7. API Reference

7.2. Headers

Including the below header files will allow you to call FACE TSS API functions that are implemented by the RTI FACE TSS library.

  • The FACE TSS API is defined in the header file include/FACE/TS.hpp.

  • The type specific part of the FACE TSS API will be defined by header files generated as part of building from your data model:

    • <example>/gen/<example>.hxx
    • <example>/gen/<example>_TSS.hpp
  • <example>/gen/<example>.hxx should either be replaced by user files from the FACE data modeling tools or be renamed <example>/gen/<example>.hpp.

  • Any header file prepended with “ext_*” can be included in applications or libraries that use RTI Connext TSS. The section RTI FACE TSS Required Plugins (link TBD)) contains more information on why this is relevant.

7.3. Initialization

7.3.1. FACE::TS::Initialize()

Before using any other features of Connext TSS, the TSS must first be initialized using the FACE::TS::Initialize() API call.

void FACE::TS::Initialize (
    /* in */  const FACE::CONFIGURATION_RESOURCE   configuration,
    /* out */ FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE               &return_code
Table 7.1 FACE::TS::Initialize Parameters
Parameter Name Type Direction Description

The name of the configuration to load. This can either be a filename or a static configuration identifier string.

NOTE: Configuration files are only available when using Connext DDS Professional with the General Purpose Profile. Static configuration for all other profiles is enabled by specifying a configuration parameter in the following format: RTI_TSS_STATIC_INITIALIZATION##config_name, where config_name is a user-defined value passed into the configuration plugin. See the configuration section for additional details.

return_code FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE& OUT The return code for the call to FACE::TS:Initialize. Upon return of the call, this parameter will be populated with a value that will indicate either success or a reason for failure.
Table 7.2 FACE::TS::Initialize Return Codes
Return Code Description
FACE::NOT_AVAILABLE Connext TSS internal data could not be properly initialized.
FACE::INVALID_CONFIG Connext TSS could not be configured with the provided configuration parameter.
FACE::NO_ERROR The operation completed successfully.

The FACE::TS::Initialize function gets the Connext TSS singleton instance and then calls the RTI_TSS_ConfigManager_initialize function to configure the TSS.

The FACE::TS::Initialize call is non-blocking.

This function is not thread safe.

7.4. Configuration

Configuration can be specified in an XML file using Connext DDS Professional. When using Connext DDS Micro (and optionally when using Connext DDS Professional), the configuration is specified statically in a user-modified plugin source file. Configuration data is used to setup Distribution Capability.

The following table lists FACE TSS configuration data elements and what support (if any) is available in Connext TSS. Configuration entries that are not applicable to Connext TSS are listed as “Excluded”. For information on QoS settings used to configure certain elements, please refer to documentation for Connext DDS Professional/Micro and the QoS configuration information later in this documentation.

Table 7.3 Configuration Support
Configuration Type Support
Connection Name Supported
Connection Type Excluded
Connection Direction Supported
Connection Domain Excluded
Socket Type Excluded
Max Message Size Excluded (message size is derived from the data type used for a connection)
Message Range Excluded
Message Association Excluded, Not Supported
Data Transform Required Excluded, Not Supported
Refresh Period Supported via QoS Settings
Reliability Supported via QoS Settings
ReadWrite Behavior Excluded
Queue Discipline Excluded
Receive Flag Excluded
Send Flag Excluded
Source Supported via QoS Settings
Destination Supported via QoS Settings
Source Port Supported via QoS Settings
Destination Port(s) Supported via QoS Settings
Filter Specification Excluded
Thread List Excluded (implicitly defined for Connext DDS)
Priority (per thread) Supported via QoS Settings
Thread Rate (per thread) Excluded
Thread Stack Size (per thread) Supported via QoS Settings
Scheduling Policy (per thread) Excluded

7.4.1. RTI_TSS_ConfigData_get_config_data()

During the code generation process for FACE, an example configuration plugin is created. If you are running the code generator with an input IDL file named MyDataModel.idl, a configuration file named MyDataModel_Config will be generated.

The configuration plugin has a single function with the following prototype:

RTI_TSS_ExternalConfigData* RTI_TSS_ConfigData_get_config_data(const char* config_name)
Table 7.4 RTI_TSS_ConfigData_get_config_data Parameters
Parameter Name Type Direction Description
config_name const char* IN Intended to be the name of the configuration to load. The actual meaning and use of this parameter is left up to the implementer of the configuration plugin.

The following C structures are used in establishing the configuration for Connext TSS:

typedef struct RTI_TSS_ExternalConfigDataElement {
    int32_t                            domain;
    const char*                        connection_name;
    FACE_CONNECTION_DIRECTION_TYPE     direction_type;
    FACE_Boolean                       bi_dir_ignore_self;
    struct RTI_TSS_QoSConfigPlugin*    qos_plugin;
    const char*                        topic_name;
    const char*                        type_name;
} RTI_TSS_ExternalConfigDataElement;

typedef struct RTI_TSS_ExternalConfigData {
    RTI_TSS_ExternalConfigDataElement* config_elements_ptr;
    unsigned int                       length;
    const char*                        url_profile;
    LogVerbosity                       verbosity;
} RTI_TSS_ExternalConfigData;
Table 7.5 RTI_TSS_ExternalConfigDataElement
Field Name Type Description
domain int32_t The DDS domain that the connection will use for communication. An RTI Connext TSS Source and Destination will only be able to communicate if they are operating on the same domain. In practice, this logical separation may determine certain parameters for the underlying transport, such as the ports used for a network connection. See the OMG Specification for Data Distribution Service for Real-time Systems, v1.2 section for information about how the domain applies to the conceptual model for DDS.
connection_name const char* The name for the connection configuration. Calls to FACE::TS::Create_Connection that supply a matching value for the connection_name field will create a connection using the configuration values specified in that entry. During initialization of RTI Connext TSS, all connection names are converted to uppercase using the ctype library’s toupper function on each lowercase alphabet character in the original name.
direction_type FACE_CONNECTION_DIRECTION_TYPE The direction type of the TSS connection. Can be FACE::SOURCE for a sender, FACE::DESTINATION for a receiver, or FACE::BI_DIRECTIONAL for a connection that will both send and receive messages. When using FACE::SOURCE, a DDS DataWriter is created for the connection. When using FACE::DESTINATION, a DDS DataReader is created for the connection. When using FACE::BI_DIRECTIONAL, both a DataWriter and a DataReader will be created.
bi_dir_ignore_self FACE_Boolean

If the connection direction is FACE::BI_DIRECTIONAL, this will allow the application to ignore messages originating from the sending side of this connection. This is accomplished by using the DDS_DomainParticipant_ignore_publication function of the DDS API.

NOTE: DDS_DomainParticipant_ignore_publication is not available in the API for Connext DDS Micro, so setting this field will have no effect on the connection.

qos_plugin struct RTI_TSS_QosConfigPlugin*

A pointer to a structure that will be used to set the QoS parameters for this configuration’s side of the connection. Please see the section detailing the QoS plugin for additional information.

NOTE: Each side of a connection must have QoS that is compatible with the other for communication to work.

topic_name const char*

The DDS Topic name that will be used for the connection. Refer to the OMG Specification for Data Distribution Service for Real-time Systems, v1.2 section, for information about Topics in DDS.

NOTE: The name of the DDS Topic must match on both sides of a connection for communication to work.

type_name const char*

Connections in the RTI TSS are strongly typed. This field specifies the type name that will be used for this connection. The type support plugin provided by the application developer is responsible for ensuring that type names map to type-specific plugin code required by the underlying DDS implementation.

NOTE: The type information must match on both sides of a connection for communication to work.

Table 7.6 RTI_TSS_ExternalConfigData
Field Name Type Description
config_elements_pointer RTI_TSS_ExternalConfigDataElement* A pointer to a table of connection configuration elements.
length unsigned int The number of elements in the config_elements_pointer table.
url_profile const char*

URL for specifying XML QoS files.

NOTE: This field is only used with Connext DDS Professional and is ignored when using Connext DDS Micro.

verbosity LogVerbosity An enumerated value indicating the verbosity of log messages from the TSS.

7.4.2. RTI_TSS_QoSConfigPlugin

During the code generation process for FACE, an example quality of service (QoS) plugin is created. If you are running the code generator with an input IDL file named MyDataModel.idl, a configuration file named MyDataModel_QosSupport.c will be generated. The QoS plugin allows for the implementation of functions for setting quality of service for each of the DDS entities that will be used by the TSS. It also provides a function to retrieve the structure of function pointers to the entity QoS configuration functions.

The structure to be provided by the QoS plugin is below:

typedef struct RTI_TSS_QoSConfigPlugin {
    DDS_Boolean (*configure_domain_participant_qos_fnc)(struct DDS_DomainParticipantQos*, void*);
    DDS_Boolean (*configure_publisher_qos_fnc)(struct DDS_PublisherQos*, void*);
    DDS_Boolean (*configure_subscriber_qos_fnc)(struct DDS_SubscriberQos*, void*);
    DDS_Boolean (*configure_topic_qos_fnc)(struct DDS_TopicQos*, void*);
    DDS_Boolean (*configure_datawriter_qos_fnc)(struct DDS_DataWriterQos*, void*);
    DDS_Boolean (*configure_datareader_qos_fnc)(struct DDS_DataReaderQos*, void*);
    void* plugin_data;
    const char* qos_library;
    const char* qos_profile;
} RTI_TSS_QoSConfigPlugin;
Table 7.7 RTI_TSS_QosConfigPlugin
Field Name Type Description
configure_domain_participant_qos_fnc DDS_Boolean (fnc_ptr) (struct DDS_DomainParticipantQos, void*)

A function for configuring the QoS of a DDS Domain Participant entity. If NULL, QoS will be set to a default value set for the entity.

NOTE: There is no default QoS function when building an application aligned to the FACE TSS Safety Base Profile. All QoS values for a profile should be set explicitly in the plugin.

configure_publisher_qos_fnc DDS_Boolean (fnc_ptr) (struct DDS_PublisherQos, void*)

A function for configuring the QoS of a DDS Publisher entity. If NULL, QoS will be set to a default value set for the entity.

NOTE: There is no default QoS function when building an application aligned to the FACE TSS Safety Base Profile. All QoS values for a profile should be set explicitly in the plugin.

configure_subscriber_qos_fnc DDS_Boolean (fnc_ptr) (struct DDS_SubscriberQos, void*)

A function for configuring the QoS of a DDS Subscriber entity. If NULL, QoS will be set to a default value set for the entity.

NOTE: There is no default QoS function when building an application aligned to the FACE TSS Safety Base Profile. All QoS values for a profile should be set explicitly in the plugin.

configure_topic_qos_fnc DDS_Boolean (fnc_ptr) (struct DDS_TopicQos, void*)

A function for configuring the QoS of a DDS Topic entity. If NULL, QoS will be set to a default value set for the entity.

NOTE: There is no default QoS function when building an application aligned to the FACE TSS Safety Base Profile. All QoS values for a profile should be set explicitly in the plugin.

configure_datawriter_qos_fnc DDS_Boolean (fnc_ptr) (struct DDS_DataWriterQos, void*)

A function for configuring the QoS of a DDS DataWriter entity. If NULL, QoS will be set to a default value set for the entity.

NOTE: There is no default QoS function when building an application aligned to the FACE TSS Safety Base Profile. All QoS values for a profile should be set explicitly in the plugin.

configure_datareader_qos_fnc DDS_Boolean (fnc_ptr) (struct DDS_DataReaderQos, void*)

A function for configuring the QoS of a DDS DataReader entity. If NULL, QoS will be set to a default value set for the entity.

NOTE: There is no default QoS function when building an application aligned to the FACE TSS Safety Base Profile. All QoS values for a profile should be set explicitly in the plugin.

plugin_data void* An opaque user-defined data field that will be passed to each of the entity QoS configuration function pointers.
qos_library const char*

The QoS Library for built-in or XML-defined QoS that will be used to configure the entities created by any connections using this plugin. Can be NULL if external configuration will not be used.

NOTE: This field is ignored for applications using Connext DDS Micro.

qos_profile const char*

The QoS Profile for built-in or XML-defined QoS that will be used to configure the entities created by any connections using this plugin. Can be NULL if external configuration will not be used.

NOTE: This field is ignored for applications using Connext DDS Micro.

The example QoS plugin source file that is created by the code generator contains a function that returns a structure of type RTI_TSS_QoSConfigPlugin*, which can then be used to initialize the qos_plugin field for a connection configuration. Multiple QoS configuration structures can be used within a single application to enable tuning of message distribution capabilities to different use-cases.

Please refer to documentation for the underlying DDS implementation (Connext DDS Professional or Micro) to learn more about the QoS configuration options available for each entity.

7.4.3. XML Configuration

XML Configuration is available for applications using Connext DDS Professional.

Below is an example XML configuration file:

For setting QoS via XML configuration, please refer to Connext DDS Professional documentation.

7.5. Connections

Application developers using Connext TSS can configure connections by populating a connection table in the configuration plugin source code or by using XML configuration (the latter being available only when targeting Connext DDS Professional).

7.5.1. FACE::TS::Create_Connection()

A connection is created with FACE::TS::Create_Connection.

void FACE::TS::Create_Connection (
    /* in */  const FACE::CONNECTION_NAME_TYPE   connection_name,
    /* in */  FACE::MESSAGING_PATTERN_TYPE       pattern,
    /* out */ FACE::CONNECTION_ID_TYPE           &connection_id,
    /* out */ FACE::CONNECTION_DIRECTION_TYPE    &connection_direction,
    /* out */ FACE::MESSAGE_SIZE_TYPE            &max_message_size,
    /* in */  FACE::TIMEOUT_TYPE                 timeout,
    /* out */ FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE             &return_code
Table 7.8 FACE::TS::Create_Connection Parameters
Parameter Name Type Direction Description
connection_name const FACE::CONNECTION_NAME_TYPE IN The name of the connection. This value will be converted to uppercase to search against the connections specified in the configuration table for connections.
pattern FACE::MESSAGING_PATTERN_TYPE IN The pattern to use for communication. Only FACE::PUB_SUB is supported for Connext TSS.
connection_id FACE::CONNECTION_ID_TYPE& OUT A unique connection ID. This ID will be used to refer to the connection in all other TSS API calls. This field is passed by reference and is set upon return from a successful call.
connection_direction FACE::CONNECTION_DIRECTION_TYPE& OUT The direction of the connection that corresponds to the configuration with a matching name. This field is passed by reference and is set upon return from a successful call.
max_message_size FACE::MESSAGE_SIZE_TYPE& OUT

The maximum size of a message for this connection. This field is passed by reference and is set upon return from a successful call.

NOTE: This parameter is not supported by RTI TSS and consequently is set to 0.


Specifies a timeout for connection creation.

NOTE: This parameter is not used by the RTI TSS.

return_code FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE& OUT The return code for the call to FACE::TS::Create_Connection. Upon return of the call, this parameter will be populated with a value that will indicate either success or a reason for failure.
Table 7.9 FACE::TS::Create_Connection Return Codes
Return Code Description
FACE::NOT_AVAILABLE Connext TSS was not properly initialized prior to the call to FACE::TS::Create_Connection.
FACE::INVALID_MODE The pattern parameter was not specified as FACE::PUB_SUB, as required by Connext TSS.

A configuration with a name matching the provided connection_name parameter was not found.

NOTE: Because both strings will have been converted to uppercase prior to the matching process, the matching is case-insensitive, as required by the FACE TSS specification.

FACE::INVALID_CONFIG Connext TSS was unable to create the connection due to an invalid configuration.
FACE::NO_ERROR The operation completed successfully.

The call to FACE::TS::Create_Connection first verifies that Connext TSS was properly initialized. It then converts the supplied connection_name parameter to uppercase to perform a case-insensitive lookup of the connection configuration associated with the name. If that succeeds and a connection has not already been created for that name, one will be created and a new connection ID will be assigned. If a connection for that name already exists, the parameters for the existing connection are returned.

When a new connection is created, the appropriate DDS entities for that connection are also created if necessary, as explained in the following table.

Table 7.10 DDS Entity Creation
DDS Entity Creation Requirements

Created if there is no existing DomainParticipant for the new connection’s configured domain parameter. Otherwise the existing DomainParticipant on that domain will be reused by the new connection. See the OMG Specification for Data Distribution Service for Real-time Systems, v1.2 section, for information on the DomainParticipant entity class.

NOTE: DomainParticipant reuse does not allow for new connections to modify DomainParticipant QoS after the initial creation of the DomainParticipant. Any connection created with the same domain as an existing connection will use the DomainParticipant QoS of the original connection, regardless of the QoS plugin specified for the new connection.


Created if there is no existing Topic matching the new connection’s topic name in the connection configuration. Otherwise the existing Topic will be reused by the new connection. See the OMG Specification for Data Distribution Service for Real-time Systems, v1.2 section, for information on the Topic entity class.

NOTE: Topic reuse does not allow for connections to modify Topic QoS after the initial creation of the Topic. Any connection created with the same topic name as an existing connection will use the Topic QoS of the original connection, regardless of the QoS plugin specified for the new connection.


Created if the connection is of direction FACE::SOURCE or FACE::BI_DIRECTIONAL. See the OMG Specification for Data Distribution Service for Real-time Systems, v1.2 section, for information on the Publisher entity class.

NOTE: Although DDS allows for Publishers to contain multiple DataWriters, in Connext TSS Publishers are not shared by connections.


Created if the connection is of direction FACE::DESTINATION or FACE::BI_DIRECTIONAL. See the OMG Specification for Data Distribution Service for Real-time Systems, v1.2 section, for information on the Subscriber entity class.

NOTE: Although DDS allows for Subscribers to contain multiple DataReaders, in Connext TSS Subscribers are not shared by connections.

DataWriter Created if the connection is of direction FACE::SOURCE or FACE::BI_DIRECTIONAL. See the OMG Specification for Data Distribution Service for Real-time Systems, v1.2 section, for information on the DataWriter entity class.
DataReader Created if the connection is of direction FACE::DESTINATION or FACE::BI_DIRECTIONAL. See the OMG Specification for Data Distribution Service for Real-time Systems, v1.2 section, for information on the DataReader entity class.

The FACE::TS::Create_Connection call is non-blocking.

This function is not thread safe.

7.5.2. FACE::TS::Destroy_Connection

void FACE::TS::Destroy_Connection (
    /* in */  FACE::CONNECTION_ID_TYPE           connection_id,
    /* out */ FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE             &return_code
Table 7.11 FACE::TS::Destroy_Connection Parameters
Parameter Name Type Direction Description
connection_id FACE::CONNECTION_ID_TYPE IN The ID of the connection to be destroyed.
return_code FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE& OUT The return code for the call to FACE::TS::Destroy_Connection. Upon return of the call, this parameter will be populated with a value that will indicate either success or a reason for failure.
Table 7.12 FACE::TS::Destroy_Connection Return Codes
Return Code Description
FACE::NOT_AVAILABLE Connext TSS was not properly initialized prior to the call to FACE::TS::Destroy_Connection.
FACE::NO_ERROR The operation completed successfully.

The call to FACE::TS::Destroy_Connection first verifies that the RTI TSS was properly initialized. It then looks up the connection using the provided ID. If a matching connection is found, it is removed from the lookup table and the following checks and operations are performed:


    • Destroy the DDS WaitSet associated with the connection using DDS_WaitSet_delete()

    • If the application was using the callback interface

      • Destroy any internal instances of sample data using the generated type plugin
      • Remove the listener associated with the DDS DataReader using DDS_DataReader_set_listener()
    • Destroy the DDS DataReader associated with the connection using DDS_Subscriber_delete_datareader()

    • Destroy the DDS Subscriber associated with the connection using DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_subscriber()

  • If the direction is FACE::SOURCE or FACE::BI_DIRECTIONAL

    • Destroy the DDS DataWriter associated with the connection using DDS_Publisher_delete_datawriter()
    • Destroy the DDS Publisher associated with the connection using DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_publisher()
  • Check to see if any entities are still referencing the DDS Topic used for this connection

    • If not, delete the DDS Topic using DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_topic()
  • Check to see if any references to the DDS DomainParticipant remain

    • If not, delete all entities in the DDS Participant using DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_contained_entities and then delete the participant itself using ``DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_delete_participant()

NOTE: FACE::TS::Destroy_Connection does not delete the entities and remove the references to the connection when building for the Safety Base profile. These calls require the ability to free the memory associated with DDS entities and the free() call is not available in this profile.

This function is not thread safe.

7.5.3. FACE::TS::Get_Connection_Parameters()

void FACE::TS::Get_Connection_Parameters (
    /* inout */ FACE::CONNECTION_NAME_TYPE            &connection_name,
    /* inout */ FACE::CONNECTION_ID_TYPE              &connection_id,
    /* out */ FACE::TRANSPORT_CONNECTION_STATUS_TYPE  &connection_status,
    /* out */ FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE                  &return_code
Table 7.13 FACE::TS::Get_Connection_Parameters Parameters
Parameter Name Type Direction Description

The name of the connection.

NOTE: Not used by the RTI TSS. Use the connection_id field instead.

connection_id FACE::CONNECTION_ID_TYPE& INOUT The ID of the connection.
connection_status FACE::TRANSPORT_CONNECTION_STATUS_TYPE& OUT Connection status.
return_code FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE& OUT The return code for the call to FACE::TS::Get_Connection_Parameters. Upon return of the call, this parameter will be populated with a value that will indicate either success or a reason for failure.
Table 7.14 FACE::TS::Get_Connection_Parameters Return Codes
Return Code Description
FACE::NOT_AVAILABLE Connext TSS was not properly initialized prior to the call to FACE::TS::Get_Connection_Parameters.
FACE::INVALID_PARAM No connection with the associated ID was found.
FACE::NO_ERROR The operation completed successfully.

The call to FACE::TS::Get_Connection_Parameters first verifies that the RTI TSS was properly initialized. It then looks up the connection using the provided ID. If one is found, information related to the connection is returned via the connection_status reference field.

NOTE: Currently only the connection direction is populated with valid information.

This function is not thread safe.

7.6. Communication

7.6.1. FACE::TS::Send_Message()

void FACE::TS::Send_Message (
    /* in */    FACE::CONNECTION_ID_TYPE      connection_id,
    /* in */    FACE::TIMEOUT_TYPE            timeout,
    /* inout */ FACE::TRANSACTION_ID_TYPE     &transaction_id,
    /* inout */ FACE_SPECIFIED_TYPE           &message,
    /* inout */ FACE::MESSAGE_SIZE_TYPE       &message_size,
    /* out */   FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE        &return_code
Table 7.15 FACE::TS::Send_Message Parameters
Parameter Name Type Direction Description
connection_id FACE::CONNECTION_ID_TYPE IN The ID of the connection to be used for sending the message. This ID is returned via a successful call to FACE::TS::Create_Connection.
timeout FACE::TIMEOUT_TYPE IN The timeout parameter is not used by Connext TSS.
transaction_id FACE::TRANSACTION_ID_TYPE& INOUT The transaction_id parameter is used in the request/reply communication pattern, which is not currently available in Connext TSS.

The strongly typed message to be sent. An implementer will substitute their type for FACE_SPECIFIED_TYPE.

NOTE: The type of the message must correspond to the type specified in the connection configuration for the given connection_id.


The size of the message being sent.

NOTE: Since this parameter is used for abstract sends (e.g., void* type) and this implementation only supports strongly typed communication, this parameter is not used by Connext TSS.

return_code FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE& OUT The return code for the call to FACE::TS::Send_Message. Upon return of the call, this parameter will be populated with a value that will indicate either success or a reason for failure.
Table 7.16 FACE::TS::Send_Message Return Codes
Return Code Description
FACE::NOT_AVAILABLE Connext TSS was not properly initialized prior to the call to FACE::TS::Send_Message.
FACE::INVALID_PARAM The provided connection_id parameter does not correspond to an active connection or the DDS DataWriter’s write call returned an error.
FACE::INVALID_MODE The connection associated with the connection_id is of direction FACE::DESTINATION. FACE::TS::Send_Message only works with connections using direction FACE::SOURCE or FACE::BI_DIRECTIONAL.
FACE::INVALID_CONFIG The DDS DataWriter associated with the connection_id parameter was not initialized successfully or does not match the type associated with the FACE Connection configuration.
FACE::NO_ERROR The operation completed successfully.

The Send_Message API first checks to ensure that the TSS has been properly initialized with a call to FACE::TS::Initialize. It then verifies that the Connection corresponding to the provided connection_id parameter was previously created and that the Connection can be used to send data by confirming that the direction_type is either FACE::SOURCE or FACE::BI_DIRECTIONAL.

The FACE Connection is mapped to a DDS Topic and a type-specific DDS DataWriter. The RTI TSS obtains the type specific DataWriter and calls the write() API.

This function is not thread safe.

7.6.2. FACE::TS::Receive_Message()

void FACE::TS::Receive_Message (
    /* in */    FACE::CONNECTION_ID_TYPE      connection_id,
    /* in */    FACE::TIMEOUT_TYPE            timeout,
    /* inout */ FACE::TRANSACTION_ID_TYPE     &transaction_id,
    /* inout */ FACE_SPECIFIED_TYPE           &message,
    /* in */    FACE::MESSAGE_SIZE_TYPE       message_size,
    /* out */   FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE        &return_code
Table 7.17 FACE::TS::Receive_Message Parameters
Parameter Name Type Direction Description
connection_id FACE::CONNECTION_ID_TYPE IN The ID of the connection to be used for receiving the message. This ID is returned via a successful call to FACE::TS::Create_Connection.
timeout FACE::TIMEOUT_TYPE IN The amount of time to wait for an incoming message before returning to the calling application with a return code indicating the call has timed out.
transaction_id FACE::TRANSACTION_ID_TYPE& INOUT The transaction_id parameter is used in the request/reply communication pattern, which is not currently available in Connext TSS.

The strongly typed message to be received. An implementer will substitute their type for FACE_SPECIFIED_TYPE.

NOTE: The type of the message must correspond to the type specified in the connection configuration for the given connection_id.


The size of the message to be received.

NOTE: Since this parameter is used for abstract receives (e.g., void* type) and this implementation only supports strongly typed communication, this parameter is not used by Connext TSS.

return_code FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE& OUT The return code for the call to FACE::TS::Receive_Message. Upon return of the call, this parameter will be populated with a value that will indicate either success or a reason for failure.
Table 7.18 FACE::TS::Receive_Message Return Codes
Return Code Description
FACE::NOT_AVAILABLE Connext TSS was not properly initialized prior to the call to FACE::TS::Receive_Message or no data was received.
FACE::INVALID_PARAM The provided connection_id parameter does not correspond to an active connection or the timeout value is invalid.
FACE::INVALID_MODE The connection associated with the connection_id is of direction FACE::SOURCE. FACE::TS::Receive_Message only works with connections using direction FACE::DESTINATION or FACE::BI_DIRECTIONAL.
FACE::INVALID_CONFIG The DDS Participant, DDS WaitSet, or DDS DataReader associated with the connection_id parameter was not initialized successfully or the DDS DataReader does not match the type associated with the FACE Connection configuration.
FACE::TIMED_OUT The call to FACE::TS::Receive_Message timed out before any data was received on the connection.
FACE::NO_ERROR The operation completed successfully.

The Receive_Message API verifies the following before performing the operations to receive data:

  • The TSS has been properly initialized with a call to FACE::TS::Initialize.
  • The Connection corresponding to the provided connection_id parameter was previously created.
  • The timeout parameter is valid.
  • The DDS Participant associated with the connection_id parameter is valid.
  • The DDS WaitSet associated with the connection_id parameter is valid.
  • The Connection can be used to receive data by confirming the direction_type is either FACE::DESTINATION or FACE::BI_DIRECTIONAL.
  • The type-specific DDS DataReader associated with the connection_id is valid and the type matches the type associated with the Receive_Message call.

It then performs a DDS take_next_sample() call to attempt retrieval of a sample already at the DataReader. If a sample is available, it is returned via the message reference parameter. Otherwise the DDS wait() call is performed on the DDS WaitSet associated with the connection with the provided timeout parameter. If a sample is received within the timeout period, it is retrieved using the take_next_sample() call for the DataReader and returned via the message reference parameter.

This function is not thread safe.

7.7. Callback Interface

The FACE TSS callback interface is only available when using the General Purpose or Safety Extended FACE Profiles. It allows for asynchronous communication patterns.

7.7.1. FACE::Read_Callback::send_event()

The optional FACE TSS callback interface for receiving data specifies the following type-specific function prototype for type FACE_SPECIFIED_TYPE. It is generated from a user-defined IDL data type:

void FACE::Read_Callback::send_event(
    /* in */    FACE::TRANSACTION_ID_TYPE     transaction_id,
    /* inout */ FACE_SPECIFIED_TYPE           &message,
    /* in */    FACE::MESSAGE_TYPE_GUID       message_type_id,
    /* in */    FACE::MESSAGE_SIZE_TYPE       message_size,
    /* in */    const FACE::WAITSET_TYPE      waitset,
    /* out */   FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE        &return_code

This function is a user-defined handler for receiving data via the callback interface. The parameters passed to the function upon receipt of data are listed in the following table:

Table 7.19 FACE::Read_Callback:send_event Parameters
Parameter Name Type Direction Description
transaction_id FACE::TRANSACTION_ID_TYPE IN The transaction_id parameter is used in the request/reply communication pattern, which is not currently available in Connext TSS.

The strongly typed message that was received. An implementer will substitute their type for FACE_SPECIFIED_TYPE.

NOTE: The type of the message must correspond to the type specified in the connection configuration for the given connection_id.

message_type_id FACE::MESSAGE_TYPE_GUID IN

The type of the message that was received.

NOTE: Since this parameter is used for abstract receives (e.g., void* type) and this implementation only supports strongly typed communication, this parameter is not used by Connext TSS.


The size of the message that was received.

NOTE: Since this parameter is used for abstract sends (e.g., void* type) and this implementation only supports strongly typed communication, this parameter is not used by Connext TSS.

waitset const FACE::WAITSET_TYPE IN  
return_code FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE& OUT The return code for the call to FACE::TS::Receive_Message. Upon return of the call, this parameter will be populated with a value that will indicate either success or a reason for failure.

7.7.2. FACE::TS::Register_Callback()

For each message type, there is a type-specific function for registering a callback with the TSS with the following signature:

void FACE::TS::Register_Callback (
    /* in */  FACE::CONNECTION_ID_TYPE        connection_id,
    /* in */  const FACE::WAITSET_TYPE        waitset,
    /* in */  FACE::Read_Callback::send_event data_callback,
    /* in */  FACE::MESSAGE_SIZE_TYPE         max_message_size,
    /* out */ FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE          &return_code
Table 7.20 FACE::TS:Register_Callback Parameters
Parameter Name Type Direction Description
connection_id FACE::CONNECTION_ID_TYPE IN The ID of the connection on which the messages shall be received. This ID is returned via a successful call to FACE::TS::Create_Connection.
waitset const FACE::WAITSET_TYPE IN This parameter is not used by Connext TSS.
data_callback FACE::Read_Callback::send_event IN The user-defined callback function to invoke whenever data is received on the connection.
max_message_size FACE::MESSAGE_SIZE_TYPE IN

The size of the message that can be received.

NOTE: Since this parameter is used for abstract receives (e.g., void* type) and this implementation only supports strongly typed communication, this parameter is not used by Connext TSS.

return_code FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE& OUT The return code for the call to FACE::TS::Register_Callback. Upon return of the call, this parameter will be populated with a value that will indicate either success or a reason for failure.
Table 7.21 FACE::TS::Register_Callback Return Codes
Return Code Description
FACE::NOT_AVAILABLE Connext TSS was not properly initialized prior to the call to FACE::TS::Receive_Message or no data was received.
FACE::INVALID_PARAM The provided connection_id parameter does not correspond to an active connection or the data_callback parameter is invalid.

The Register_Callback API verifies the following before registering the callback function with the TSS:

  • The TSS has been properly initialized with a call to FACE::TS::Initialize.
  • The Connection corresponding to the provided connection_id parameter was previously created.
  • The data_callback parameter and the DDS DataReader associated with the connection are not NULL.

If the callback entry does not exist for the specified connection, it is created dynamically and initialized. Once the callback entry has been successfully created, it is updated and activated with the new callback function. Internally, when a callback is registered with the FACE TSS, it is configured to be called by a DDS Listener function that is attached to the DDS DataReader associated with the connection. The event mask is modified to include ON_DATA_AVAILABLE, which will cause the DDS Listener handler for incoming data to be invoked.

When the DDS Listener is invoked, it will attempt to read available samples using the DDS type-specific function take_next_sample(). For each sample it takes, the handler will call the function specified by the data_callback parameter in the call to FACE::TSS::Register_Callback.

This function is not thread safe.

7.7.3. FACE::TS::Unregister_Callback()

The FACE::TS::Unregister_Callback function removes a previously registered callback from a connection.

void FACE::TS::Unregister_Callback (
    /* in */  FACE::CONNECTION_ID_TYPE        connection_id,
    /* out */ FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE          &return_code
Table 7.22 FACE::TS:Unregister_Callback Parameters
Parameter Name Type Direction Description
connection_id FACE::CONNECTION_ID_TYPE IN The ID of the connection with the callback that will be unregistered.
return_code FACE::RETURN_CODE_TYPE& OUT The return code for the call to FACE::TS::Unregister_Callback. Upon return of the call, this parameter will be populated with a value that will indicate either success or a reason for failure.
Table 7.23 FACE::TS::Unregister_Callback Return Codes
Return Code Description
FACE::NOT_AVAILABLE The RTI TSS was not properly initialized prior to the call to FACE::TS::Receive_Message or no data was received.
FACE::INVALID_PARAM The call failed to unregister a callback on a connection with the provided ID. This could be the result of an invalid ID or that no callback was associated with the connection.
FACE::INVALID_PARAM The provided connection_id parameter does not correspond to an active connection or the data_callback parameter is invalid.

The Unregister_Callback API verifies the following before registering the callback function with the TSS:

  • The TSS has been properly initialized with a call to FACE::TS::Initialize.
  • The Connection corresponding to the provided connection_id parameter was previously created.

If a callback has been registered for the connection, it is removed by using the DDS_DataReader_set_listener() call and the associated dynamically allocated callback structure is freed.

This function is not thread safe.

7.8. Logging

Connext TSS provides a logging mechanism that can be used by applications using Connext TSS headers and linking against the Connext TSS libraries. The logging header is in log/ext_log.h and exposes the following macros for logging:

#define Logger_error(logger, methodName, ...)
#define Logger_warning(logger, methodName, ...)
#define Logger_info(logger, methodName, ...)

Each of these macros takes a struct Logger* as the first parameter, which can be obtained as a singleton for the application using:

struct Logger * Logger_getInstance();

Messages can be logged using the macros which offer usage similar to an fprintf() call.

Logger_error(rti_tss->logger, THIS_METHOD_NAME, "Unable to register callback for connection id (%llu)", connection_id);

The logging output behavior is configured at the time of the Connext TSS build. Support is available for writing to STDOUT, a user-defined file, or a timestamp-named file. Logging can also be disabled. All log writing is done using the POSIX write() API. The logger is not thread safe.