DDS::TopicBuiltinTopicData Class Reference
[Topic Built-in Topics]

Entry created when a Topic object discovered. More...

#include <managed_builtin.h>

Inheritance diagram for DDS::TopicBuiltinTopicData:

DDS::ICopyable< T >

List of all members.

Public Attributes

BuiltinTopicKey_t key
 DCPS key to distinguish entries.
System::String^ name
 Name of the DDS::Topic.
System::String^ type_name
 Name of the type attached to the DDS::Topic.
DurabilityQosPolicy durability
 durability policy of the corresponding Topic
DurabilityServiceQosPolicy durability_service
 durability service policy of the corresponding Topic
DeadlineQosPolicy deadline
 Policy of the corresponding Topic.
LatencyBudgetQosPolicy latency_budget
 Policy of the corresponding Topic.
LivelinessQosPolicy liveliness
 Policy of the corresponding Topic.
ReliabilityQosPolicy reliability
 Policy of the corresponding Topic.
TransportPriorityQosPolicy transport_priority
 Policy of the corresponding Topic.
LifespanQosPolicy lifespan
 Policy of the corresponding Topic.
DestinationOrderQosPolicy destination_order
 Policy of the corresponding Topic.
HistoryQosPolicy history
 Policy of the corresponding Topic.
ResourceLimitsQosPolicy resource_limits
 Policy of the corresponding Topic.
OwnershipQosPolicy ownership
 Policy of the corresponding Topic.


TopicDataQosPolicy^  topic_data [get]
 Policy of the corresponding Topic.

Detailed Description

Entry created when a Topic object discovered.

Data associated with the built-in topic DDS::TopicBuiltinTopicDataTypeSupport::TOPIC_TOPIC_NAME. It contains QoS policies and additional information that apply to the remote DDS::Topic.

Note: The DDS_TopicBuiltinTopicData built-in topic is meant to convey information about discovered Topics. This Topic’s samples are not propagated in a separate packet on the wire. Instead, the data is sent as part of the information carried by other built-in topics (DDS::PublicationBuiltinTopicData and DDS::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData). Therefore TopicBuiltinTopicData DataReaders will not receive any data.

See also:


Member Data Documentation

DCPS key to distinguish entries.

Name of the DDS::Topic.

The length of this string is limited to 255 characters.

Name of the type attached to the DDS::Topic.

The length of this string is limited to 255 characters.

durability policy of the corresponding Topic

durability service policy of the corresponding Topic

Policy of the corresponding Topic.

Policy of the corresponding Topic.

Policy of the corresponding Topic.

Policy of the corresponding Topic.

Policy of the corresponding Topic.

Policy of the corresponding Topic.

Policy of the corresponding Topic.

Policy of the corresponding Topic.

Policy of the corresponding Topic.

Policy of the corresponding Topic.

Property Documentation

TopicDataQosPolicy^ DDS::TopicBuiltinTopicData::topic_data [get]

Policy of the corresponding Topic.

RTI Data Distribution Service .Net APIs Version 4.5c Copyright © 9 Jun 2010 Real-Time Innovations, Inc