Documentation Roadmap | |
Conventions | |
.Net Language Support | |
RTI Connext DDS API Reference | RTI Connext modules following the DDS module definitions |
 Domain Module | Contains the DDS::DomainParticipant class that acts as an entrypoint of RTI Connext and acts as a factory for many of the classes. The DDS::DomainParticipant also acts as a container for the other objects that make up RTI Connext |
  DomainParticipantFactory | DDS::DomainParticipantFactory entity and associated elements |
  DomainParticipants | DDS::DomainParticipant entity and associated elements |
  Built-in Topics | Built-in objects created by RTI Connext but accessible to the application |
   Participant Built-in Topics | Builtin topic for accessing information about the DomainParticipants discovered by RTI Connext |
   Topic Built-in Topics | Builtin topic for accessing information about the Topics discovered by RTI Connext |
   Publication Built-in Topics | Builtin topic for accessing information about the Publications discovered by RTI Connext |
   Subscription Built-in Topics | Builtin topic for accessing information about the Subscriptions discovered by RTI Connext |
   Common types and functions | Types and functions related to the built-in topics |
 Topic Module | Contains the DDS::Topic, DDS::ContentFilteredTopic, and DDS::MultiTopic classes, the DDS::TopicListener interface, and more generally, all that is needed by an application to define DDS::Topic objects and attach QoS policies to them |
  Topics | DDS::Topic entity and associated elements |
  User Data Type Support | Defines generic classes and macros to support user data types |
  Type Code Support | <<extension>> A DDS::TypeCode is a mechanism for representing a type at runtime. RTI Connext can use type codes to send type definitions on the network. You will need to understand this API in order to use the Dynamic Data capability or to inspect the type information you receive from remote readers and writers |
  Built-in Types | RTI Connext provides a set of very simple data types for you to use with the topics in your application |
   Octets Built-in Type | Built-in type consisting of a variable-length array of opaque bytes |
   KeyedOctets Built-in Type | Built-in type consisting of a variable-length array of opaque bytes and a string that is the key |
   KeyedString Built-in Type | Built-in type consisting of a string payload and a second string that is the key |
   String Built-in Type | Built-in type consisting of a single character string |
  Dynamic Data | <<extension>> The Dynamic Data API provides a way to interact with arbitrarily complex data types at runtime without the need for code generation |
 Publication Module | Contains the DDS::FlowController, DDS::Publisher, and DDS::DataWriter classes as well as the DDS::PublisherListener and DDS::DataWriterListener interfaces, and more generally, all that is needed on the publication side |
  Publishers | DDS::Publisher entity and associated elements |
  Data Writers | DDS::DataWriter entity and associated elements |
  Flow Controllers | <<extension>> DDS::FlowController and associated elements |
  Multi-channel DataWriters | APIs related to Multi-channel DataWriters |
 Subscription Module | Contains the DDS::Subscriber, DDS::DataReader, DDS::ReadCondition, and DDS::QueryCondition classes, as well as the DDS::SubscriberListener and DDS::DataReaderListener interfaces, and more generally, all that is needed on the subscription side |
  Subscribers | DDS::Subscriber entity and associated elements |
  DataReaders | DDS::DataReader entity and associated elements |
   Read Conditions | DDS::ReadCondition and associated elements |
   Query Conditions | DDS::QueryCondition and associated elements |
  Data Samples | DDS::SampleInfo, DDS::SampleStateKind, DDS::ViewStateKind, DDS::InstanceStateKind and associated elements |
   Sample States | DDS::SampleStateKind and associated elements |
   View States | DDS::ViewStateKind and associated elements |
   Instance States | DDS::InstanceStateKind and associated elements |
 Infrastructure Module | Defines the abstract classes and the interfaces that are refined by the other modules. Contains common definitions such as return codes, status values, and QoS policies |
  Clock Selection | APIs related to clock selection |
  Return Codes | Types of return codes |
  Status Kinds | Kinds of communication status |
  Exception Codes | <<extension>> Exception codes |
  Time Support | Time and duration types and defines |
  GUID Support | <<extension>> GUID type and defines |
  Sequence Number Support | <<extension>> Sequence number type and defines |
  Sample Flags | <<extension>> Flags for samples |
  QoS Policies | Quality of Service (QoS) policies |
   USER_DATA | Attaches a buffer of opaque data that is distributed by means of Built-in Topics during discovery |
   TOPIC_DATA | Attaches a buffer of opaque data that is distributed by means of Built-in Topics during discovery |
   GROUP_DATA | Attaches a buffer of opaque data that is distributed by means of Built-in Topics during discovery |
   DURABILITY | This QoS policy specifies whether or not RTI Connext will store and deliver previously published data samples to new DDS::DataReader entities that join the network later |
   PRESENTATION | Specifies how the samples representing changes to data instances are presented to a subscribing application |
   DEADLINE | Expresses the maximum duration (deadline) within which an instance is expected to be updated |
   LATENCY_BUDGET | Provides a hint as to the maximum acceptable delay from the time the data is written to the time it is received by the subscribing applications |
   OWNERSHIP | Specifies whether it is allowed for multiple DDS::DataWriter (s) to write the same instance of the data and if so, how these modifications should be arbitrated |
   OWNERSHIP_STRENGTH | Specifies the value of the strength used to arbitrate among multiple DDS::DataWriter objects that attempt to modify the same instance of a data type (identified by DDS::Topic + key) |
   LIVELINESS | Specifies and configures the mechanism that allows DDS::DataReader entities to detect when DDS::DataWriter entities become disconnected or "dead." |
   TIME_BASED_FILTER | Filter that allows a DDS::DataReader to specify that it is interested only in (potentially) a subset of the values of the data |
   PARTITION | Set of strings that introduces a logical partition among the topics visible by a DDS::Publisher and a DDS::Subscriber |
   RELIABILITY | Indicates the level of reliability offered/requested by RTI Connext |
   DESTINATION_ORDER | Controls the criteria used to determine the logical order among changes made by DDS::Publisher entities to the same instance of data (i.e., matching DDS::Topic and key) |
   HISTORY | Specifies the behavior of RTI Connext in the case where the value of an instance changes (one or more times) before it can be successfully communicated to one or more existing subscribers |
   DURABILITY_SERVICE | Various settings to configure the external RTI Persistence Service used by RTI Connext for DataWriters with a DDS::DurabilityQosPolicy setting of ::DDS::DurabilityQosPolicyKind::PERSISTENT_DURABILITY_QOS or ::DDS::DurabilityQosPolicyKind::TRANSIENT_DURABILITY_QOS |
   RESOURCE_LIMITS | Controls the amount of physical memory allocated for DDS entities, if dynamic allocations are allowed, and how they occur. Also controls memory usage among different instance values for keyed topics |
   TRANSPORT_PRIORITY | This QoS policy allows the application to take advantage of transport that are capable of sending messages with different priorities |
   LIFESPAN | Specifies how long the data written by the DDS::DataWriter is considered valid |
   WRITER_DATA_LIFECYCLE | Controls how a DataWriter handles the lifecycle of the instances (keys) that it is registered to manage |
   READER_DATA_LIFECYCLE | Controls how a DataReader manages the lifecycle of the data that it has received |
   ENTITY_FACTORY | A QoS policy for all DDS::Entity types that can act as factories for one or more other DDS::Entity types |
   Extended Qos Support | <<extension>> Types and defines used in extended QoS policies |
    Thread Settings | The properties of a thread of execution. Consult Platform Notes for additional platform specific details |
   TRANSPORT_SELECTION | <<extension>> Specifies the physical transports that a DDS::DataWriter or DDS::DataReader may use to send or receive data |
   TRANSPORT_UNICAST | <<extension>> Specifies a subset of transports and a port number that can be used by an Entity to receive data |
    Unicast Settings | Unicast communication settings |
   TRANSPORT_MULTICAST | <<extension>> Specifies the multicast address on which a DDS::DataReader wants to receive its data. It can also specify a port number, as well as a subset of the available (at the DDS::DomainParticipant level) transports with which to receive the multicast data |
    Multicast Settings | Multicast communication settings |
    Multicast Mapping | Multicast communication mapping |
   TRANSPORT_MULTICAST_MAPPING | <<extension>> Specifies a list of topic expressions and addresses that can be used by an Entity with a specific topic name to receive data |
   DISCOVERY | <<extension>> Specifies the attributes required to discover participants in the domain |
    NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS | Environment variable or a file that specifies the default values of DDS::DiscoveryQosPolicy::initial_peers and DDS::DiscoveryQosPolicy::multicast_receive_addresses contained in the DDS::DomainParticipantQos::discovery qos policy |
   TRANSPORT_BUILTIN | <<extension>> Specifies which built-in transports are used |
   WIRE_PROTOCOL | <<extension>> Specifies the wire protocol related attributes for the DDS::DomainParticipant |
   DATA_READER_RESOURCE_LIMITS | <<extension>> Various settings that configure how DataReaders allocate and use physical memory for internal resources |
   DATA_WRITER_RESOURCE_LIMITS | <<extension>> Various settings that configure how a DDS::DataWriter allocates and uses physical memory for internal resources |
   SERVICE | <<extension>> Service QoS policy is used to indicate what kind of service is associated with the DDS entity |
   DATA_READER_PROTOCOL | <<extension>> Specifies the DataReader-specific protocol QoS |
   DATA_WRITER_PROTOCOL | <<extension>> Along with DDS::WireProtocolQosPolicy and DDS::DataReaderProtocolQosPolicy, this QoS policy configures the DDS on-the-network protocol (RTPS) |
   SYSTEM_RESOURCE_LIMITS | <<extension>> Configures DomainParticipant-independent resources used by RTI Connext |
   DOMAIN_PARTICIPANT_RESOURCE_LIMITS | <<extension>> Various settings that configure how a DDS::DomainParticipant allocates and uses physical memory for internal resources, including the maximum sizes of various properties |
   EVENT | <<extension>> Configures the internal thread in a DomainParticipant that handles timed events |
   DATABASE | <<extension>> Various threads and resource limits settings used by RTI Connext to control its internal database |
   RECEIVER_POOL | <<extension>> Configures threads used by RTI Connext to receive and process data from transports (for example, UDP sockets) |
   PUBLISH_MODE | <<extension>> Specifies how RTI Connext sends application data on the network. This QoS policy can be used to tell RTI Connext to use its own thread to send data, instead of the user thread |
   DISCOVERY_CONFIG | <<extension>> Specifies the discovery configuration QoS |
   ASYNCHRONOUS_PUBLISHER | <<extension>> Specifies the asynchronous publishing settings of the DDS::Publisher instances |
   TYPESUPPORT | <<extension>> Allows you to attach application-specific values to a DDS::DataWriter or DDS::DataReader, which are passed to the serialization or deserialization routine of the associated data type and choose whether to set padding bytes to zero during serialization |
   EXCLUSIVE_AREA | <<extension>> Configures multi-thread concurrency and deadlock prevention capabilities |
   BATCH | <<extension>> Batch QoS policy used to enable batching in DDS::DataWriter instances |
   LOCATORFILTER | <<extension>> The QoS policy used to report the configuration of a MultiChannel DataWriter as part of DDS::PublicationBuiltinTopicData |
   MULTICHANNEL | <<extension>> Configures the ability of a DataWriter to send data on different multicast groups (addresses) based on the value of the data |
   PROPERTY | <<extension>> Stores name/value (string) pairs that can be used to configure certain parameters of RTI Connext that are not exposed through formal QoS policies. Can also be used to store and propagate application-specific name/value pairs that can be retrieved by user code during discovery |
   AVAILABILITY | <<extension>> Configures the availability of data |
   ENTITY_NAME | <<extension>> Assigns a name to a DDS::DomainParticipant, DDS::Publisher, DDS::Subscriber, DDS::DataWriter or DDS::DataReader. Except for DDS::Publisher and DDS::Subscriber, these names are visible during the discovery process and in RTI tools to help you visualize and debug your system |
   PROFILE | <<extension>> Configures the way that XML documents containing QoS profiles are loaded by RTI Connext |
   LOGGING | <<extension>> Configures the RTI Connext logging facility |
  Entity Support | DDS::Entity, DDS::Listener and related items |
  Conditions and WaitSets | DDS::Condition and DDS::WaitSet and related items |
  Builtin Qos Profiles | <<extension>> QoS libraries and profiles that are automatically built into RTI Connext |
  Sequence Support | The DDS::Sequence interface allows you to work with variable-length collections of homogeneous data |
   Built-in Sequences | Defines sequences of primitive data type |
 Pluggable Transports | APIs related to RTI Connext pluggable transports |
  Using Transport Plugins | Configuring transports used by RTI Connext |
  Built-in Transport Plugins | Transport plugins delivered with RTI Connext |
 Queries and Filters Syntax | |
 Configuration Utilities | Utility API's independent of the DDS standard |
 Unsupported Utilities | Unsupported APIs used by examples in the RTI Connext distribution as well as in rtiddsgen-generated examples |
 Durability and Persistence | APIs related to RTI Connext Durability and Persistence |
 System Properties | System Properties |
 Configuring QoS Profiles with XML | APIs related to XML QoS Profiles |
 RTI Connext Messaging API Reference | Extensions to the RTI Connext publish-subscribe functionality |
  Request-Reply Pattern | Support for the request-reply communication pattern |
   Requester | RTI::Connext::RequestReply::Requester<TReq,TRep> and associated elements |
   Replier | RTI::Connext::RequestReply::Replier<TReq,TRep>, RTI::Connext::RequestReply::SimpleReplier<TReq,TRep> and associated elements |
  Infrastructure | Infrastructure types for RTI Connext Messaging |
  Queuing Pattern | Support for the queuing communication pattern |
   QueueProducer | RTI::Connext::Queuing::QueueProducer<T> and associated elements |
   QueueConsumer | RTI::Connext::Queuing::QueueConsumer<T> and associated elements |
   QueueRequester | RTI::Connext::Queuing::QueueRequester<TReq,TRep> and associated elements |
   QueueReplier | RTI::Connext::Queuing::QueueReplier<TReq,TRep> and associated elements |
Programming How-To's | These "How To"s illustrate how to apply RTI Connext APIs to common use cases |
 Publication Example | A data publication example |
 Subscription Example | A data subscription example |
 Participant Use Cases | Working with domain partcipants |
 Topic Use Cases | Working with topics |
 FlowController Use Cases | Working with flow controllers |
 Publisher Use Cases | Working with publishers |
 DataWriter Use Cases | Working with data writers |
 Subscriber Use Cases | Working with subscribers |
 DataReader Use Cases | Working with data readers |
 Entity Use Cases | Working with entities |
 Waitset Use Cases | Using wait-sets and conditions |
 Transport Use Cases | Working with pluggable transports |
 Filter Use Cases | Working with data filters |
 Large Data Use Cases | Working with large data types |
 Request-Reply Examples | Examples on how to use the request-reply API |
Programming Tools | |
 rtiddsgen | Generates source code from data types declared in IDL or XML files |
 rtiddsping | Sends or receives simple messages using RTI Connext |
 rtiddsspy | Debugging tool which receives all RTI Connext communication |