Sequence Support
[Infrastructure Module]

The FooSeq interface allows you to work with variable-length collections of homogeneous data. More...


 Built-in Sequences
 Defines sequences of primitive data type.


struct  FooSeq
 <<interface>> <<generic>> A type-safe, ordered collection of elements. The type of these elements is referred to in this documentation as Foo. More...

Detailed Description

The FooSeq interface allows you to work with variable-length collections of homogeneous data.

This interface is instantiated for each concrete element type in order to provide compile-time type safety to applications. The Built-in Sequences are pre-defined instantiations for the primitive data types.

When you use the rtiddsgen code generation tool, it will automatically generate concrete sequence instantiations for each of your own custom types.

RTI Data Distribution Service C++ API Version 4.5e Copyright © 23 Oct 2011 Real-Time Innovations, Inc