RTI Connext .Net APIs  Version 5.1.0
Return Codes

Types of return codes. More...


class  DDS::Exception
 Superclass of all exceptions thrown by the RTI Connext API. More...
class  DDS::Retcode_Error
 Generic, unspecified error. More...
class  DDS::Retcode_Unsupported
 Unsupported operation. Can only returned by operations that are unsupported. More...
class  DDS::Retcode_BadParameter
 Illegal parameter value. More...
class  DDS::Retcode_PreconditionNotMet
 A pre-condition for the operation was not met. More...
class  DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
 RTI Connext ran out of the resources needed to complete the operation. More...
class  DDS::Retcode_NotEnabled
 Operation invoked on a DDS::Entity that is not yet enabled. More...
class  DDS::Retcode_ImmutablePolicy
 Application attempted to modify an immutable QoS policy. More...
class  DDS::Retcode_InconsistentPolicy
 Application specified a set of QoS policies that are not consistent with each other. More...
class  DDS::Retcode_AlreadyDeleted
 The object target of this operation has already been deleted. More...
class  DDS::Retcode_Timeout
 The operation timed out. More...
class  DDS::Retcode_NoData
 Indicates a transient situation where the operation did not return any data but there is no inherent error. More...
class  DDS::Retcode_IllegalOperation
 The operation was called under improper circumstances. More...


enum  DDS::ReturnCode_t : UINT32
 Superclass of all exceptions thrown by the RTI Connext API. More...

Detailed Description

Types of return codes.

Standard Return Codes

Any operation with return type DDS::Exception may return ::DDS::Exception::RETCODE_OK DDS::Retcode_Error or DDS::Retcode_IllegalOperation. Any operation that takes one or more input parameters may additionally return DDS::Retcode_BadParameter. Any operation on an object created from any of the factories may additionally return DDS::Retcode_AlreadyDeleted. Any operation that is stated as optional may additionally return DDS::Retcode_Unsupported.

Thus, the standard return codes are:

Operations that may return any of the additional return codes will state so explicitly.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum DDS::ReturnCode_t : UINT32

Superclass of all exceptions thrown by the RTI Connext API.

Applications are not expected to throw or extend this type, but to handle exceptions of its more-specific subclasses.

RTI Connext .Net APIs Version 5.1.0 Copyright © Mon Feb 3 2014 Real-Time Innovations, Inc