1. Testing Performance

This document describes how to run a combined latency and throughput test application for RTI Connext DDS.

The test measures what is sometimes called loaded latency – latency at a given throughput level. It can help you answer questions such as:

  • For a given publishing configuration (e.g., queue size, batching settings), sample size, and subscribing configuration (e.g., queue size, Listener vs. WaitSet) what is the throughput of my network?
  • When my network is heavily loaded, what latency can I expect?
  • For a given configuration, what is the best-case latency with no other traffic on the network?

For examples of specific configurations, see See Example Command Lines for Running the Performance Test.

This performance test is implemented in C++ (Traditional and Modern APIs), C# and Java.

Note: All references in this document to “C++” refer to both the Traditional and Modern C++ APIs unless otherwise noted.