.. _section-recording-known-issues: Known Issues ============ .. note:: For an updated list of critical known issues, see the Critical Issues List on the RTI Customer Portal at https://support.rti.com/. Recording Service may Fail when Current Working Directory in c:\\Program Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |RECS| will try to write to its database in the current working directory. If it does not have permissions to write there, it will fail with a confusing error: .. code-block:: bash [/recording_services/RecorderService|START|/storage|CREATE] create_connection:!SQLite - failed to open database file; sqlite returned error: out of memory [SQLite return code = 7] [File = metadata] This happens most commonly when running the application from within ``c:\\Program Files`` on Windows systems. You can work around this by running |RECS| from a command prompt in a directory where you have write permissions. Some tags in the XML configuration must be grouped in a strict order -------------------------------------------------------------------- The XML validator tools |RECS| uses to validate XML configuration files adhere to the XML 1.0 specification, which doesn't offer a way of defining collections of unordered tags that are both bounded and unbounded in occurrences. This limitation is no longer present in XML 1.1. However, there are no C or C++ validators compliant with the XML 1.1 specification at the time of writing. [RTI Issue ID CORE-14178]