Using Wireshark with RTI Connext DDS Systems
March 23, 2023
1. Introduction
1.1. Available Documentation
1.2. How to Get Support
1.3. Installing Wireshark
1.4. Running Wireshark from RTI Launcher
2. Wireshark Features for Packet Analysis
2.1. Menu Options
2.2. User Data Dissection
2.2.1. Viewing Type Object Dissection
2.2.2. Viewing User Data Dissection
2.2.3. Limiting Elements in Sample Packets
2.3. Packet Options
2.4. Layer Options
2.5. Topic Information Feature
3. Capturing Traffic for Offline Analysis
4. Understanding the RTPS Packet Format
4.1. RTPS Header
4.2. RTPS Submessages
4.2.1. INFO_TS (0x09)
4.2.2. INFO_DST (0x0e)
4.2.3. HEARTBEAT (0x07)
4.2.4. HEARTBEAT_FRAG (0x13)
4.2.5. ACKNACK (0x06)
4.2.6. NACK_FRAG (0x12)
4.2.7. DATA (0x15) Compressed Type Objects
4.2.8. DATA_FRAG (0x16)
4.2.9. SEC_PREFIX (0x31)
4.2.10. SEC_POSTFIX (0x32)
4.2.11. SEC_BODY (0x30)
4.2.12. SRTPS_PREFIX (0x33)
4.2.13. SRTPS_POSTFIX (0x34)
4.2.14. GAP (0x08)
4.2.15. PAD (0x01)
5. Packet Analysis Examples
5.1. Example: Analyzing User Data
5.2. Example: Analyzing Discovery Data Sample Trace
6. Debugging RTPS Systems
7. Practical Uses with RTI Applications
7.1. Debugging Discovery Problems
7.2. Visualizing Your System
7.3. Providing Information to RTI Support
8. FAQs
9. Appendix: Filters with Predefined Values
10. Copyrights
Using Wireshark with RTI Connext DDS Systems
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