RTI Connext DDS Micro
Version 2.4.10
This section is for users already familiar with CMake and may have built earlier versions of RTI Connext DDS Micro. The sections following describe the process in detail and is recommended for everyone building RTI Connext DDS Micro.
It is assumed that the RTI Connext DDS Micro source-bundle is downloaded and installed and that CMake is available.
cd <rti_me install directory>/source/unix resource/scripts/rtime-make --target self --name i86Linux4gcc \ -G "Unix Makefiles" --buildWindows:
cd <rti_me install directory>\source\windows resource\scripts\rtime-make --target self --name i86Win32 \ -G "NMake Makefiles" --build
<rti_me install directory>/source/lib/MyFirstBuild
NOTE: rtime-make uses the the specified with –name to determine a few settings needed by RTI Connext DDS Micro. Please refer to Preparation for a Build for details.
On Unix:
On Windows:
For help, use:
resource\scripts\rtime-make --help
To list available targets use:
resource\scripts\rtime-make --list
For help for a specific target, except self, use:
resource\scripts\rtime-make --target <target> --help