
RTI Data Distribution Service Publication Example

The publication example generated by rtiddsgen. The example has been modified slightly to update the sample value.



/* HelloWorld_publisher.cxx

   A publication of data of type HelloWorld

   This file is derived from code automatically generated by the rtiddsgen 

   rtiddsgen -language C++ -example <arch> HelloWorld.idl

   Example publication of type HelloWorld automatically generated by 
   'rtiddsgen'. To test them follow these steps:

   (1) Compile this file and the example subscription.

   (2) Start the subscription on the same domain used for RTI Data Distribution
       Service with the command
       objs/<arch>/HelloWorld_subscriber <domain_id> <sample_count>
   (3) Start the publication on the same domain used for RTI Data Distribution
       Service with the command
       objs/<arch>/HelloWorld_publisher <domain_id> <sample_count>

   (4) [Optional] Specify the list of discovery initial peers and 
       multicast receive addresses via an environment variable or a file 
       (in the current working directory) called NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS. 
   You can run any number of publishers and subscribers programs, and can 
   add and remove them dynamically from the domain.

       To run the example application on domain <domain_id>:
       On Unix: 
       objs/<arch>/HelloWorld_publisher <domain_id> 
       objs/<arch>/HelloWorld_subscriber <domain_id> 
       On Windows:
       objs<arch>\HelloWorld_publisher <domain_id>  
       objs<arch>\HelloWorld_subscriber <domain_id>    

modification history
------------ -------       

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ndds/ndds_cpp.h"
#include "HelloWorld.h"
#include "HelloWorldSupport.h"

/* Delete all entities */
static int publisher_shutdown(
    DDSDomainParticipant *participant)
    DDS_ReturnCode_t retcode;
    int status = 0;

    if (participant != NULL) {
        retcode = participant->delete_contained_entities();
        if (retcode != DDS_RETCODE_OK) {
            printf("delete_contained_entities error %d\n", retcode);
            status = -1;

        retcode = DDSTheParticipantFactory->delete_participant(participant);
        if (retcode != DDS_RETCODE_OK) {
            printf("delete_participant error %d\n", retcode);
            status = -1;

    /* RTI Data Distribution Service provides finalize_instance() method on
       domain participant factory for people who want to release memory used
       by the participant factory singleton. Uncomment the following block of
       code for clean destruction of the singleton. */
    retcode = DDSDomainParticipantFactory::finalize_instance();
    if (retcode != DDS_RETCODE_OK) {
        printf("finalize_instance error %d\n", retcode);
        status = -1;
    return status;

extern "C" int publisher_main(int domainId, int sample_count)
    DDSDomainParticipant *participant = NULL;
    DDSPublisher *publisher = NULL;
    DDSTopic *topic = NULL;
    DDSDataWriter *writer = NULL;
    HelloWorldDataWriter *HelloWorld_writer = NULL;
    HelloWorld *instance = NULL;
    DDS_ReturnCode_t retcode;
    DDS_InstanceHandle_t instance_handle = DDS_HANDLE_NIL;
    const char *type_name = NULL;
    int count = 0;  
    struct DDS_Duration_t send_period = {4,0};

    /* To customize participant QoS, use 
       instead */
    participant = DDSTheParticipantFactory->create_participant(
        NULL /* listener */, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);
    if (participant == NULL) {
        printf("create_participant error\n");
        return -1;

    /* To customize publisher QoS, use
       participant->get_default_publisher_qos() instead */
    publisher = participant->create_publisher(
    if (publisher == NULL) {
        printf("create_publisher error\n");
        return -1;

    /* Register type before creating topic */
    type_name = HelloWorldTypeSupport::get_type_name();
    retcode = HelloWorldTypeSupport::register_type(
        participant, type_name);
    if (retcode != DDS_RETCODE_OK) {
        printf("register_type error %d\n", retcode);
        return -1;

    /* To customize topic QoS, use
       participant->get_default_topic_qos() instead */
    topic = participant->create_topic(
        "Example HelloWorld",
        type_name, DDS_TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL /* listener */,
    if (topic == NULL) {
        printf("create_topic error\n");
        return -1;

    /* To customize data writer QoS, use
       publisher->get_default_datawriter_qos() instead */
    writer = publisher->create_datawriter(
        topic, DDS_DATAWRITER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL /* listener */,
    if (writer == NULL) {
        printf("create_datawriter error\n");
        return -1;
    HelloWorld_writer = HelloWorldDataWriter::narrow(writer);
    if (HelloWorld_writer == NULL) {
        printf("DataWriter narrow error\n");
        return -1;

    /* Create data sample for writing */
    instance = HelloWorldTypeSupport::create_data();
    if (instance == NULL) {
        printf("HelloWorldTypeSupport::create_data error\n");
        return -1;

    /* For data type that has key, if the same instance is going to be
       written multiple times, initialize the key here
       and register the keyed instance prior to writing */
    instance_handle = HelloWorld_writer->register_instance(*instance);

    /* Main loop */
    for (count=0; (sample_count == 0) || (count < sample_count); ++count) {

        printf("Writing HelloWorld, count %d\n", count);

        /* Modify the data to be sent here */
        sprintf(instance->msg, "Hello World! (%d)", count);

        retcode = HelloWorld_writer->write(*instance, instance_handle);
        if (retcode != DDS_RETCODE_OK) {
            printf("write error %d\n", retcode);


    retcode = HelloWorld_writer->unregister_instance(
        *instance, instance_handle);
    if (retcode != DDS_RETCODE_OK) {
        printf("unregister instance error %d\n", retcode);

    /* Delete data sample */
    retcode = HelloWorldTypeSupport::delete_data(instance);
    if (retcode != DDS_RETCODE_OK) {
        printf("HelloWorldTypeSupport::delete_data error %d\n", retcode);

    /* Delete all entities */
    return publisher_shutdown(participant);

#if defined(RTI_WINCE)
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t** argv)
    int domainId = 0;
    int sample_count = 0; /* infinite loop */ 
    if (argc >= 2) {
        domainId = _wtoi(argv[1]);
    if (argc >= 3) {
        sample_count = _wtoi(argv[2]);
    /* Uncomment this to turn on additional logging
    return publisher_main(domainId, sample_count);

#elif !(defined(RTI_VXWORKS) && !defined(__RTP__)) && !defined(RTI_PSOS)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int domainId = 0;
    int sample_count = 0; /* infinite loop */

    if (argc >= 2) {
        domainId = atoi(argv[1]);
    if (argc >= 3) {
        sample_count = atoi(argv[2]);

    /* Uncomment this to turn on additional logging
    return publisher_main(domainId, sample_count);

RTI Data Distribution Service C++ API Version 4.5e Copyright © 23 Oct 2011 Real-Time Innovations, Inc