.. _section-content_filtered_topic: Using RTI Perftest with RTI Content-Filtered Topics =================================================== *RTI Perftest* can be used to test latency and throughput scenarios using Content-Filtered Topics (*CFTs*). This is specially useful in scenarios with many subscribers. Using *CFTs* will allow you to: ------------------------------- - Limit the number of data samples a DataReader has to process, which results in less CPU consumption. - Reduce the amount of data sent over the network. Command-Line Parameters: ------------------------ To enable the use of CFTs on the subscriber side, the following parameter is required: - ``-cft :`` Use a Content-Filtered Topic for the Throughput topic in the subscriber side. Specify 2 parameters: and to receive samples with a key in that range. Specify only 1 parameter to receive samples with that exact key. If no parameter is specified on the publisher side, *RTI Perftest* will send as many instances as specified (using the ``-instances`` command-line parameter). However, you can change that behavior by using the following parameter: - ``-writeInstance `` Set the number of instances to be sent. Example Command Lines for Running the Performance Test: ------------------------------------------------------- The following are examples of how to run *RTI Perftest* for the different scenarios using *CFT*. Latency test, 1 Publisher and 2 Subscribers, Publisher sending to only 1 of them ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - *RTI Perftest* Publisher: :: bin//release/perftest_cpp -pub -noPrint -nic -domain -numSubscribers 2 -latencyCount 1 -dataLen -latencyTest -executionTime 100 -writeInstance 0 -keyed -instances 2 - *RTI Perftest* Subscriber 1: :: bin//release/perftest_cpp -sub -noPrint -nic -domain -dataLen -sidMultiSubTest 0 -cft 0 -keyed - *RTI Perftest* Subscriber 2: :: bin//release/perftest_cpp -sub -noPrint -nic -domain -dataLen -sidMultiSubTest 1 -cft 1 -keyed Latency test, 1 Publisher and 2 Subscribers, Publisher sending using a Round-Robin schedule ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - *RTI Perftest* Publisher: :: bin//release/perftest_cpp -pub -noPrint -nic -domain -numSubscribers 2 -latencyCount 1 -dataLen -latencyTest -executionTime 100 -keyed -instances 2 - *RTI Perftest* Subscriber 1: :: bin//release/perftest_cpp -sub -noPrint -nic -domain -dataLen -sidMultiSubTest 0 -cft 0 -keyed - *RTI Perftest* Subscriber 2: :: bin//release/perftest_cpp -sub -noPrint -nic -domain -dataLen -sidMultiSubTest 1 -cft 1 -keyed