1. Introduction

1.1. What is RTI Connext DDS Network Binding Library?

RTI Connext DDS Network Binding Library is a C++ library implementing the DDS Network Binding of the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform Communications Management Functional Cluster (ara::com for short).

RTI Connext DDS Network Binding Library has two key deployment scenarios:

  • As a standalone library compiled and linked against any kind of application, directly enabling service-oriented communication over DDS as specified by the ara::com DDS Network Binding.

  • As a complementary library compiled and linked in the context of ara::com and one or more Adaptive Applications, performing service-oriented communication over DDS as specified by the ara::com DDS Network Binding.

RTI Connext DDS Network Binding Library is a stepping stone for both standalone application implementors outside of the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform (but willing to perform service-oriented communication as defined by it) and DDS Network Binding implementors and users.

1.1.1. The AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform and RTI Connext

The AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform provides processes, metamodels, and tooling for the development of ECU software in the automotive industry. A key element of ECU modeling in AUTOSAR Adaptive is the Adaptive Application, whose intra- and inter-ECU interfaces (with other software components) are modeled in great detail before the actual functional behavior is implemented. See the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform webpage for more details.

RTI Connext, RTI Connext Micro and RTI Connext Cert are RTI’s DDS middleware implementations that target constrained, real-time, and safety platforms. These include POSIX-based platforms with UDP/IP and IPC support. More information on Connext Pro, Connext Micro and Connext Cert can be found on the RTI website.

1.1.2. Dependencies

RTI Connext DDS Network Binding Library depends upon the following additional components:

  • RTI Connext AUTOSAR Runtime Adaptive Code Generator for generation of application-specific DDS Network Binding support assets

  • RTI Connext, RTI Connext Micro or RTI Connext Cert, each implementing the OMG DDS middleware APIs and type system, upon which the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform DDS Network Binding relies

1.2. Installing RTI Connext DDS Network Binding Library

RTI Connext DDS Network Binding Library is installed as part of Connext Drive. For more information, see https://www.rti.com/drive.

For precise build instructions, please visit Usage.