Infrastructure Module
[DDS API Reference]

Defines the abstract classes and the interfaces that are refined by the other modules. Contains common definitions such as return codes, status values, and QoS policies. More...


 Time Support
 Time and duration types and defines.
 GUID Support
 <<eXtension>> GUID type and defines.
 Sequence Number Support
 <<eXtension>> Sequence number type and defines.
 Exception Codes
 <<eXtension>> Exception codes.
 Return Codes
 Types of return codes.
 Status Kinds
 Kinds of communication status.
 QoS Policies
 Quality of Service (QoS) policies.
 Entity Support
 DDSEntity, DDSListener and related items.
 Conditions and WaitSets
 DDSCondition and DDSWaitSet and related items.
 Octet Buffer Support
 <<eXtension>> Octet buffer creation, cloning, and deletion.
 Sequence Support
 The FooSeq interface allows you to work with variable-length collections of homogeneous data.
 String Support
 <<eXtension>> String creation, cloning, assignment, and deletion.

Detailed Description

Defines the abstract classes and the interfaces that are refined by the other modules. Contains common definitions such as return codes, status values, and QoS policies.


DCPS Infrastructure package

RTI Data Distribution Service C++ API Version 4.5e Copyright © 23 Oct 2011 Real-Time Innovations, Inc