5. Release Notes

5.1. Supported Platforms

This release of RTI Connext AUTOSAR Runtime CDD Code Generator supports Connext Micro, the version of Connext Micro included in the Connext Drive 3.1.0 bundle.

The AUTOSAR Runtime CDD Code Generator is supported on the following platforms with x64 CPUs:

  • Ubuntu® Linux® 18.04 LTS (with “g++-9” backport)

  • Ubuntu Linux 20.04 LTS

  • RedHat® Enterprise Linux 8 (with “devtoolset-9” toolset)

  • Windows® 8.1

  • Windows 10

  • Windows 11

  • macOS® version 11.6 (“Big Sur”) and higher

5.2. What's New in 3.1.0

The following third-party software used by the AUTOSAR Runtime CDD Code Generator has been upgraded:

Table 5.1 Third-Party Software Upgrades

Third-Party Software

Old Version

New Version




5.3. What's Fixed in 3.1.0

5.3.1. ANSI control characters in non-Xterm environments disturbed log output

Terminal environments not compatible with Xterm ANSI control characters (such as the Windows command prompt) don't use these anymore, resulting in cleaner log output.

[RTI Issue ID APIT-232]

5.3.2. ddsTypeSupport flag used incorrect rtiddsgen

Previously, when using the -ddsTypeSupport flag, rtiaragen and rtiarcgen attempted to run rtiddsgen from Connext Micro, assuming it was available in the system's PATH. However, most operating systems check the executable directory first, and in the Connext Professional installation, a different, unsupported version of rtiddsgen is available under $NDDSHOME/bin/.

This issue has been fixed in this release by adding the environment varible RTIDDSGEN_PATH, which you will need to set, with the path to rtiddsgen from Connext Micro, in order to use the flag -ddsTypeSupport.

[RTI Issue ID APIT-281]

5.3.3. Crash instead of logging for duplicate model entities

When the same ARXML model entity was defined twice (i.e., same name and package path), rtiarcgen/rtiaragen crashed. Now, these gracefully warn about the duplication, instead of crashing.

[RTI Issue ID APIT-312]

5.4. Previous Release

5.4.1. What's New in 3.0.0 Production-grade release

This release is the first production-grade version of RTI Connext® AUTOSAR Runtime CDD Code Generator. The version number corresponds to the Connext Drive bundle that it is included in. Added support for Client/Server ports

This release adds support for Client/Server (C/S) ports to the AUTOSAR Runtime CDD Code Generator. This includes an ARXML parser for AUTOSAR Classic C/S interfaces, type generation for C/S interfaces, and C code generation for runnables accessing C/S ports. Improved parsing of enumeration values in COMPU-METHOD type elements

The COMPU-METHOD parser for Classic ARXMLs has been improved to properly parse elements other than <COMPU-CONST><VT> or <SYMBOL>. The value can now be completely omitted, or expressed as <LOWER-LIMIT>, <UPPER-LIMIT>, or both.

5.4.2. What's Fixed in 3.0.0 Code generation failed on Windows with IDL include directive

If you generated an IDL type using -idlTypes in a Windows machine and the generated IDL had an #include directive, code generation with -ddsTypeSupport would fail. This is because the #include directive was using backslashes (\), and this is not currently supported by rtiddsgen. This issue has been fixed; all the #include functions in the IDLs are generated using forward slashes (/).

[RTI Issue ID APIT-124] Relationship of some global options not documented

In previous releases, it was not documented that the option -entitiesTemplate requires -entities to be enabled. This has been fixed. See Command Line Parameters for more information.

[RTI Issue ID APIT-228]