************* XML Converter ************* *Recording Service* includes an application to convert a legacy XML configuration to the current XML configuration format when possible. It can convert a recording XML configuration, as well as a replay XML configuration. Running the XML converter ------------------------- *XML Converter* runs as a separate application. The script to run the executable is in /bin. (See :numref:`section-doc-paths` for the path to NDDSHOME.) .. code-block:: bash rtixmlconverter record|replay [options] If you are using features that are not available in Recording Service, you will see warnings such as: .. code-block:: console Warning: Recording Service does not currently support 'verbosity' in XML. However, you can specify -verbosity at the command-line. XMLConverter Command-Line Parameters ------------------------------------ The following table describes all the command-line parameters available for the *XML Converter*. To list the available parameters, run ``rtixmlconverter -help``. .. list-table:: XML Converter Application Command-Line Parameters :name: XMLConverterHelp :widths: 38 62 :header-rows: 1 :class: longtable * - Parameter - Description * - record|replay - **Required**. Which application's configuration file to convert. * - -cfgFile - **Required**. The legacy configuration file to be converted. * - -cfgFileOut - **Required**. The name of the generated configuration file. * - -help - Shows help for the command. * - -version - Prints the program version and exits.