.. _section-administration-setup: ================== |AC_HEADING| Setup ================== Domain Setup ============ .. |IMG_PREF| image:: ../../_static/administration/branding/icons/preferences.png |AC| uses |CONNEXT| to communicate with other RTI services and |CONNEXT| processes. When first started, |AC| will ask if you want to automatically or manually join domains. It is recommended to use auto join as you go through this Getting Started guide. You can adjust this setting in the :ref:`section-administration-preferences-dialog` dialog with this toolbar button: |IMG_PREF| RTI Services Setup ================== To use |RTI_AC| with other RTI Services: administration, distributed logging, and monitoring (if supported) should be enabled. This guide will use configurations available through *RTI Launcher*, which already enable these features. Troubleshooting |AC_HEADING| ============================ If troubleshooting is necessary, you can view the |AC| logs by selecting the menu **View-> Show Console Log** By default, the full log file is in *"/rti_workspace/ /user_config/admin_console /admin_console.log"* on Windows systems, and in *"~/rti_workspace//user_config/admin_console/admin_console.log"* on Linux and macOS systems. For other known issues with |AC|, see the :ref:`section-release-notes`.