.. include:: vars.rst .. _section-build: ******************************************************************************** Build ******************************************************************************** The |RTI_TSS| libraries are shipped as source and must be built before use by a FACE application. Prerequisites ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Set a ``JREHOME`` environment variable to the location of the JRE included with |CONNEXT| *Professional* or *Micro*. #. |CONNEXT| *Professional* and/or *Micro* must be installed and built for the target architecture and FACE profile. .. _configure_build_environment: Configure build environment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In preparation for a build: 1. Download and install `CMake `_. |RTI_TSS| provides and uses CMake scripts to generate the environment to build its libraries and example applications. 2. Set an *RTITSSHOME* environment variable to point to your |TSS| installation directory. For example, if |TSS| is installed in ``/home/user/rti/rti_connext_tss-3.1.1/``, then set *RTITSSHOME* (in bash) with this command: .. code-block:: bash export RTITSSHOME=/home/user/rti/rti_connext_tss-3.1.1 3. If building for |CONNEXT| *Professional*, set an *NDDSHOME* environment variable to point to your |CONNEXT| installation. For example, if |CONNEXT| is installed in ``/opt/local/rti/rti_connext_dds-6.1.1``, then set *NDDSHOME* (in bash) with this command: .. code-block:: bash export NDDSHOME=/opt/local/rti/rti_connext_dds-6.1.1 4. If building for |CONNEXT_MICRO|, set an *RTIMEHOME* environment variable to point to your |CONNEXT_MICRO| installation. For example, if |CONNEXT_MICRO| is installed in ``/opt/local/rti/rti_connext_micro.``, then set *RTIMEHOME* (in bash) with this command: .. code-block:: bash export RTIMEHOME=/opt/local/rti/rti_connext_micro. .. note:: The |CONNEXT| *Professional* and |CONNEXT_MICRO| libraries must be conformant to the FACE profile of the |TSS| libraries being built. See :ref:`ref-connext-doc` for help with configuring and building Connext for FACE. Set architecture ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The architecture identifies the platform on which to run |RTI_TSS|. CMake architecture files are provided for the following: * armv8Vx7SR0660llvm10.0.1.cortex-a53.cmake * armv8Vx7SR0660llvm10.0.1.cortex-a53_rtp.cmake * i86Linux2.6gcc4.4.5.cmake * i86Linux3gcc4.8.2.cmake * pentium64Vx7.0gcc4.8.1_rtp.cmake * ppce6500Deos653-10.3.1gcc7.3.0.cmake * ppce6500Deos653-10.3.1gcc7.3.0FACE_SB.cmake * ppce6500Vx653- * ppce6500Vx653- * x64Linux3gcc4.8.2.cmake * x64Linux3gcc5.4.0.cmake * x64Linux4gcc7.3.0.cmake * x64Linux4gcc7.3.0FACE_GP.cmake * x64Linux4gcc7.3.0FACE_SB.cmake * x64Linux4gcc8.5.0.cmake * x64Linux4gcc8.5.0FACE_GP.cmake For other architectures, follow the Porting guide (:numref:`section-porting`) to add a new architecture. Once an architecture is chosen, set an environment variable *RTITSSARCH* to the architecture name: .. code-block:: bash export RTITSSARCH=x64Linux3gcc4.8.2 If compiling for the SafetyBase FACE Profile, you will need to append a *FACE_SB* suffix to the architecture name: .. code-block:: bash export RTITSSARCH=x64Linux3gcc4.8.2FACE_SB .. _build-cmakeCommand-label: Build libraries ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section describes how to do an out-of-source build of |RTI_TSS| using CMake. - Create a build directory :: cd ${RTITSSHOME} mkdir build - Run CMake, with the necessary definitions as described below :: cd build cmake -DRTI_CONNEXT_TYPE= -DRTI_TSS_ENABLE_FACE_COMPLIANCE= -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE= ../ RTI_CONNEXT_TYPE sets the Connext DDS product being used: - "*micro*" (**default**) - "*pro*" RTI_TSS_ENABLE_FACE_COMPLIANCE sets the FACE profile with which |RTI_TSS| is being built to conform: - "*None*" (**default**) - "*GeneralPurpose*" - "*SafetyExtended*" - "*SafetyBase*" - "*Security*" .. note:: While RTI_TSS_ENABLE_FACE_COMPLIANCE can be set to any FACE OSS profile, this release of |RTI_TSS| supports up to the SafetyBase profile with Connext DDS Micro, and no profile with Connext DDS Pro 6.1.1. .. note:: To enable long double types, the ``RTI_TSS_ENABLE_LONG_DOUBLE`` CMake variable must be set to True. This will define RTI_CDR_SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE or OSAPI_ENABLE_LONG_DOUBLE, needed by Connext DDS Pro or Connext DDS Micro respectively. .. code-block:: bash -DRTI_TSS_ENABLE_LONG_DOUBLE=TRUE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE sets the type of library or executable built: - "*Release*" (**default**) - "*Debug*" Alternatively, the CMake GUI (`cmake-gui`) can be used instead of the command line. - Build the |RTI_TSS| libraries :: cmake --build . Verify build ^^^^^^^^^^^^ A successful build will result in one (statically linked) library: *rti_tsscpp*. The library for RTI Connext DDS Pro will be built as ``${RTITSSHOME}/lib/${RTITSSARCH}/pro/librti_tsscppz.a``. The library for RTI Connext DDS Micro will be built as ``${RTITSSHOME}/lib/${RTITSSARCH}/micro/librti_tsscppz.a``. The debug library name will have a 'd' suffix (e.g. ``librti_tsscppzd.a``). .. _3rd_party_strings_sequences: Using Third-Party Strings and Sequences ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To use other implementations of FACE Sequence and String classes than RTI's implementation, create two new folders: ``include/third_party`` and ``src/third_party``. Then, place inside ``include/third_party`` your ``String.hpp`` and ``Sequence.hpp`` header files along with any header files needed by them. At ``src/third_party``, place all the C and C++ source files needed. .. note:: ``include/third_party`` contains example ``String.hpp`` and ``Sequence.hpp`` files. These files are required to build the libraries. If you wish to use your own or third party versions of these files, replace these files with the appropriate ``.hpp`` files. Finally, compile with the ``RTI_USE_EXTERNAL_STR_SEQ`` CMake variable set to True (``-DRTI_USE_EXTERNAL_STR_SEQ=TRUE``).