1. Introduction

1.1. What is the AUTOSAR Runtime Adaptive Code Generator?

The RTI Connext® AUTOSAR Runtime Adaptive Code Generator is a complementary component of RTI Connext and Connext Micro. This Code Generator is not necessarily intended for usage by end users, but in combination with existing AUTOSAR configuration/generation tools targeting the Adaptive Platform.

This document is aimed at AUTOSAR Electronic Control Unit (ECU) designers, implementers, and integrators already familiar with the vocabulary and concepts of the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform, as well as basic DDS middleware concepts. Basic DDS concepts are covered in the RTI Connext Getting Started Guide.

1.1.1. The AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform and RTI Connext

The AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform provides processes, metamodels, and tooling for the development of ECU software in the automotive industry. A key element of ECU modeling in AUTOSAR Adaptive is the Adaptive Application, whose intra- and inter-ECU interfaces (with other software components) are modeled in great detail before the actual functional behavior is implemented. See the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform webpage for more details.

RTI Connext and RTI Connext Micro are RTI’s DDS middleware implementations that target constrained, real-time, and safety platforms. These include POSIX-based platforms with UDP/IP and IPC support. More information on Connext Pro, Connext Micro and Connext Cert can be found on the RTI website.

1.1.2. The AUTOSAR Runtime Adaptive Code Generator

This AUTOSAR Runtime Adaptive Code Generator is meant to support the AUTOSAR Adaptive design methodology, which, in terms of intra- and inter-ECU communication relies on the Communication Management Functional Cluster, also commonly regarded as simply ara:com ("ara" is a common shorthand for "AUTOSAR Runtime for Adaptive Applications").

ara:com features the concept of Network Binding. Any given ara:com stack provides one or more Network Bindings, each realising the Application-facing APIs provided by ara:com for Service Oriented communication over different communication protocol/middleware technologies.

As of Release 21-11 of AUTOSAR, the following Network Bindings are formally specified:

  • Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP (SOME/IP)

  • Data Distribution Service (DDS)

  • Signal-based communication (for Classic Platform interoperability)

This AUTOSAR Runtime Adaptive Code Generator provides code generation from ARXML model exports of the necessary artifacts related to the DDS Network Binding, as of AUTOSAR Release 21-11.

As mentioned above, this generation process, and the integration that follows it is expected to be carried out by AUTOSAR Adaptive tools supporting the DDS Network Binding and integrating the RTI Connext® AUTOSAR Runtime Adaptive Code Generator, in a maner as transparent to the end user as technically possible.

1.2. Installing the AUTOSAR Runtime Adaptive Code Generator

The RTI Connext AUTOSAR Runtime Adaptive Code Generator is installed as part of Connext Drive. For more information, see https://www.rti.com/drive.