.. _section-download_instructions: Download and install instructions ================================= *RTI Perftest* bundle is provided in 3 different ways: - You can clone it from the official *Github* repository: ``git clone -b v2.2 https://github.com/rticommunity/rtiperftest.git`` This command will download the *Github* repository in a folder named ``rtiperftest`` and move to the v2.2 tag. - You can download a zip file containing the *RTI Perftest* files from the *RTI Perftest* *Github* page: `github.com/rticommunity/rtiperftest `__. Once the zip file is downloaded you will need to extract its content, this will create a folder named ``rtiperftest``. - You can download the zip bundle from *RTI Community Forum*, `http://community.rti.com `__. Search for ``Performance Test``. Once the zip file is downloaded you will need to extract its content, this will create a folder named ``rtiperftest``. If you need help with the download process, contact `support@rti.com `__.