Configuration Utilities
[RTI Data Distribution Service API Reference]

Utility API's independent of the DDS standard. More...


struct  NDDS::Config_LibraryVersion_t
 The version of a single library shipped as part of an RTI Data Distribution Service distribution. More...
class  NDDS::ConfigVersion
 <<interface>> The version of an RTI Data Distribution Service distribution. More...
class  NDDS::ConfigLogger
 <<interface>> The singleton type used to configure RTI Data Distribution Service logging. More...


enum  NDDS::LogVerbosity {
 The verbosities at which RTI Data Distribution Service diagnostic information is logged. More...
enum  NDDS::LogCategory {
 Categories of logged messages. More...
enum  NDDS::LogPrintFormat { ,
 The format used to output RTI Data Distribution Service diagnostic information. More...


public delegate System::Int32 NDDS::LogCallbackDelegate (System::String^ msg)
 A delegate for the log callback.

Detailed Description

Utility API's independent of the DDS standard.

Enumeration Type Documentation

The verbosities at which RTI Data Distribution Service diagnostic information is logged.

NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_VERBOSITY_SILENT  No further output will be logged.

NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_VERBOSITY_ERROR  Only error messages will be logged.

An error indicates something wrong in the functioning of RTI Data Distribution Service. The most common cause of errors is incorrect configuration.

NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_VERBOSITY_WARNING  Both error and warning messages will be logged.

A warning indicates that RTI Data Distribution Service is taking an action that may or may not be what you intended. Some configuration information is also logged at this verbosity to aid in debugging.

NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_VERBOSITY_STATUS_LOCAL  Errors, warnings, and verbose information about the lifecycles of local RTI Data Distribution Service objects will be logged.

NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_VERBOSITY_STATUS_REMOTE  Errors, warnings, and verbose information about the lifecycles of remote RTI Data Distribution Service objects will be logged.

NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_VERBOSITY_STATUS_ALL  Errors, warnings, verbose information about the lifecycles of local and remote RTI Data Distribution Service objects, and periodic information about RTI Data Distribution Service threads will be logged.

Categories of logged messages.

The NDDS::ConfigLogger::get_verbosity_by_category and NDDS::ConfigLogger::set_verbosity_by_category can be used to specify different verbosities for different categories of messages.

NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_CATEGORY_PLATFORM  Log messages pertaining to the underlying platform (hardware and OS) on which RTI Data Distribution Service is running are in this category.
NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_CATEGORY_COMMUNICATION  Log messages pertaining to data serialization and deserialization and network traffic are in this category.
NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_CATEGORY_DATABASE  Log messages pertaining to the internal database in which RTI Data Distribution Service objects are stored are in this category.
NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_CATEGORY_ENTITIES  Log messages pertaining to local and remote entities and to the discovery process are in this category.
NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_CATEGORY_API  Log messages pertaining to the API layer of RTI Data Distribution Service (such as method argument validation) are in this category.

The format used to output RTI Data Distribution Service diagnostic information.

NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_PRINT_FORMAT_DEFAULT  Print message, method name, and activity context (default).
NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_PRINT_FORMAT_TIMESTAMPED  Print message, method name, activity context, and timestamp.
NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_PRINT_FORMAT_VERBOSE  Print message with all available context information (includes thread identifier, activity context).
NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_PRINT_FORMAT_VERBOSE_TIMESTAMPED  Print message with all available context information, and timestamp.
NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_PRINT_FORMAT_DEBUG  Print a set of field that may be useful for internal debug.
NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_PRINT_FORMAT_MINIMAL  Print only message number and method name.
NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_PRINT_FORMAT_MAXIMAL  Print all available fields.

Function Documentation

public delegate System::Int32 NDDS::LogCallbackDelegate ( System::String^   msg  ) 

A delegate for the log callback.

RTI Data Distribution Service .Net APIs Version 4.5c Copyright © 9 Jun 2010 Real-Time Innovations, Inc