Examples ======== |me| provides buildable example applications, in the **example/** directory of its host bundle. They include a basic HelloWorld application presented in a few different flavors, an RTPS-only emitter, and latency and throughput benchmarking applications. Each example comes with instructions on how to build and run an application. All examples are available in C, while the HelloWorld_dpde and HelloWorld_dpde_waitset examples are available in C++. Note that by the default all the examples link against release libraries. To build release libraries:: ./resource/scripts/rtime-make --name x64Darwin17clang9.0 --target self --build --config Release To build the examples against the debug libraries, specify the the DEBUG option:: make DEBUG=Y - **Helloworld_dpse**. Shows how to use rtiddsgen to generate type-support code from a simple HelloWorld IDL-defined type. This examplecreates a publisher and subscriber, and uses dynamic participant, static endpoint discovery to establish communication. - **HelloWorld_dpde**. Same as the **HelloWorld_dpse** example, except it uses dynamic participant, dynamic endpoint discovery. This example is available in both C and C++. - **HelloWorld_dpde_waitset**. Same as the HelloWorld_dpde example, except it uses waitsets instead of listener callbacks to access received data. - **HelloWorld_dpde_secure** Same as the HelloWorld_dpde example, except that the *RTI Security Plugins* are installed and enabled on each DomainParticipant to perform mutual authentication, enforce access control rules, and encrypt data exchanged by applications. - **HelloWorld_android**. Example application using Androidâ„¢ NDK. - **HelloWorld_static_udp**. Same as HelloWorld_dpde, except it uses static configuration of network interfaces. - **HelloWorld_appgen**. Example application using Application Generation API. - **HelloWorld_transformations**. Same as HelloWorld_dpde, except it uses UDP transformations to send encrypted packets using OpenSSL. - **RTPS**. Example of an RTPS emitter that bypasses the DDS module and APIs to send RTPS discovery and user data. - **Latency**. Measures the end-to-end latency of |me|. - **Throughput**. Measures the end-to-end throughput of |me|.