.. _section-whats-fixed-700: What's Fixed in 7.0.0 ===================== .. include:: ../../../connext_doc.1.0/srcDoc/release_notes/whats_fixed/severity_levels.txt :critical:`[Critical]` |RS_HEADING| stream query propagation did not work when using more than one session ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When propagating stream query result samples, |RS| may have sent corrupted data if the configuration used more than one session and both sessions were writing stream query samples at the same time. This issue has been resolved. [RTI Issue ID ROUTING-997] :major:`[Major]` Samples published out of order from the same virtual GUID were dropped ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If *Routing Service* received samples for a given virtual GUID with sequence numbers out of order, it dropped samples with sequence numbers lower than the highest received sequence number. This issue has been resolved. [RTI Issue ID ROUTING-928] :minor:`[Minor]` Schema files not compliant with DDS-XML specification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The schema file ``rti_service_common_definitions.xsd``, and its included files, have been changed as follows to make them compliant with the DDS-XML specification (https://www.omg.org/spec/DDS-XML/1.0/PDF): * has been renamed to . The old tag is still accepted by the Connext XML parser and the XSD schema to maintain backward compatibility. [RTI Issue ID ROUTING-814] :trivial:`[Trivial]` Fourth digit of product version not logged by |RS_HEADING| at startup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The |RS| executable did not log the fourth digit (revision) of the product version when the service started. This problem has been resolved. [RTI Issue ID ROUTING-975]