Distributed Logger API  Version 1.6a [build 00]
RTI_DLOptions Class Reference

This class contains DL's configurable options. More...

Public Member Functions

 RTI_DLOptions ()
 Default constructor.
 ~RTI_DLOptions ()
 Default destructor.
DDS_DomainParticipant * getDomainParticipant ()
 Gets current Domain Participant.
void setDomainParticipant (DDS_DomainParticipant *domainParticipant)
 Sets current Domain Participant.
bool isRemoteAdministrationEnabled ()
 Sets current Domain Participant.
void setRemoteAdministrationEnabled (bool enabled)
 Enables or disables remote administration.
int getFilterLevel ()
 Gets the log filter level.
void setFilterLevel (int filterLevel)
 Sets the log filter level.
int getDomainId ()
 Gets the current domain id.
void setDomainId (int domainId)
 Sets the current domain id.
char * getQosLibrary ()
 Gets the Qos Library The QoS library name to use when creating DDS entities. It is up to the application to ensure that this library is available at runtime for the Distributed Logger to use. The default value is "".
void setQosLibrary (const char *qosLibrary)
 Sets the Qos Library The QoS library name to use when creating DDS entities. It is up to the application to ensure that this library is available at runtime for the Distributed Logger to use. The default value is "".
char * getQosProfile ()
 Gets the Qos Profile.
void setQosProfile (const char *qosProfile)
 Sets the Qos Profile The QoS profile name to use when creating DDS entities. It is up to the application to ensure that this profile is available at runtime for the Distributed Logger to use.
int getQueueSize ()
 Gets the maximum queue size.
void setQueueSize (int queueSize)
 Sets the maximum queue size.
struct DDS_ThreadSettings_t * getThreadSettings ()
 Get the thread settings of the publishing thread.
void setThreadSettings (const struct DDS_ThreadSettings_t *threadSettings)
 Set the thread settings of the publishing thread.
char * getApplicationKind ()
 Gets the application kind.
void setApplicationKind (const char *applicationKind)
 Sets the application kind.
bool getEchoToStdout ()
 Gets the current value of echoToStdout.
void setEchoToStdout (bool echoToStdout)
 Sets the value of echoToStdout.


class RTI_DLDistLogger

Detailed Description

This class contains DL's configurable options.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RTI_DLOptions::RTI_DLOptions ( )

Default constructor.

Allocates memory for a RTI_DLOptions class and sets the default values needed to create the DL.

See Also
RTI_DLOptions::~RTI_DLOptions ( )

Default destructor.

Frees RTI_DLOptions class. Checks whether the pointer exists or not.

Member Function Documentation

DDS_DomainParticipant* RTI_DLOptions::getDomainParticipant ( )

Gets current Domain Participant.

If this field is not null, then this is the DomainParticipant that will be used to create DDS entities (Topics, Publishers, Subscribers, DataWriters, & DataReaders) needed by the Distributed Logger. The default value is NULL.

Pointer to the DDS_DomainParticipant contained in the class.
void RTI_DLOptions::setDomainParticipant ( DDS_DomainParticipant *  domainParticipant)

Sets current Domain Participant.

[in]domainParticipantPointer to a valid DDS_DomainParticipant
Memory must be released by the user after finalizing DL.
bool RTI_DLOptions::isRemoteAdministrationEnabled ( )

Sets current Domain Participant.

If true, remote administration Topics will be created and used. If false, they will not be created. The default value is true.

true if the Remote Administration is enabled. Otherwise false.
void RTI_DLOptions::setRemoteAdministrationEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Enables or disables remote administration.

Sets remote administration of the Topics to the value passed as parameter.

[in]enabledBoolean indicating new remote administration value.
int RTI_DLOptions::getFilterLevel ( )

Gets the log filter level.

The IDL file contains the pre-defined log levels such as RTI_DL_INFO_LEVEL. Please use one of these constants to set this field. It is possible to use other values but this is an advanced use case which is not fully supported at this time. The default value is RTI_DL_TRACE_LEVEL.

integer containing the log level value of the options.
void RTI_DLOptions::setFilterLevel ( int  filterLevel)

Sets the log filter level.

The IDL file contains the pre-defined log levels such as RTI_DL_INFO_LEVEL. Please use one of these constants to set this field. It is possible to use other values but this is an advanced use case which is not fully supported at this time.

[in]filterLevelInteger containing the log filter level value of the options.
int RTI_DLOptions::getDomainId ( )

Gets the current domain id.

The DDS domain id to be used. This value is only used if domainParticipant is NULL. The default value is 0.

Integer containing the current DDS domain id.
void RTI_DLOptions::setDomainId ( int  domainId)

Sets the current domain id.

The DDS domain id to be used only if domainParticipant is NULL.

[in]domainIdInt representing a DDS domain id. Max value 250
char* RTI_DLOptions::getQosLibrary ( )

Gets the Qos Library The QoS library name to use when creating DDS entities. It is up to the application to ensure that this library is available at runtime for the Distributed Logger to use. The default value is "".

String containing the current Qos Library.
void RTI_DLOptions::setQosLibrary ( const char *  qosLibrary)

Sets the Qos Library The QoS library name to use when creating DDS entities. It is up to the application to ensure that this library is available at runtime for the Distributed Logger to use. The default value is "".

[in]qosLibraryString containing the new Qos Library.
char* RTI_DLOptions::getQosProfile ( )

Gets the Qos Profile.

The QoS profile name to use when creating DDS entities. It is up to the application to ensure that this profile is available at runtime for the Distributed Logger to use. The default value is "".

String containing the current Qos Profile.
void RTI_DLOptions::setQosProfile ( const char *  qosProfile)

Sets the Qos Profile The QoS profile name to use when creating DDS entities. It is up to the application to ensure that this profile is available at runtime for the Distributed Logger to use.

[in]qosProfileString containing the new Qos Profile.
int RTI_DLOptions::getQueueSize ( )

Gets the maximum queue size.

This field controls the size of the queue used to temporarily store log messages written from the application until they can be written out to DDS. The default value is RTI_DL_DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE.

Integer containing the current maximum queue size.
void RTI_DLOptions::setQueueSize ( int  queueSize)

Sets the maximum queue size.

This field controls the size of the queue used to temporarily store log messages written from the application until they can be written out to DDS. The default value is RTI_DL_DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE.

[in]queueSizeInteger containing the new maximum queue size.
struct DDS_ThreadSettings_t* RTI_DLOptions::getThreadSettings ( )

Get the thread settings of the publishing thread.

This field contains general settings of the publishing thread in Distributed Logger, like the thread priority, the stack size and other settings.

threadPriority Integer containing the current thread priority.
void RTI_DLOptions::setThreadSettings ( const struct DDS_ThreadSettings_t *  threadSettings)

Set the thread settings of the publishing thread.

This parameter is used to control thread parameters, like priority, stack size and other settings.

[in]threadSettingsA valid DDS_ThreadSettings_t struct with the settings for Distributed Logger's write thread.
char* RTI_DLOptions::getApplicationKind ( )

Gets the application kind.

This char *is sent along on the state Topic and can help identify different applications within a system. You can use this field however you think it will help you most. The default value is "".

String containing the current application kind.
void RTI_DLOptions::setApplicationKind ( const char *  applicationKind)

Sets the application kind.

This string is sent along on the state Topic and can help identify different applications within a system. You can use this field however you think it will help you most.

[in]applicationKindString containing the new application kind.
bool RTI_DLOptions::getEchoToStdout ( )

Gets the current value of echoToStdout.

If true, Distributed Logger prints the log messages recieved to the stdout. The default value is FALSE.

Boolean to the current echoToStdout value
void RTI_DLOptions::setEchoToStdout ( bool  echoToStdout)

Sets the value of echoToStdout.

If true, Distributed Logger prints the log messages received to the stdout. The default value is FALSE.

[in]echoToStdoutNew value of set self.echoToStdout.

Distributed Logger API Version 1.6a [build 00] Copyright © Thu Aug 30 2012 Real-Time Innovations, Inc