.. _building_freertos: Building the |me_h| Source for FreeRTOS ======================================= Introduction ------------ This section explains the environment used to run |me| on FreeRTOS + lwIP and is organized as follows: - `Overview`_ - `Configuration`_ - `CMake Support`_ Overview -------- |me| is known to run on the FreeRTOS operating system with the lwIP protocol stack. STM32F769I-DISC0 has been chosen as reference hardware. This development kit has a STM32F769NIH6 microcontroller with 2 Mbytes of Flash memory and 512 Kbytes of RAM. For a full description, please refer to the microcontroller documentation. STM provides a toolchain called SW4STM32. SW4STM32 is a free multi-OS software environment based on Eclipse, which supports the full range of STM32 microcontrollers and associated boards. SW4STM32 includes the GCC C/C++ compiler, a GDB-based debugger, and an Eclipse-based IDE. STM also provides STM32CubeF7. STM32CubeF7 gathers all the generic embedded software components required to develop an application on the STM32F7 microcontrollers in a single package. STM32CubeF7 also includes many examples and demonstration applications. The example *LwIP_HTTP_Server_Socket_RTOS* is particularly useful as it provides a working FreeRTOS + lwIP configuration. The following versions of the different components have been used: - SW4STM32 version 2.1 - STM32Cube_FW_F7 version V1.7.0 - FreeRTOS version V9.0.0 - lwIP version V2.0.0 Configuration ------------- Example lwIP and FreeRTOS configurations are provided below for reference. This configuration must be tuned according to your needs. Details about how to configure these third-party components can be found in the FreeRTOS and lwIP documentation. - Example configuration for lwIP: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/lwipopts.h :language: c - Example configuration for FreeRTOS: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/FreeRTOSConfig.h :language: c CMake Support ------------- |me| includes support to compile libraries for FreeRTOS using `CMake `_ . It is assumed that the |me| source-bundle has been downloaded and installed and that `CMake `_ is available. .. only:: not cert 1. Make sure `CMake `_ is in the path. 2. Define the following environment variables: - CONFIG_PATH : Path where the FreeRTOSConfig.h and lwipopts.h files are located. - FREERTOS_PATH : Path to FreeRTOS source code and header files. - LWIP_PATH : Path to lwIP source code and header files. - PATH : Update your path with the location of the C and C++ compiler. By default arm-none-eabi-gcc and arm-none-eabi-g++ are used as C and C++ compilers. 3. Enter the following command: :: cd resource/scripts/rtime-make --target FreeRTOS --name cortexm7FreeRTOS9.0gcc7.3.1 -G "Unix Makefiles" --build 4. The |me| libraries are available in: :: /lib/cortexm7FreeRTOS9.0gcc7.3.1 NOTE: rtime-make uses the name specified with --name to determine a few settings needed by |me|. Please refer to :ref:`prepare` for details.