.. _section-converter_troubleshooting: Troubleshooting =============== Table Not Found Errors ---------------------- When recording a database with |RECS|, there may be topics that have no associated table, because they were discovered but were filtered out by using the ```` or ```` tags in Topic Group or by defining Topics (that target specific topic names). While the topic will be present in the ``DCPSPublication`` table in the discovery file, it won't have a corresponding table in the user-data files. If the same topics are not filtered in |CONV| (by using the same ```` or ```` tags, or Topics), then when |CONV| starts it will discover the topics without a table because they are available in the discovery information. When |CONV| attempts to create a stream reader for these topic(s), a failure message will be printed: .. code-block:: bash ROUTERConnection_createStreamReaderAdapter:(adapter=StorageAdapterPlugin, retcode=0: Function returned NULL) ROUTERStreamReader_enable:!create stream reader adapter ROUTERTopicRoute_enableInput:!enable stream reader ROUTERTopicRoute_processEvent:!enable route input ROUTERTopicRoute_onConditionTriggered:!process event create_stream_reader_fwd:SQLiteStorageStreamReader:!Table not found in database files: TopicNotRecorded@0 These messages are harmless, they are just informing you that a table could not be found for the topic (in the example above, ``TopicNotRecorded``). To get rid of the messages, use the same Topic Group filter expressions or Topics used in |RECS|.