.. _section-creating-new-project: Create a New Project -------------------- After you select **Create New…**, you will see this dialog: .. figure:: static/create_new_project.png :alt: Creating a new project :name: Figure_create_new_project :align: center :figwidth: 90% You can choose a name and select the Project Path by clicking |elipsis_icon|. Press **OK**, and |SD| will create a new project and present you with the main UI where you can start designing your system. When you create a new project, |SD| creates a project (``.rtisdproj``) file and if you checked the option when creating the project, an empty XML file. You can use |SD| to add components to the file. You can work on your project wherever you want. |SD| finds default profiles and files in your *Connext DDS* installation for you.