.. _section-administration-ref-health: Health ====== Each entity in the system has an associated health state. Admin Console determines health based on the following reasons: * An error log entry (received through the Distributed Logger or the Security Logger). * A warning log entry (received through the Distributed Logger or the Security Logger). * Requested versus offered Quality of Service. * The configured value for each transport's message_size_max field. * The use of standard and non-standard transport IDs. * Whether or not there are matching partitions. * If the DataWriter and DataReader of a given Topic both consider the Topic keyed or not. * If the data types associated with a Topic are compatible. * If a Topic has only DataWriters or only DataReaders. You can adjust the severity for any of these in the :ref:`Health Preferences` panel. Each of above reasons can degrade the health of a system entity to either a warning or error state. The severity of each reason can be adjusted in the Health Preferences to any of the three health states (healthy, warning, or error). Health is inherited from contained entities. System health is comprised of the health of all of the hosts. Host health is comprised of the health of services/processes running on that host. Therefore, if a service/process changes from Healthy to Error, the health of the host and system will also change to Error. .. Note:: It is important to note that health is assumed to be healthy unless detected to be otherwise.