3. Compilation

3.1. Linux, macOS, QNX, VxWorks, Lynx, Android

For these systems, RTI Perftest makes use of a script in the top-level directory named build.sh.

The purpose of build.sh is to first invoke RTI DDS Generator (rtiddsgen) to generate the type-code files and makefiles needed to compile a target architecture, then to execute the makefile with the right arguments to generate the executables.

This script supports the code generation and compilation for Traditional C++, Modern C++, C#, and Java.

Potentially, build.sh can generate and compile code for every architecture supported by rtiddsgen where a makefile is generated as output when the -example command-line is specified.

3.1.1. Prerequisites

For compiling RTI Perftest, there are a few prerequisites; if you downloaded the executables already compiled, you can skip these steps:

  • RTI Connext DDS Professional or RTI Connext DDS Micro should be installed in the system where the build.sh script is going to run. The target libraries for the platform to be generated should also be installed.

  • If you are building for the C# API implementation, the RTI Connext DDS dotnet package should be installed.

  • The $NDDSHOME environment variable should be set correctly. Or, pass $NDDSHOME directly to the build.sh script by using the --nddshome <PATH> command-line option.

    When compiling for RTI Connext DDS Micro, the $RTIMEHOME environment variable should be set correctly. Or, pass $RTIMEHOME directly to the build.sh script by using the --rtimehome <PATH> command-line option.

  • The build.sh script is written in bash. It will execute from /bin/bash.

  • GNU make is required to be accessible from the $PATH environment variable in order to execute the makefiles generated by rtiddsgen. Or, pass the GNU make executable directly to the build.sh script by using the --make <PATH> command-line option.

  • When compiling for RTI Connext DDS Micro, Cmake is required to be accessible from the $PATH environment variable in order to execute the makefiles generated by rtiddsgen. Or, pass the cmake executable directly to the build.sh script by using the --cmake <PATH> command-line option.

  • The C++ Compiler/Linker parent folders should be in the $PATH variable, or they should be specified as full path names (see Parameters). If unspecified, the names of the compiler and linker are going to be determined by the makefile generated by rtiddsgen. The C++ Compiler and Linker are not required if the script is set to avoid the C++ compilation by adding the --skip-cpp-build and --skip-cpp11-build command-line options.

  • Java JDK should be available in the system and accessible from the $PATH environment. This is not required if the script is set to avoid the Java ByteCode generation by adding the --skip-java-build command-line option.

  • If you intend to compile statically using RTI Security Plugins, you will need to link against the OpenSSL/wolfSSL libraries for your architecture.

  • If compiling for RTI Connext TSS, make sure that the TSS libraries have been compiled for the GeneralPurpose FACE profile, since that is the profile that has been tested with Perftest. Perftest does not currently support RTI Connext TSS built with the SafetyBase profile.

Before building Perftest for RTI Connext TSS, the following environment variables also have to be set:

  • RTITSSHOME: absolute path to an RTI Connext TSS installation.

  • NDDSHOME: absolute path to an RTI Connext Pro installation. Only needed when compiling for RTI Connext TSS over RTI Connext Pro.

  • NDDSARCH (optional): architecture of the RTI Connext Pro libraries to use. It should only be used when it is not the same as the architecture of the RTI Connext TSS libraries.

  • RTIMEHOME: absolute path to an RTI Connext Micro installation. Only needed when compiling for RTI Connext TSS over RTI Connext Micro.

  • RTIMEARCH (optional): architecture of the RTI Connext Micro libraries to use. It should only be used when it is not the same as the architecture of the RTI Connext TSS libraries.

3.1.2. Parameters

The build.sh script accepts the following list of parameters:

Build Script Parameters






Architecture/platform for which build.sh is going to compile RTI Perftest



Compile RTI Perftest against RTI Connext DDS Micro



Compile RTI Perftest against RTI Connext DDS Micro 2.4.11 and above.



Compile RTI Perftest against RTI Connext TSS 3.1.2 over RTI Connext Pro or RTI Connext Micro



Path to the RTI Connext DDS Professional installation. If this parameter is not present, the $NDDSHOME variable should be.



Path to the RTI Connext DDS Micro installation. If this is not present, the $RTIMEHOME variable should be set.



Avoid Java ByteCode generation and .jar creation. Not available when compiling for RTI Connext DDS Micro.



Avoid C++ code generation and compilation.



Avoid C++ New PSM code generation and compilation. Not available when compiling for RTI Connext DDS Micro.



Only Java ByteCode generation and .jar creation. Not available when compiling for RTI Connext DDS Micro



Only C++ code generation and compilation



Only C++ New PSM code generation and compilation. Not available when compiling for RTI Connext DDS Micro.



Only C# code generation and compilation. Not available when compiling for RTI Connext DDS Micro.



Compile using the RTI Connext DDS dynamic libraries. Default: Static Libraries. Not available when compiling for RTI Connext DDS Micro.



Compile using the RTI Connext DDS debug libraries. Default: Release Libraries.



Use the Custom type feature with your type. See details and examples of use in Using Custom Types.



Use the Custom type feature with your FlatData type. See details and examples of use in Using Custom Types.

--flatData-max-size <size>


Specify the maximum size in bytes of the sample to be sent when using FlatData language binding. Default: 10485760



Avoid adding the libraries and flags for Zero-Copy. This might be needed if the compilation fails due to missing libraries (nddsmetpz). Default: Not enabled.



Enable the compilation of the Perfest code specific for security and adds the RTI Connext DDS Security Plugins Libraries in the linking step (if compiling statically). Default: Not set.



Path to the OpenSSL home directory. Needed when compiling using the --secure option and statically.



Path to the wolfSSL home directory. Needed when compiling using the --secure option and statically.



Path to the GNU make``executable. If this parameter is not present, the ``GNU make variable should be available from your $PATH variable.



Path to the cmake executable. If this parameter is not present, the cmake variable should be available from your $PATH variable.



Additional arguments that will be passed directly to the cmake executable.



Path to (or name of) the compiler executable. If this parameter is not a full path, the named executable should be available from your $PATH variable. (NOTE: C++/C++11 builds only)



Path to (or name of) the linker executable. If this parameter is not a full path, the named executable should be available from your $PATH variable. (NOTE: C++/C++11 builds only)



Path to PERL executable. If this parameter is not present, not present, the path to PERL should be available from your $PATH variable.



Path to the Java JDK home folder. If this parameter is not present, javac, jar and java executables should be available from your $PATH variable.



Try to use the system real-time clock to get nanosecond resolution. Availability depends on the OS. For the Traditional C++ implementation only. Default: not enabled.



Specify the maximum segment size for shared memory in OSX. Default: 400MB.



If this option is present, the build.sh script will clean all the generated code and binaries from previous executions.



Generate the HTML and PDF documentation. This parameter is only available on build.sh.

--help -h


If this option is present, the build.sh script will display a help description and exit

3.1.3. Examples Running Build Script

To build using build.sh, simply invoke the script with the command-line parameters desired. The following are some typical examples:

  • Generation and compilation for a given architecture (x64Darwin15clang7.0) for C++ (traditional and modern) and Java .

    ./build.sh --platform x64Darwin15clang7.0
  • Generation and compilation for a given architecture (x64Darwin15clang7.0) just for C++ (traditional and modern).

    ./build.sh --platform x64Darwin15clang7.0 --skip-java-build
  • Generation and compilation for a single given architecture (x64Darwin15clang7.0) just for Java.

    ./build.sh --platform x64Darwin15clang7.0 --java-build
  • Generation and compilation just for C# (no architecture required).

    ./build.sh --cs-build
  • Generation and compilation for a given architecture (x64Darwin15clang7.0) for all supported languages, plus linking against the dynamic and debug libraries.

    ./build.sh --platform x64Darwin15clang7.0 --dynamic --debug
  • Generation and compilation for a given architecture (x64Darwin15clang7.0) for all supported languages, enabling the security options and linking statically (default).

    ./build.sh --platform x64Darwin15clang7.0 --secure --openssl-home <PATH>
  • Generation and compilation for a given architecture (x64Darwin15clang7.0) for all supported languages, enabling the security options and linking dynamically. As you can see in this case, there is no need to specify the --openssl-home command-line argument.

    ./build.sh --platform x64Darwin15clang7.0 --secure --dynamic
  • Generation and compilation for a given architecture (x64Linux4gcc7.3.0) for all supported languages, modifying the default maximum size of a Perftest type sample to 100MB (104857600B) when using the RTI FlatData™ language binding.

    ./build.sh --platform x64Linux4gcc7.3.0 --flatData-max-size 104857600
  • Generation and cross-compilation for a non-native architecture (armv8Linux4.4gcc5.4.0). Note how you can specify the compiler/linker used by rtiddsgen.

    ./build.sh --platform armv8Linux4.4gcc5.4.0 --compiler aarch64-linux-gnu-g++ --linker aarch64-linux-gnu-g++
  • Generation and compilation for a given architecture (x64Darwin14clang6.0) compiling against Connext DDS Micro.

    ./build.sh --platform x64Darwin14clang6.0 --micro
  • Generation and compilation for RTI Connext TSS over RTI Connext Pro for a given architecture in debug mode.

    ./build.sh --platform x64Linux4gcc7.3.0FACE_GP --debug --tss


    Before building Perftest for RTI Connext TSS over RTI Connext Pro, some environment variables have to be set. Check Prerequisites to know more.

  • Generation and compilation for RTI Connext TSS over RTI Connext Micro for a given architecture in release mode.

    ./build.sh --platform x64Linux4gcc7.3.0FACE_GP --tss --micro


    Before building Perftest for RTI Connext TSS over RTI Connext Micro, some environment variables have to be set. Check Prerequisites to know more.

  • RTI Perftest directory clean-up.

    ./build.sh --clean

3.1.4. Build script execution for VxWorks kernel mode

After building the RTI Perftest executables for VxWorks kernel mode, an extra step is needed: munching. Munching is automatically done in Connext DDS Professional starting in 6.0.0. However, for previous versions and for Connext DDS Micro, the process has to be done manually.

3.2. Windows Systems

For Windows systems, RTI Perftest makes use of a script in the top-level directory named build.bat. Its content is equivalent to the build.sh script described before.

The purpose of build.bat is to invoke Code Generator (rtiddsgen) in order to generate the type-code files and Visual Studio solution needed to compile a target architecture. You must then execute the Visual Studio solution with the right arguments to generate the executables.

The build.bat script supports code generation and compilation for traditional C++, modern C++, C#, and Java.

The build.bat script should be able to generate and compile code for every Windows architecture supported by rtiddsgen when the -example command line is specified.

3.2.1. Windows Prerequisites

  • Connext DDS should be installed in the system where the build.bat script is going to run. The target libraries for the platform to be generated should also be installed.

  • If you are building for the C# API implementation, the Connext DDS dotnet package should be installed.

  • The %NDDSHOME% environment variable should be set correctly. Alternatively, %NDDSHOME% can be passed directly to the build.bat script by using the --nddshome <PATH> command-line option.

    When compiling for Connext DDS Micro, the %RTIMEHOME% environment variable should be set correctly. Alternatively, %RTIMEHOME% can be passed directly to the build.bat script by using the --rtimehome <PATH> command-line option.

  • The Visual Studio for the architecture intended to be built should be installed in your system. The msbuild.exe program should be available in the %PATH% variable.


    The simplest way to run the build.bat script and ensure that all the Visual Studio variables are correctly set is by running it from the Visual Studio command prompt provided by each of the Visual Studio versions.

  • When compiling for Connext DDS Micro, Cmake is required to be accessible from the %PATH% environment variable in order to execute the makefiles generated by rtiddsgen. Alternatively, the Cmake executable can be passed directly to the build.bat script by using the --cmake <PATH> command-line option.

  • Java JDK should be available in the system and accessible from the %PATH% environment. This is not required if the build.bat script is set to avoid the Java ByteCode generation by adding the --skip-java-build command-line option.

  • If you intend to compile and test using RTI Security Plugins, link against the OpenSSL libraries for your architecture.

3.2.2. Windows Parameters

The build.bat script accepts the following list of parameters:






Architecture/platform for which build.bat is going to compile RTI Perftest.



Path to the Connext DDS installation. If this parameter is not present, the %NDDSHOME% variable should be set.



Path to the Connext DDS Micro installation. If this is not present, the %RTIMEHOME% variable should be set.



Avoid Java ByteCode generation and .jar creation.



Avoid C++ code generation and compilation.



Avoid C++ New PSM code generation and compilation.



Avoid C# code generation and compilation.



Only Java ByteCode generation and .jar creation.



Only C++ code generation and compilation.



Only C++ New PSM code generation and compilation.



Only C# code generation and compilation.



Compile for RTI Connext TSS



Compile using the Connext DDS dynamic libraries. Default: static libraries.



Compile using the Connext DDS debug libraries. Default: release libraries.



Use the Custom type feature with your type. See details and examples of use in the documentation.



Use the Custom type feature with your FlatData type. See details and examples of use in the documentation.

--flatData-max-size <size>


Specify the maximum size in bytes of the sample to be sent when using FlatData language binding. Default: 10485760



Enable the compilation of the Perfest code specific for security and add the Connext DDS Security Plugins libraries in the linking step (if compiling statically). Default: Not set



Path to the OpenSSL home directory. Needed when compiling using the --secure option and wen compiling statically. Note: For Connext DDS Micro, provide this path with '/' instead of ''. This is required by cmake.



Path to the cmake executable. If this parameter is not present, the cmake variable should be available from your $PATH variable.



Additional arguments that will be passed directly to the cmake executable.



cmake generator to be used By default, NMake makefiles will be generated.



Path to the msbuild.exe executable. If this parameter is not present, the msbuild variable should be available from your %PATH% variable.



Path to the Java JDK home folder. If this parameter is not present, javac, jar, and java executables should be available from your %PATH% variable.



If this option is present, the build.bat script will clean all the generated code and binaries from previous executions.

--help -h


If this option is present, the build.bat script will display a help description and exit.

3.2.3. Examples running build script on Windows

To build using build.bat, simply invoke the script with the command-line parameters desired. The following are some typical examples:

  • Simple generation and compilation for a given architecture (x64Win64VS2012) for C++ (traditional and modern), C#, and Java.

    build.bat --platform x64Win64VS2012
  • Simple generation and compilation for a given architecture (x64Win64VS2012) just for C#.

    build.bat --platform x64Win64VS2012 --cs-build

    Alternatively, this can be achieved by using:

    build.bat --platform x64Win64VS2012 --skip-java-build --skip-cpp-build --skip-cpp11-build
  • Generation and compilation for a given architecture (x64Win64VS2012) for all supported languages, plus linking against the dynamic and debug libraries.

    ./build.bat --platform x64Win64VS2012 --dynamic --debug
  • Generation and compilation for a given architecture (x64Win64VS2012) for all supported languages, enabling the security options and linking statically (default).

    ./build.bat --platform x64Win64VS2012 --secure --openssl-home <PATH>
  • Generation and compilation for a given architecture (x64Win64VS2012) for all supported languages, enabling the security options and linking dynamically. As you can see in this case, there is no need to specify the --openssl-home command-line argument.

    ./build.bat --platform x64Win64VS2012 --secure --dynamic
  • Generation and compilation for a given architecture (x64Win64VS2012) for all supported languages, modifiying the default maximum size of a Perftest type sample to 100MB (104857600B) when using FlatData language binding.

    ./build.bat -platform x64Win64VS2012 --flatData-max-size 104857600
  • Generation and compilation for a given architecture (x64Win64VS2012) for Connext DDS Micro, specifying the %RTIMEHOME% path.

    ./build.bat --platform x64Win64VS2012 --micro --rtimehome <PATH>
  • Generation and compilation for a given architecture (x64Win64VS2012) for Connext DDS Micro with security, using debug mode and specifying the %RTIMEHOME% path.

    ./build.bat --platform x64Win64VS2012 --micro --rtimehome <PATH> --secure --openssl-home <PATH/WITH/FORWARD/SLASHES>
  • RTI Perftest directory clean-up.

    build.bat --clean