.. _section-known-issues: Known Issues ============ .. note:: For an updated list of critical known issues, see the Critical Issues List on the RTI Customer Portal at https://support.rti.com/. Attempting to route builtin Security Logging topic causes |RS_HEADING| crash ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Routing the Security Logging builtin topic (``DDS:Security:LogTopic``) causes a crash if any of the participants involved in the route have security logging enabled (i.e., the ``property com.rti.serv.secure.logging.distribute.enabled`` is set to true). Note that you can enable security logging on participants that talk to |RS| and even route the Security Logging builtin topic that they use. This problem occurs only if the |RS| participant itself has security logging enabled. [RTI Issue ID ROUTING-727] Some tags in the XML configuration must be grouped in a strict order -------------------------------------------------------------------- The XML validator tools |RS| uses to validate XML configuration files adhere to the XML 1.0 specification, which doesn't offer a way of defining collections of unordered tags that are both bounded and unbounded in occurrences. This limitation is no longer present in XML 1.1. However, there are no C or C++ validators compliant with the XML 1.1 specification at the time of writing. [RTI Issue ID CORE-14178] Routing Service Adapters built using Java fail on Windows machines when using OpenJDK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A *Routing Service* configuration that loads Adapters built using Java, fails on Windows machines when using OpenJDK as the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). As a workaround, install the latest Visual C++ Redistributable Package for Visual Studio 2015. [RTI Issue ID ROUTING-1183]