FlatData Language Binding ========================= This section is organized as follows: - `Overview`_ - `Getting Started`_ - `Further Information`_ Overview -------- |rti_me| supports the FlatData\ :sup:`TM` language binding in the same manner as |rti_core|. However, |me| only supports the FlatData language binding for traditional C++ APIs, whereas |rti_core| also supports it for the Modern C++ API. The FlatData language binding is not supported for the C language binding. Getting Started --------------- The best way to start is to generate an example by creating an example IDL file HelloWorld.idl containing the following IDL type: :: @final @language_binding(FLAT_DATA) struct HelloWorld { long a; } Next, run: ``rtiddsgen -example -micro -language C++ HelloWorld.idl`` Further Information ------------------- For more details about this feature, please see |rti_core_um_flatdata_verbose| in the |rti_core_um| (available |rti_core_um_flatdata|_ if you have Internet access). For details on how to build and read a FlatData sample, see FlatData_.