to any other QoS related Library API methods.
Global RTI_PersistenceService_start (struct RTI_PersistenceService *self)
This method is not thread-safe. Calling this method from different threads for the same Persistence Service instance may result in undefined behavior.
Global RTI_PersistenceService_stop (struct RTI_PersistenceService *self)
This method is not thread-safe. Calling this method from different threads for the same Persistence Service instance may result in undefined behavior.