RTI Connext .Net APIs  Version 5.2.0
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RTI::Connext::Queuing::QueueConsumer<T> and associated elements. More...


class  RTI.Connext.Queuing.QueueConsumerParams< T >
 Contains the parameters for creating a RTI::Connext::Queuing::QueueConsumer<T> More...
class  RTI.Connext.Queuing.QueueConsumer< T >
 Allows you to receive samples from a SharedReaderQueue. More...
interface  RTI.Connext.Queuing.QueueConsumerListener< T >
 Called when certain events occur in a RTI::Connext::Queuing::QueueConsumer<T> More...
class  RTI.Connext.Queuing.ConsumerAvailabilityParams_t
 Definition of the availability feedback information that can be provided by consumers to Queuing Service. More...

Detailed Description

RTI::Connext::Queuing::QueueConsumer<T> and associated elements.

RTI Connext .Net APIs Version 5.2.0 Copyright © Sun Jun 21 2015 Real-Time Innovations, Inc