.. include:: vars.rst .. _section-gsg_before: Before You Get Started ********************** .. _section-gsg_before_what_is: What is |CONNEXT_HEADING|? ========================== .. figure:: static/what_is.png :scale: 50 % :alt: What Is Connext DDS? :name: FigureWhatIs :align: center *RTI® Connext® DDS* is a connectivity framework for building distributed applications with requirements for high performance and scalability. It includes these components: - An **SDK** that provides you with APIs to help you send and receive data using the communication patterns described in this documentation (see :ref:`section-gsg_intro_next`). These APIs allow you to connect your own applications to other applications on the databus. - **Tools** that help you visualize your data and debug your distributed system. - **Infrastructure Services** that can perform dedicated functions in your system, such as recording, bridging, and persisting data. .. _section-gsg_download: Downloading |CONNEXT_HEADING| ============================= If you haven't already purchased a |CONNEXT| bundle, you can follow this Getting Started guide with an evaluation bundle. To obtain an evaluation bundle, click the Free Trial button at https://www.rti.com/. Fill out the brief form, and you will receive an evaluation package shortly. .. _section-gsg_install: Installing |CONNEXT_HEADING| ============================ To develop Python applications, you will need the following |CONNEXT| bundles: - A **host** bundle that contains files such as documentation, the code generator, other tools, and infrastructure services executables. The host bundle is provided in a **.run** or **.exe** file that will run an installer. |br| Host bundles are named: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Linux ``rti_connext_dds---host-.run`` .. group-tab:: macOS ``rti_connext_dds---host-.dmg`` .. group-tab:: Windows ``rti_connext_dds---host-.exe`` The ```` is usually ``pro``. |br| The ```` depends on your development platform, such as ``x64Win64`` for a 64-bit Windows® platform. |br| |br| - The **Python API**, required to develop |CONNEXT| Python applications. The Python API is supported on Python 3.6 to 3.12, and on Linux® x64, Windows® x64, and macOS® x64 and arm64. There are two ways to install it: - Install it from pypi.org. This installation method requires a license file when you run your application (see :ref:`section-gsg-license-py`). .. code-block:: console $ pip install rti.connext *or* - Install it from your host installation directory. This method doesn't require a license file. .. code-block:: console $ pip install rti.connext.activated -f /resource/python_api Note that pypi.org package allows writing Python applications without a host installation, but this guide uses the code generator and some tool that are included in the host package. |br| - If you plan to develop C, C++, or Java applications or use add-on libraries you will also need a **target** bundle. See the C++ version of this Getting Started Guide for more information. Installing a Host ----------------- The host bundle is an application; thus, it can be started from a GUI or command line. To install the host bundle, do either of the following: - Double-click the installer. - Run the installation script from a command prompt. See :link_connext_dds_pro_ig:`Installing RTI Connext, in the RTI Connext Installation Guide <#installation_guide/Installing.htm>`. .. _section-gsg_install_gui: Installing additional packages with a GUI ----------------------------------------- After you install the host bundle, you'll have a tool called *RTI Launcher*. (See :link_launcher_um:`Starting Launcher, in the RTI Launcher User's Manual <#launcher/users_manual/StartingLauncher.htm>`.) To install additional packages from the *Launcher* tool, open the Configuration tab, and select “Install RTI Packages.” This will open a dialog that allows you to select one or more **.rtipkg** files that you would like to install. .. figure:: static/install_rti_pkg.png :figwidth: 80 % :alt: Install RTI Packages :name: FigureInstallPackages :align: center .. figure:: static/pkg_installer.png :figwidth: 80 % :alt: RTI Package Installer :name: FigurePackageInstaller :align: center .. _section-gsg_install_cmd: Installing additional packages from a Command Line -------------------------------------------------- To install additional packages from the command line, type: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Linux .. code-block:: console $ /bin/rtipkginstall .. group-tab:: macOS .. code-block:: console $ /bin/rtipkginstall .. group-tab:: Windows .. code-block:: doscon > \bin\rtipkginstall .. _section-gsg_paths: Paths Mentioned in Documentation -------------------------------- .. include:: paths_gsg.txt .. _section-gsg-license: Setting Up a License ==================== .. _section-gsg-license-py: Setting up a License for the Python API --------------------------------------- If you're using the ``rti.connext.activated`` package, you don't need a license file to run your applications. If you're using the package from pypi.org, ``rti.connext``, your applications need to load a license file every time they run. To obtain an evaluation license, click the Free Trial button at https://www.rti.com/. There are several ways to specify your license file: - You can copy the `rti_license.dat` file to the location where you run your application. - You can set the ``RTI_LICENSE_FILE`` environment variable to the full path of your license file, including the file name. - You can set the ``DomainParticipantQos`` to point to your license file (see :link_connext_dds_pro_ig:`the License Management section in the RTI Connext Installation Guide <#installation_guide/License_Management.htm>`). Setting up a License for the tools and other features ----------------------------------------------------- Most installations require a license file to run the tools or features included in the |CONNEXT| platform. If your distribution requires a license file, you will receive one from RTI via e-mail. The easiest way to permanently configure your license file is using *Launcher*, as shown below: .. figure:: static/config_license.png :figwidth: 90 % :alt: Configure License :name: FigureConfigLicense :align: center If you do not want to use *Launcher*, you can also install a license by placing it in one of these two locations: - ``/rti_license.dat`` - ``/rti_license.dat`` The workspace directory is in this location by default, depending on your operating system: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Linux ``/home//rti_workspace/`` .. group-tab:: macOS ``/Users//rti_workspace/`` .. group-tab:: Windows ``\rti_workspace\`` A third way to install a license is to configure the environment variable ``RTI_LICENSE_FILE`` to point to your license file. For more details on how to install a license file, see :link_connext_dds_pro_ig:`the License Management section in the RTI Connext Installation Guide <#installation_guide/License_Management.htm>`. .. _section-gsg_check_install: Checking What is Installed ========================== To find out what target libraries or add-ons you have installed, you can use the *Launcher* tool. See :link_launcher_um:`Starting Launcher, in the RTI Launcher User's Manual <#launcher/users_manual/StartingLauncher.htm>`. Once in *Launcher*, open the Configuration tab. To check your Python API installation, run: .. code-block:: console $ pip show rti.connext or .. code-block:: console $ pip show rti.connext.activated Troubleshooting the Python API Installation =========================================== resource/python_api under Connext installation directory doesn't exist ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure you have installed a host package. The evaluation installers don't include ``rti.connext.activated``. If you have an evaluation installer, install ``rti.connext`` (using the first method described in :ref:`section-gsg_install`) and make sure your evaluation license file is accessible, for example by copying ``rti_license.dat`` to the current directory, where you launch your Python application. pip install fails with ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement rti.connext ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you get this error while installing the Python API with ``pip install``, you may have to upgrade pip: .. code-block:: console $ pip install --upgrade pip If the installation still fails after that, make sure your Python version is supported (see :ref:`section-gsg_install`). pip install fails because I don't have permissions to install packages ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can use a virtual environment to install packages without requiring admin privileges. To create a virtual environment, run the following commands: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Linux .. code-block:: console $ python -m venv myvenv $ . myvenv/bin/activate $ pip install rti.connext .. group-tab:: macOS .. code-block:: console $ python -m venv myvenv $ . myvenv/bin/activate $ pip install rti.connext .. group-tab:: Windows .. code-block:: doscon > python -m venv myvenv > myvenv\Scripts\activate.bat > pip install rti.connext For more information about installing Python packages with pip, see the Python documentation: `Virtual Environments and Packages `_. I get "No module named 'rti'" when I run my Python application -------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure you have installed the Python API for your current Python interpreter and/or virtual environment (see :ref:`section-gsg_check_install`). If you still get that or a similar error, try reinstalling it by adding ``--force-reinstall`` to the ``pip install`` command. .. _section-gsg_install_help: Where Do I Get More Help? ========================= The full :link_connext_dds_pro_ig:`RTI Connext DDS Installation Guide <>` contains more information: - Installer command-line options - Controlling the location of the RTI Workspace directory - Additional license management options - Special backup of RTI libraries - How to uninstall |CONNEXT| Additional documentation and user forums can be found on \ `community.rti.com `__\ . Continue to :ref:`section-gsg_intro_cpp11` to start learning about the capabilities and features of |CONNEXT|.